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該研究調(diào)查了銀粉和銀墨的使用情況,其技術(shù)進展以及主要生產(chǎn)商的行為和策略 5月11日新聞 弗吉尼亞州GLEN ALLEN消息――領(lǐng)先的行業(yè)分析公司NanoMarkets宣布了一項即將推出的新調(diào)查報告,分析銀粉和銀墨在可印刷電子中的應(yīng)用,該報告將于今年6月發(fā)布,并將拓展NanoMarkets公司正在進行的新興的可印刷電子商業(yè),該報告及其他報告的詳細信息可登錄NanoMarkets公司網(wǎng)站咨詢。 用于可印刷電子的銀粉和銀墨:2007-2014 銀獨特的化學(xué)性質(zhì)使其成為可印刷電子(PE)中最廣泛應(yīng)用的導(dǎo)體,近20多家公司已經(jīng)在其PE板中使用了銀粉和/或銀墨。直到最近,PE用銀在專業(yè)化學(xué)制品市場都占有很小的市場份額。然而,隨著PE業(yè)務(wù)的發(fā)展,銀墨開始大量銷售,NanoMarkets的最先調(diào)查顯示銀墨的銷售額到2014年將達到10億美元。 NanoMarkets認(rèn)為這個領(lǐng)域?qū)⒊蔀闈撛诘纳虡I(yè)機遇,并提出了許多問題。 • 作為銀粉制造商或銀墨制造商提高價值鏈,原材料公司從哪里可以獲得最大利益? • 最新的納米粒銀墨是否將完全替代市場上的片狀銀粉? • 在未來PE商業(yè)中是否有其他新的導(dǎo)體材料影響銀墨的使用和發(fā)展? • 哪種印刷過程對于發(fā)展銀墨是有意義的? 來自NanoMarkets公司的最新報告將回答這些問題以及更多問題。在該報告:“銀墨在PE中使用的市場前景首次報告”中,NanoMarkets調(diào)查了銀粉的最大應(yīng)用市場;銀墨傳導(dǎo)性,熱要求,環(huán)境穩(wěn)定性以及形成趨勢的技術(shù)革新,以及所有主要銀墨,相關(guān)銀粉制造商的生產(chǎn)情況,并且分析其策略及其工作的進展?fàn)顩r。最后,該報告提供了應(yīng)用銀墨,銀墨類型以及印刷過程類型的詳細預(yù)計收入。 有關(guān)NanoMarkets NanoMarkets是薄膜,有機,和可印刷電子業(yè)務(wù)(TOP電子)的市場,技術(shù)研究和行業(yè)分析服務(wù)的領(lǐng)先提供商,自公司成立以來,NanoMarkets出版了20多項全面的研究報告,介紹新興的技術(shù)市場。主題涵蓋傳感器,顯示器,OLEDs, HB-LEDs, e-paper, RFID,光伏,智能包裝,新型電池技術(shù),印刷電子,有機電子,記憶與存儲技術(shù)及其他新興技術(shù)。NanoMarkets的客戶名冊是在專業(yè)化學(xué)制藥,原材料,電子應(yīng)用以及制造行業(yè)的企業(yè)名人。NanoMarkets也開展了博客。 original text: [COLOR=#708090]NanoMarkets Announces New Report on Printable Electronics The study examines the use of silver powders and inks, their technical evolution, and the activities and strategies of major manufacturers. May 11, 2007 GLEN ALLEN, VA /PRNewswire/ —— NanoMarkets, a leading industry analyst firm, has announced a new upcoming report that will address the market opportunities arising from the use of silver powders and inks in printable electronics. The report will be available in June of this year and extends NanoMarkets‘ on-going coverage of the emerging printed electronics business. Details about this and other reports can be found on the firm‘s Web site. Silver Powders and Inks for Printable Electronics: 2007-2014 Silver‘s unique chemical properties have made it the most widely used conductor in printable electronics (PE). As many as 20 firms are already supplying powders and/or inks into the PE space. Until very recently, silver for PE represented a tiny niche in the specialty chemicals market. However, as the PE business takes off, silver inks show promise to become a product that will sell in large quantities. NanoMarkets‘ latest forecast shows revenues from these inks exceeding $1.0 billion by 2014. NanoMarkets considers this area to be a substantial business opportunity, and it raises a number of questions. • Where is the most profitable place for a materials firm to position itself, as a powder maker or higher up the value chain as an ink maker? • Will the older inks based on silver flakes be eclipsed in the marketplace by the latest nanoparticulate silver inks? • Are there other new conducting materials out there that will hurt the chances for silver inks in the future PE business? • For which printing processes does it make sense to develop silver inks? This new report from NanoMarkets will answer these questions and more. In this new report that is the "first of its kind to address the future of the market for silver inks in PE," the firm examines the applications in which these silver inks will find their largest markets; the technical evolution of silver inks in terms of conductivity, thermal requirements, environmental stability, and formulation trends; and the activities of all the major manufacturers of silver inks and related powders and analyzes their strategies and how well they are working. Finally, the report provides detailed revenue forecasts for silver inks broken out by application, type of ink, and type of printing process. About NanoMarkets NanoMarkets is a leading provider of market and technology research and industry analysis services for the thin-film, organic, and printable electronics businesses (which we refer to as TOP Electronics.) Since the firm‘s founding, NanoMarkets has published over two dozen comprehensive research reports on emerging technology markets. Topics covered have included sensors, displays, OLEDs, HB-LEDs, e-paper, RFID, photovoltaics, smart packaging, novel battery technologies, printed electronics, organic electronics, emerging memory and storage technologies, and other promising technologies. NanoMarkets‘ client roster is a who‘s who of companies in specialty chemicals, materials, electronics applications, and manufacturing. NanoMarkets also hosts a blog on the Web.[/COLOR]








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