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艾默生的完整方案包括自動化,電廠加工與設(shè)備的控制和優(yōu)化 匹茲堡5月15日新聞――艾默生過程管理公司今天宣布收到了一份數(shù)字化自動控制新型Amarkantak發(fā)電廠的合同,該發(fā)電廠位于印度Chhattisgarh州Korba 地區(qū)的Pathadi市附近附近。艾默生將在Amarkantak發(fā)電廠的兩個300-MW燃煤發(fā)電機組安裝其配置Ovation®專業(yè)控制系統(tǒng)的PlantWeb®數(shù)字電廠架構(gòu),該項工程的EPC承包商中國東方電氣集團公司將該項合同授予了艾默生公司。 LANCO Amarkantak電氣私營公司下屬的該發(fā)電廠將致力于幫助印度不斷增長的電力需求,而這種需求是由印度在全球最快速發(fā)展的經(jīng)濟狀況來支撐。第一機組計劃將在2008年6月投入商業(yè)運營,第二機組預(yù)計將在2009年7月投入運營。 艾默生電力和水處理解決方案工業(yè)中心負責(zé)協(xié)調(diào)和監(jiān)督該項目,艾默生全面的PlantWeb方案包括部署Ovation控制系統(tǒng),用于數(shù)據(jù)采集,監(jiān)控和控制所有主要電廠設(shè)備,包括鍋爐,渦輪和電廠加工平衡在內(nèi)的模擬量控制系統(tǒng),程序控制系統(tǒng),爐膛安全監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)以及電子控制系統(tǒng)。為了獲得最高效率,1,2機組的加工過程和設(shè)備將通過一個通用控制室監(jiān)控??傊傆嫲惭b32個Ovation 冗余控制器的Ovation解決方案將使用19,000多個I/O接口。 此外,艾默生還將提供AMS™軟件組合:智能設(shè)備管理預(yù)見性維護軟件,這將為操作者提供電廠內(nèi)部HART智能領(lǐng)域設(shè)備的數(shù)據(jù),對于新的電廠建造來說,AMS設(shè)備管理精簡和提高了設(shè)備配置和試運行,因此,電廠啟動更加有效。AMS設(shè)備管理軟件還提供在線設(shè)備診斷和閥門診斷,以及所有現(xiàn)場維護信息自動歸檔――所有這些都致力于電廠運行和維護效率。 合同還要求使用艾默生的SmartProcess® Combustion Optimizer優(yōu)化軟件,該軟件證明可以優(yōu)化NOx水排放水平,并將鍋爐熱效率提高0.5%到1.5%,還使用SmartProcess Global Performance Advisor,可以模仿設(shè)備和整體熱量平衡,適應(yīng)電廠不斷變化的條件確定最有效的運行模式。該合同中要求的另外一個引人注意的是使用艾默生的EDS™,這是一個用于處理圖形,曲線圖和報警器的遠程可視化全面的組件包,EDS將收集Ovation系統(tǒng)及其他電廠的數(shù)據(jù)資源,在公司內(nèi)部任意地方的多個場地進行監(jiān)控操作。 除了為監(jiān)控和控制電廠加工和設(shè)備提供技術(shù)外,艾默生還將提供網(wǎng)絡(luò)設(shè)備和計算機,整合電廠的關(guān)系信息系統(tǒng),這將在1機組和2機組內(nèi)形成一個全面的自動控制,優(yōu)化和信息解決方案。 “提高發(fā)電效率對于這個國家的經(jīng)濟發(fā)展來說至關(guān)重要,”東方電氣集團公司高級I&C工程師羅西說,“對于這樣重要的一個項目來說,我們需要一個自動化和控制的供應(yīng)商,這個供應(yīng)商能夠提供世界領(lǐng)先的技術(shù)并具有良好的工程記錄,并在新型燃煤發(fā)電廠建設(shè)項目方面有重要的經(jīng)驗。艾默生完全符合這些要求?!? “這個項目是一個優(yōu)秀的例證:即我們?nèi)绾螌⒇S富的資源有效運用來滿足全世界客戶的需求,”艾默生電力和水處理方案部門經(jīng)理Bob Yeager表示,“非常榮幸東方電氣集團公司選擇了我們來完成這個項目,這個項目將幫助促進印度經(jīng)濟的快速發(fā)展?!? original text: [COLOR=#708090]Emerson Awarded Contract to Install PlantWeb® Digital Plant Architecture with Ovation® Control System at New Amarkantak Power Plant in India Emerson‘s comprehensive solution encompasses automation, control and optimization of plant processes and equipment PITTSBURGH, PA (May 15, 2007) —Emerson Process Management announced today it has received a contract to digitally automate the new Amarkantak Power Plant, located near Pathadi Village, Korba district in the state of Chhattisgarh, India. Emerson will install its PlantWeb® digital plant architecture with the Ovation® expert control system at the two 300-MW, coal-fired units. China-based Dongfang Electric Corp., the project‘s EPC contractor, awarded the contract to Emerson. This plant, which is owned by LANCO Amarkantak Power Private Ltd, will help address India‘s growing appetite for power, which is being fueled by an economy that is among the fastest-growing in the world. Unit 1 is scheduled to begin commercial operation in June 2008, Unit 2 is expected to go into service July 2009. Emerson‘s Power & Water Solutions industry center is coordinating and supervising the project. Emerson‘s comprehensive PlantWeb solution includes deployment of the Ovation control system for data acquisition, as well as for monitoring and control of the modulating control system, sequence control system, furnace safeguard supervisory system and electrical control system for all major plant components, including the boiler, turbine and balance of plant processes. For maximum efficiency, the processes and equipment for units 1 and 2 will be monitored from a common control room. In all, the Ovation solution, which will include installation of a total of 32 Ovation redundant controllers, will manage more than 19,000 I/O points. In addition, Emerson will provide AMS™ Suite: Intelligent Device Manager predictive maintenance software, which will provide operators with data from HART intelligent field devices located throughout the plant. For new plant construction, AMS Device Manager streamlines device configuration and commissioning, thereby contributing to more efficient plant startup. AMS Device Manager also provides online access to instrument and valve diagnostics and automatic documentation of all field device maintenance information – all contributing to ongoing efficiency of plant operations and maintenance activities. The contract also calls for use of Emerson‘s SmartProcess® Combustion Optimizer, which has been proven to optimize NOx levels and enhance boiler operations for heat rate improvements of up to 0.5% to 1.5%, as well as the SmartProcess Global Performance Advisor, which will model equipment and overall heat balance, adapting to the plant‘s changing conditions and determining the most efficient operating modes. Also noteworthy is inclusion of Emerson‘s EDS™, a comprehensive package for remote visualization of process graphics, trends and alarms. EDS will gather information from the Ovation system as well as other plant data sources, providing the ability to monitor operations at multiple sites from anywhere within the corporate organization. Beyond providing the technologies to monitor and control plant processes and equipment, Emerson will also supply network devices and computers that comprise the plant‘s Management Information System (MIS), resulting in a comprehensive automation, optimization and information solution for units 1 and 2. "Increasing electricity generation is vital to this country‘s economic growth,” said Luo Xi, senior I&C engineer, Dongfang Electric Group. “For a project of this importance we wanted an automation and control supplier that offered leading-edge technologies with a proven track record, as well as significant experience with new coal-fired plant construction projects. Emerson was best qualified to meet all of our requirements.” "This project is an excellent example of how we are able to leverage our vast resources to efficiently and effectively meet customer needs anywhere in the world,” said Bob Yeager, president of Emerson‘s Power & Water Solutions division. “We‘re honored to be selected by Dongfang Electric Group for a project that will help facilitate India‘s fast-paced economic development.” [/COLOR]










  • 運動控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機器視覺
  • 機械傳動
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機柜
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