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賽普拉斯的PSoC® CapSense界面在惠普Compaq筆記本電腦內(nèi)觸摸感應




CapSense運用單片機解決方案還控制LED指示燈 圣何塞5月9日新聞――賽普拉斯半導體公司今天宣布其PSoC® CapSense電容式觸摸傳感器界面使能夠在多個惠普 Compaq筆記本電腦模型中觸摸感應,賽普拉斯CapSense解決方案不僅為界面提供了一個平穩(wěn)的防短時脈沖波形干擾的用戶體驗,還控制筆記本上LED指示燈,減小板極空間,降低成本。 “我們非常高興為惠普提供CapSense方案,惠普是筆記本電腦的世界領袖企業(yè),”賽普拉斯CapSense 產(chǎn)品業(yè)務部主管Carl Brasek說,“這種使用模型強調(diào)了CapSense客戶的一種利益――在電容感應頂端執(zhí)行額外功能。” “假如惠普公司集中關(guān)注于為我們的商業(yè)客戶提供簡單使用而可靠的筆記本電腦,惠普就非常高興集成CapSense界面方案,這個方案提供一個卓越的用戶體驗,與按鈕式操作相比磨損更小。”惠普個人系統(tǒng)組織全球商務筆記本市場主管 Carol Hess-Nickels說,“此外,CapSense方案增強了我們?yōu)榭蛻籼峁┑膱A滑的設計和超強功能的能力?!? 有關(guān)CapSense 一個簡單的CapSense設備只需簡單的觸摸感應界面即可替代許多機械開關(guān)和控制,基于CapSense的按鈕控制和滑動控制比相應的機械器件更可靠,因為它們比周圍的磨損零件,這些磨損的零件影響暴露在外部的按鈕和開關(guān)。賽普拉斯CapSense電容式觸摸傳感器界面第100次設計中標,廣泛應用于包括移動手機,便攜式媒體播放器,白色家電,計算機,打印機以及汽車領域等其他各種應用。 電容式感應正迅速成為適合前置面板和媒體控制應用的選擇方案。耐用性的提高,、材料清單(BOM)的減少再加上靈巧簡潔的外觀,使得這款精美的界面廣受各類應用的青睞。利用賽普拉斯的CapSense電容式觸摸傳感器界面,只需用手指輕觸界面就會形成一個與嵌入式傳感器的電連接,這些傳感器與PSoC器件一起工作,將手指的位置數(shù)據(jù)轉(zhuǎn)換成各種系統(tǒng)控制功能。傳感器本身只是PCB上的一個銅制襯墊,而非一個真實的器件。所有控制傳感器的電流都在PSoC器件內(nèi)部。 與基于模塊與部件的電容式觸摸傳感器產(chǎn)品相比,賽普拉斯的CapSense解決方案為系統(tǒng)設計師提供了眾多的優(yōu)勢,包括更高的靈活性、更小的板級空間以及更低的成本。除了觸摸傳感之外,設計人員還能夠憑借其PSoC架構(gòu)輕松實現(xiàn)諸多功能(如LED驅(qū)動器與LCD顯示屏)。PSoC CapSense解決方案還具有其它優(yōu)點,比如:采用I2C,SPI或USB接口的簡易串行通信、可利用相同的器件來實現(xiàn)跟蹤板(x-y 矩陣)和線性滑動觸動應用、能夠運用基于快閃的PSoC架構(gòu)來完成設計的快速變更。此外,用戶運用預先設定校驗的用戶模塊可以在賽普拉斯的PSoC Designer™ 4.4集成開發(fā)環(huán)境軟件上快速而簡單的完成CapSense設計。咨詢更多CapSense電容式觸摸傳感器界面信息登錄網(wǎng)站:www.cypress.com/capsense。 關(guān)于PSoC系列    PSoC器件是可配置型混合信號陣列,它將一個8位微控制器與嵌入式設計中常見的許多外圍部件集成在了一起。PSoC器件提供了ASIC的優(yōu)點,但卻沒有典型的ASIC NRE或周轉(zhuǎn)時間。單個PSoC器件能夠集成多達100個外圍部件和微控制器,從而節(jié)省了客戶的設計時間,縮減了板級空間和功耗,并使系統(tǒng)成本下降了5美分~10美元之多。易用型開發(fā)工具使得設計師能夠選擇可配置程序庫元素來提供模擬功能(比如放大器、ADC、DAC、濾波器和比較器)和數(shù)字功能(例如定時器、計數(shù)器、PWM、SPI和UART)。PSoC的模擬性能包括軌至軌輸入、可編程增益放大器和分辨率高達14位的ADC,以及超低的噪聲、輸入漏電流和電壓失調(diào)。PSoC器件還包括容量高達32KB的快閃存儲器、2KB SRAM、一個帶有32位累加器的8×8乘法器、電源和睡眠監(jiān)控電路以及硬件I2C通信電路。 所有PSoC器件都可以動態(tài)配置,使設計師能夠生成新的on-the-fly系統(tǒng)功能,在很多情況下,通過不同時期重新改裝不同功能的硅元素,設計師可以100%利用硬模。更多PSoC產(chǎn)品信息登錄網(wǎng)站:www.cypress.com/psoc,接受免費網(wǎng)上培訓登錄網(wǎng)站:www.cypress.com/psoctraining。 original text: [COLOR=#708090]Cypress‘s PSoC® CapSense Enables Touch Sensing Inside HP Compaq Notebook PCs CapSense also Controls LED Indicators with a Single-Chip Solution SAN JOSE, Calif., May 9, 2007 - Cypress Semiconductor Corp. (NYSE: CY) today announced that its PSoC® CapSense enables the touch sensing interface inside multiple HP Compaq Notebook PC models. The Cypress CapSense solution not only provides the interface for a smooth, glitch-free user experience, but it also controls LED indicator lights on the notebooks, saving board space and reducing costs. "We are pleased to provide the CapSense solution to HP, a world leader in notebook computers," said Carl Brasek, business unit director for Cypress‘s CapSense products. "This usage model highlights one of the CapSense customer benefits - the ability to perform additional functions on top of capacitive sensing." "Given HP‘s focus on delivering easy-to-use and reliable notebook PCs to our business customers, HP is pleased to integrate the CapSense solution, which provides an excellent user experience and is less prone to every day wear and tear than exposed buttons," said Carol Hess-Nickels, director of worldwide business notebook marketing in the Personal Systems Group at HP. "In addition, the CapSense solution enhances the sleek design and superb functionality we‘re providing to customers." About CapSense A single CapSense device can replace dozens of mechanical switches and controls with a simple, touch-sensitive interface. CapSense-based "button" and "slider" controls are more reliable than their mechanical counterparts because they are not prone to the environmental wear-and-tear that affects exposed buttons and switches. Cypress has garnered well over 100 CapSense design wins worldwide in applications that include mobile handsets, portable media players, white goods, computers, printers and automotive, among others. Capacitive sensing is fast becoming the solution of choice for front-panel display and media control applications. Increased durability, decreased bill of materials (BOM) and a clean, minimalist appearance make this elegant interface attractive to a wide range of designs. With Cypress‘s CapSense interface, a finger on the interface forms an electrical connection with embedded sensors, which work with the PSoC device to translate data about the finger‘s presence into various system control functions. The sensor itself is only a copper pad on the PCB, not an actual component. All of the circuitry for controlling the sensor is inside the PSoC device. Cypress‘s CapSense solution offers system designers numerous advantages over capacitive sensing products built around modules and sub-assemblies, including increased flexibility, reduced board space and lower cost. Because of the unique PSoC architecture, designers can easily integrate multiple functions (e.g., LED drivers and LCD displays), in addition to capacitive sensing. The PSoC CapSense solution also delivers benefits such as easy communications using either I2C, SPI or USB interfaces, the ability to implement both trackpad (x-y matrix) and linear slider applications with the same device, and the ability to make quick design changes using the flash-based PSoC architecture. In addition, users can complete CapSense designs quickly and easily using pre-configured and verified "user modules" within Cypress‘s PSoC Designer™ 4.4 Integrated Design Environment (IDE). Learn more about CapSense online at www.cypress.com/capsense." About the PSoC Family PSoC devices are configurable mixed signal arrays that integrate a fast 8-bit microcontroller with many peripheral functions typically found in an embedded design. PSoC devices provide the advantages of an ASIC without the ASIC NRE or turn-around time. A single PSoC device can integrate as many as 100 peripheral functions with a microcontroller, saving customers design time, board space and power consumption. Customers can save from 5 cents to as much as $10 in system costs. Easy to use development tools enable designers to select configurable library elements to provide analog functions such as amplifiers, ADCs, DACs, filters and comparators and digital functions such as timers, counters, PWMs, SPI and UARTs. The PSoC family‘s analog features include rail-to-rail inputs, programmable gain amplifiers and up to 14-bit ADCs with exceptionally low noise, input leakage and voltage offset. PSoC devices include up to 32KB of Flash memory, 2KB of SRAM, an 8x8 multiplier with 32-bit accumulator, power and sleep monitoring circuits, and hardware I2C communications. All PSoC devices are dynamically reconfigurable, enabling designers to create new system functions on-the-fly. Designers can achieve far greater than 100 percent utilization of the die, in many cases, by reconfiguring the same silicon for different functions at different times. Learn more about PSoC products at www.cypress.com/psoc and receive free online training at www.cypress.com/psoctraining."[/COLOR]








  • 運動控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機器視覺
  • 機械傳動
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
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  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機柜
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