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即將開展的研究將調(diào)查在可印刷電子和其他電子類型中使用這些材料的市場機遇,回顧從事該領(lǐng)域的公司,以及預(yù)計該材料未來如何商業(yè)化。 2007年5月11日新聞 弗吉尼亞州GLEN ALLEN消息――領(lǐng)先的行業(yè)分析公司NanoMarkets宣布了一項即將推出的調(diào)查報告,將分析在可印刷電子和其他電子類型中使用納米晶硅和硅墨市場機遇,報告將于今年第三季度發(fā)布,并將拓展NanoMarkets公司正在進行的新興的電子市場,該報告及其他報告的詳細信息可登錄NanoMarkets公司網(wǎng)站咨詢。 電子中應(yīng)用納米晶硅和硅墨的機遇:2007-2014 由于可印刷電子開始成為不可忽視的力量,其未來將依賴于高性能的半導(dǎo)體墨。目前,主要關(guān)注有機墨,但是出現(xiàn)了嚴重的靈活性,穩(wěn)定性和成本挑戰(zhàn)。結(jié)果,一些企業(yè)正面臨將基于納米晶硅或其他硅化合物的硅墨商業(yè)化。同時,半導(dǎo)體行業(yè)正在尋找新的原材料,因為他們不斷面對尺度問題。該報告還將調(diào)查納米晶硅在存儲領(lǐng)域的潛能,對于電子器件和硅設(shè)備生產(chǎn)如此之多的理解,硅材料在所有電子市場具有自然的優(yōu)勢。目前從事這些原材料的公司包括Freescale,Innovalight,Micron, Samsung, Seiko, 以及Epson等,在硅墨和納米晶方面還有重要的工作在研究室,尤其在亞洲實驗室處理。 這是“首次分析和預(yù)測電子應(yīng)用中的硅墨和納米晶材料市場潛能的報告?!眻蟾嬲{(diào)查了現(xiàn)今企業(yè)在該領(lǐng)域正在從事什么工作以及這些重要的新興硅材料在未來如何推向市場。該報告調(diào)查了就這些材料如何應(yīng)用以及何時應(yīng)用于光伏,照明,RFID,顯示器底版以及計算機存儲的詳細探討,還探討了圍繞制造納米晶材料和墨的一些技術(shù)事項,以及這些材料在市場上與其他半導(dǎo)體材料如何公平競爭。 有關(guān)NanoMarkets NanoMarkets是薄膜,有機,和可印刷電子業(yè)務(wù)(TOP電子)的市場,技術(shù)研究和行業(yè)分析服務(wù)的領(lǐng)先提供商,自公司成立以來,NanoMarkets出版了20多項全面的研究報告,介紹新興的技術(shù)市場。主題涵蓋傳感器,顯示器,OLEDs, HB-LEDs, e-paper, RFID,光伏,智能包裝,新型電池技術(shù),印刷電子,有機電子,記憶與存儲技術(shù)及其他新興技術(shù)。NanoMarkets的客戶名冊是在專業(yè)化學(xué)制藥,原材料,電子應(yīng)用以及制造行業(yè)的企業(yè)名人。NanoMarkets也開展了博客。 original text: [COLOR=#708090]NanoMarkets to Report on Nanocrystalline Silicon and Silicon Inks The upcoming study will examine the market opportunities arising from the use of these materials in printable and other forms of electronics, review what firms are doing in this space, and predict how the materials are likely to evolve commercially in the future. May 11, 2007 GLEN ALLEN, VA /PRNewswire/ —— NanoMarkets, a leading industry analyst firm, has announced an upcoming report that will address the market opportunities arising from the use of nanocrystalline silicon and silicon inks in printable and other forms of electronics. The report will be available in Q3 of this year and extends NanoMarkets‘ on-going coverage of emerging electronics markets. Details about this and other reports can be found on the firm‘s web site. Opportunities for Nanocrystalline Silicon and Silicon Inks in Electronics: 2007-2014 As printed electronics emerges as a force to be reckoned with, its future will be dependent on high-performance semiconductor inks. At present, most of the focus is on organic inks, but these present serious mobility, stability, and cost challenges. As a result, a few companies are on the verge of commercializing silicon inks based on nanocrystalline silicon or on other silicon compounds. At the same time, the semiconductor industry is looking for new materials, as they increasingly face scaling issues. It is also investigating the potential for nanocrystalline silicon, especially in the memory area. With so much understood about the electronic properties and manufacturing of silicon devices, silicon-based materials have a natural advantage in all electronics markets. Firms that are now looking at these materials include Freescale, Innovalight, Micron, Samsung, Seiko, and Epson, to name but a few. There is also important work on silicon inks and nanomaterials being done in the lab, especially in Asia. This is the "first report of its kind that analyzes and forecasts the market potential for silicon inks and nanocrystalline materials in electronics applications." The report examines what firms are doing in this space today and how these important new silicon materials are likely to evolve commercially in the future. The report also includes a detailed discussion of how and when these materials will be used in applications such as photovoltaics, lighting, RFIDs, display backplanes, and computer memory. It also discusses the technical issues around making nanocrystalline materials and inks and how these materials are likely fair in the marketplace in competition with other semiconductor materials. About NanoMarkets NanoMarkets is a leading provider of market and technology research and industry analysis services for the thin-film, organic, and printable electronics businesses (which we refer to as TOP Electronics.) Since the firm‘s founding, NanoMarkets has published over two dozen comprehensive research reports on emerging technology markets. Topics covered have included sensors, displays, OLEDs, HB-LEDs, e-paper, RFID, photovoltaics, smart packaging, novel battery technologies, printed electronics, organic electronics, emerging memory and storage technologies, and other promising technologies. NanoMarkets‘ client roster is a who‘s who of companies in specialty chemicals, materials, electronics applications, and manufacturing. NanoMarkets also hosts a blog on the Web. [/COLOR]








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