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2007-05-14――風(fēng),水和陽光不僅帶來令人愉快的午后,也是可再生發(fā)電和可持續(xù)發(fā)展的潔凈能源,ABB找到了一種可靠而經(jīng)濟的發(fā)電方法,這種方法蘊藏在自然界中。 最近,ABB在米蘭,意大利為風(fēng)能客戶舉行了一場研討會,尋找一種運用當(dāng)今的科技生產(chǎn)無排放污染的電力。 “風(fēng)力發(fā)電研討會是展現(xiàn)ABB的在風(fēng)力發(fā)電行業(yè)多種方案產(chǎn)品,以及ABB展望未來美好前景的良好契機,” ABB風(fēng)力發(fā)電部門經(jīng)理Claus Madsen表示。 ABB電力產(chǎn)品部門總裁Bernhard Jucker拉開了早晨客戶研討會的帷幕。 [align=center] (左)ABB研發(fā)經(jīng)理Gunnar Asplund,探究遠(yuǎn)距離電力傳輸――風(fēng)力發(fā)電設(shè)備的一項挑戰(zhàn)。(右)ABB風(fēng)力發(fā)電部門經(jīng)理Claus Madsen拉開客戶研討會帷幕[/align] Jucker說:“風(fēng)力發(fā)電項目采用ABB各個部門的產(chǎn)品和系統(tǒng),甚至機器人技術(shù)也得到了應(yīng)用,機器人用于噴涂大型風(fēng)力機的葉輪葉片, 實質(zhì)上,ABB是全球最大的風(fēng)力發(fā)電項目內(nèi)部元件,控制和電網(wǎng)連接獨立供應(yīng)商,自20世紀(jì)80年代以來,該公司已經(jīng)運送了15000多臺風(fēng)力渦輪發(fā)電機。 [align=center] (左)客戶仔細(xì)觀看ABB的ACS800液體冷卻風(fēng)輪機變頻器。(右)ABB在EWEC風(fēng)力發(fā)電技術(shù)貿(mào)易展會上[/align] 風(fēng)力機的產(chǎn)品組合包括發(fā)電機,轉(zhuǎn)爐,變壓器,開關(guān)柜,低壓產(chǎn)品,馬達(dá)和電纜。ABB為風(fēng)電場提供系統(tǒng)研究,變電站,電網(wǎng)連接,控制系統(tǒng)(如MicroSCADA),地下傳輸系統(tǒng)和水下傳輸系統(tǒng)(如輕型直流輸電),以及服務(wù)計劃和維修計劃。 迅速發(fā)展 Jucker表示在過去兩年內(nèi)風(fēng)力發(fā)電部門發(fā)展迅速,這對ABB來說是一個重要的契機,這將帶來更大的項目,鞏固ABB的行業(yè)地位。 他表示:“公共政策對潔凈能資源要求非常高,但是這項技術(shù)也是非常先進的,現(xiàn)在每千瓦小時的發(fā)電成本比20世紀(jì)80年代降低了80%?!? 風(fēng)力發(fā)電項目中有無窮的樂趣,運用最近的技術(shù)生產(chǎn)可靠的電力,避免用價格猛漲的石化燃料發(fā)電。 歐洲占世界風(fēng)力發(fā)電市場的69%,引領(lǐng)世界前沿,但需要繼續(xù)滿足歐盟到2020年20%的可再生能源目標(biāo)。 12%的解決方案 歐盟可再生能源政策官員Beatriz Yordi Aguirre在研討會上表示風(fēng)力發(fā)電目前滿足歐洲3%的電力需求,但是未來可以為歐洲提供12%的電力需求,其中1/3的電力是來自海上風(fēng)力發(fā)電項目。 她表示,歐盟投資用于可再生能源項目的23億五千萬美元中12億美元用于風(fēng)力發(fā)電,并補充道,在歐洲投資銀行和其他銀行還將投資相當(dāng)大的一部分資金到可再生能源項目。 在一個簡短的陳述中還展出了ABB的多種可再生能源方案。 [align=center] 展會上:(左)領(lǐng)先的渦輪制造商Vestas表示,風(fēng)力或許是免費的,但是運用風(fēng)力發(fā)電卻需要大量技術(shù)和資本投資。(右)剖面圖向客戶展示了巨大風(fēng)輪機內(nèi)部的工作狀況.[/align] 高壓直流(HVDC)研發(fā)部經(jīng)理Gunnar Asplund探究了向?qū)嶋H使用電力的消費者遠(yuǎn)距離傳輸電力的HVDC解決方案,這個方案將是海上風(fēng)力發(fā)電安裝的挑戰(zhàn)之一。 Asplund說:“遠(yuǎn)距離高壓直流傳輸系統(tǒng)是ABB的專長,包括經(jīng)濟的(隱性)地下傳輸方案,如(如輕型直流輸電)。 電力傳輸專家Lars Stendius為ABB提供了各種方案,如將風(fēng)力發(fā)電運用到電網(wǎng),以及提高電力傳輸能力。 遠(yuǎn)離海岸,雙倍容量 目前歐洲的大部分風(fēng)力發(fā)電廠都在陸地,如果在海上,則發(fā)電能量會提高一倍,即6%。他說。 展出的ABB的發(fā)電機和整流器產(chǎn)品系列的其他創(chuàng)新產(chǎn)品滿足電網(wǎng)規(guī)程要求,并為風(fēng)能安裝裝配通信網(wǎng)絡(luò)。下午的會議集中關(guān)注ABB特殊的風(fēng)力發(fā)電元件和系統(tǒng),包括機械,馬達(dá),變壓器,電力電子,控制器,斷路器,開關(guān)設(shè)備,變電站,緊湊型變電站以及電網(wǎng)系統(tǒng)。 同時,在米蘭召開的EWEC產(chǎn)品展會上,ABB展出了風(fēng)能產(chǎn)品,如新型ACS800液體冷卻風(fēng)輪機變頻器。這個緊湊密封的組件是海上風(fēng)力發(fā)電廠的最佳選擇,具有惡劣環(huán)境中穩(wěn)定運行的特性,技術(shù)先進,降低動力電流畸變,風(fēng)力發(fā)電可以產(chǎn)生動力電流畸變,風(fēng)輪機為電網(wǎng)傳輸潔凈電能。 展出的ABB的中壓產(chǎn)品是新型的36kV SF6緊湊型空氣絕緣開關(guān)柜,設(shè)計用于保護渦輪內(nèi)部網(wǎng)絡(luò)。ABB挪威公司不久前與Vestas,風(fēng)輪機應(yīng)用的市場領(lǐng)袖,簽署了一份合同,為其西班牙的風(fēng)力發(fā)電項目提供開關(guān)柜。 開關(guān)柜設(shè)計包括模塊柜,以使自由進入風(fēng)塔門,這是基本的設(shè)計要求,因為開關(guān)柜比風(fēng)塔的門小,開關(guān)柜也可安裝在風(fēng)塔內(nèi)部,去掉模塊柜。 Vestas開發(fā)了一個特殊方案,滿足客戶最小現(xiàn)場干涉的要求:開關(guān)柜安裝到有特殊機械特性的工廠中,以加強母線和模塊間的連接,開關(guān)柜經(jīng)過完全機械和電子預(yù)期測試。 original text: [COLOR=#708090]ABB Captures the power of wind 2007-05-14 - Wind, water and sunlight not only make a delightful afternoon, but are clean sources of renewable power generation and sustainable growth. ABB is finding reliable, cost-effective ways to harness the power that is locked in nature. ABB recently hosted a seminar for wind energy customers in Milan, Italy to explore ways of using today‘s technology to reliably generate emission-free power. "The Wind Power seminar is a perfect opportunity to present ABB‘s vast offerings to the wind power industry, and to give ABB´s perspective looking ahead," said Claus Madsen, the man in charge of ABB‘s Wind Power Segment. Opening a morning customer session was the head of ABB‘s Power Products division, Bernhard Jucker. Wind-generated power projects use products and systems from every ABB division, Jucker said. Even robotics plays a role - ABB paint robots are being used to spray the giant windmill rotor blades. ABB is in fact one of the world‘s largest independent suppliers of internal components, controls and grid connections for wind generated power projects. Since the 1980‘s, the company has delivered more than 15,000 wind turbine generators. The product mix for wind turbines includes generators, converters, transformers, switchgear, low voltage products, motors and cables. For wind parks, ABB offers systems studies, substations, grid connections, control systems like MicroSCADA, underground and underwater transmission systems like HVDC Light, plus service and maintenance plans. Tremendous growth Jucker said the sector has undergone tremendous growth in the last two years and represents a major opportunity for ABB, as bigger projects appear and the industry consolidates. "There is high demand driven by public policy mandating cleaner energy sources," he said. "But the technology has also advanced; generation costs per kilowatt hour (KWh) are now 80 percent lower than they were in the 1980s." There is tremendous interest in wind power projects using the latest technology to create reliable power that is immune to the wild price fluctuations of fossil fuels. Europe leads the way with 69 percent of global installed wind generation capacity. But that will have to increase to meet the European Union‘s 20 percent renewable energy target in the European energy mix by 2020. The 12 percent solution EU renewable energy policy officer, Beatriz Yordi Aguirre, told the meeting that wind power is meeting three percent of Europe‘s energy needs right now, but could potentially deliver 12 percent, and that one-third of that could come from offshore wind projects. Of the $2.35 billion earmarked for renewable energy projects by the EU, $1.2 billion will go to wind power, she said. There is also significant funding for renewable energy programs available through the European Investment Bank and elsewhere, she added. A variety of renewable energy solutions from ABB were outlined in a series of short presentations. High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) research manager, Gunnar Asplund, explored the HVDC solution to the problem of transporting power generated far from the consumers who will actually use it, which is one of the challenges of offshore wind generation installations. "Long distance HVDC transmission systems are ABB‘s specialty," Asplund said, including cost-efficient (and invisible) underground transmission solutions like HVDC Light. Power transmission specialist, Lars Stendius, offered ABB solutions like to import and integrate wind-generated power into the grid, and to increase power transmission capacity. Move offshore, double capacity Most of Europe‘s installed wind generation capacity is currently land based. "If it were better placed offshore, you could satisfy double the consumption - six percent - with what is currently installed," he said. Other presentations explored ABB innovations in generators and power converters, meeting grid code compliance requirements, and creating communications networks in wind installations. Afternoon sessions focused on specific ABB wind power components and systems, including machines and motors, drives, transformers, power electronics, controls, breakers and switches, substations, compact substations and grid systems. Meanwhile, at the EWEC product fair in Milan ABB presented wind energy products like the new ACS800 liquid cooled wind turbine drive converter. This compact, enclosed unit is ideal for offshore installations. It features stable operation in harsh environments and advanced technology that reduces power current distortions that can arise from wind generation, delivering cleaner power from the turbine to the grid. Also on display from ABB Medium Voltage is the new 36 kilovolt (kV) SF6 gas-insulated compact switchgear, designed to protect the turbine‘s internal network. ABB in Norway has just signed an order with Vestas, the market leader in wind turbine applications, to supply switchgear to a wind project in Spain. The switchgear design comprises modular cubicles to permit free access through the wind tower door, which is essential. It can be dismounted inside the tower, and the modular cubicles replaced, as they are smaller than the width of the tower door. For Vestas, ABB developed a special solution to satisfy a customer request for minimal site intervention: the switchgear was mounted in the factory with special mechanical features to strengthen the busbar and modular connection, and was fully pretested, mechanically and electrically.[/COLOR]










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