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2007年8月10日 擁有超過20年塑膠和橡膠注射成形機械加工技術(shù)經(jīng)驗的臺灣東毓油壓機械股份有限公司懂得高質(zhì)量部件的重要性,這也是首選丹佛斯公司的MBS 3050壓力傳送器的原因,該傳送器即使在最惡劣的條件下也具有很高的可靠性。
耐用性和精確性相結(jié)合 在東毓公司,他們知道丹佛斯品牌的優(yōu)勢包括耐用設(shè)計,長期的日用可靠性,4-20mA電流信號簡單處理以及快速而精確的響應(yīng)。經(jīng)過三年結(jié)合丹佛斯高質(zhì)量部件的橡膠注射成形機器的生產(chǎn),生產(chǎn)部經(jīng)理Shin Chi-Po先生對所取得的成就非常高興,尤其對平穩(wěn)的生產(chǎn)過程和沒有出現(xiàn)這種高科技機械生產(chǎn)中常出現(xiàn)的問題印象非常深刻。
目前,所有東毓公司生產(chǎn)的橡膠注射成形機器,包括REP橡膠注射成形機器,都結(jié)合了丹佛斯公司的MBS 3050壓力傳送器,REP生產(chǎn)醫(yī)用和制藥用封鉛,塑膠功能和注射功能與控制系統(tǒng)同步工作,為整個注射單元提供了極高的正確性和精度。 丹佛斯公司的高性能壓力傳送器在該系統(tǒng)中起到了重要的作用,確保了穩(wěn)定的水壓傳送和測量。其高精確性確保了東毓公司水壓REP橡膠注射成形機械生產(chǎn)出高質(zhì)量終端產(chǎn)品。預(yù)防性維護是最好的維護,MBS 3050卓越的重復(fù)性和可靠性是幫助避免設(shè)備崩潰和停工檢修最經(jīng)濟有效的方法。 original text: [COLOR=#708090]Danfoss pressure transmitters – the optimum choice for rubber injection moulding machinery 10 May 2007 With over 20 years of experience in both plastic and rubber injection moulding machine technology, Taiwanese Tung Yu Hydraulic Machinery knows the importance of quality components. That‘s why its first choice for pressure transmitters is Danfoss‘ MBS 3050 – transmitters which are always reliable, even in the most severe conditions. Combining robustness with precision At Tung Yu, they know that the advantages of the Danfoss brand include heavy-duty design, reliability for long-term daily operation, the simple processing of the 4-20mA current signal and the fast and accurate response time. After three years of manufacturing rubber injection moulding machines incorporating high-quality Danfoss components, Production Manager Mr Shin Chi-Po is delighted with the results. Particularly impressive, he says, is the smooth production process – and the absence of the type of difficulties commonly experienced in the production of this form of hi-tech machinery. All of Tung Yu‘s injection rubber-moulding machines now incorporate Danfoss‘ MBS 3050, including the first installation of Tung Yu‘s REP injection rubber-moulding machine which produces seals for medical and pharmaceutical use. The plasticising and injection functions, working in synchronisation with the control system, give the entire injection unit unparalleled accuracy and precision. Danfoss‘ high performance pressure transmitter plays an important role in this control system, ensuring stable hydraulic pressure transmission and measurement. Its high level of accuracy ensures that Tung Yu Hydraulic‘s REP injection rubber-moulding machine produces fine end products. And because preventative maintenance is the best type of maintenance, the MBS 3050‘s excellent repeatability and reliability are the most cost effective measures in helping to prevent breakdowns and equipment downtime.[/COLOR]








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