安捷倫技術有限公司與Solarflare Communications公司共同演示更新工具



導語:安捷倫技術有限公司與Solarflare Communications示范基于銅質(zhì)電纜上的經(jīng)濟實用的10比特以太網(wǎng)更新工具

安捷倫技術有限公司與Solarflare Communications示范基于銅質(zhì)電纜上的經(jīng)濟實用的10比特以太網(wǎng)更新工具 依據(jù)TIA/EIA 10GBASE-T TSB-155指導方針開發(fā)的網(wǎng)絡設備和實地測試工具 安捷倫技術有限公司(NYSE: A)和Solarflare Communications公司————-10比特以太網(wǎng)產(chǎn)品的提供商,展示了網(wǎng)絡單元和確認工具,可以使操作速度超過局域網(wǎng)電纜達到10比特操作速度。產(chǎn)品使網(wǎng)絡操作者的操作速度過到10比特,示范將在Interop 2007,1774號廳舉辦。 在現(xiàn)存的銅質(zhì)的基礎上操作10比特的主要觀點是對有效傳輸能力的外來串擾影響。來自堅固的局域網(wǎng)電纜的外來串擾可提高在干擾頻道長于37米的傳輸信息包,也可導致最終的傳輸帶寬。 安捷倫N2648A外來串擾測試解決方案,一款對N2640A WireScope Pro的可選擇的工具包,可使實地測試效果與10GBASE-T性能測試相一致。并允許電纜安裝者糾正起初非一致性和邊緣鏈接。得益于這一創(chuàng)新的測試方法包括: • 與實地測試的相關的測試時間由小時降到了秒 • 測試結果可直接從儀器上獲得,一旦在邊緣安裝允許使用者采取立即措施 • 行蹤和故障修理模塊可以迅速發(fā)現(xiàn)故障地點 • 通過使用附加的半導體對,可確實全面升級時間 • 安裝方便 操作時具有清晰的位置指示信號和引導步驟 安捷倫光子學和網(wǎng)絡測試部副總裁兼總經(jīng)理Alois Hauk說:“我們非常高興Solarflare在WireScope Pro上采用我們的外來串擾測試包。其為我們的客戶提供了不確認的快速測試和發(fā)現(xiàn)修理故障的解決方案,滿足了經(jīng)濟有效,便于操作的測量設備的需要?!? Solarflare市場部副總裁Bruce Tolley說:“來自安捷倫的安裝銅質(zhì)電纜的實用性測試包,由于其極好的測試產(chǎn)品而出名,對10GBASE-T性能測試是關鍵的一步。通過使用戶使用安裝的電纜作為向10比特過渡的基礎。企業(yè)數(shù)據(jù)中心和網(wǎng)絡從這一最新的以太網(wǎng)技術獲得經(jīng)濟效益?!? 安捷倫N2648A是基于WireScope Pro,DualRemote Pro和一對或是多對外來串擾體的外來串擾測試解決方案。每一個或是兩個刺激器與干擾鏈接端相連接,顯示狀態(tài)允許同時控制刺激器。在WireScope Pro 和DualRemote Pro捕捉到外來串擾的一個或多個討論鏈接時, 刺激器用一個已知的信號光譜在測試中刺激鏈接。直接的解決方案仿效通訊系統(tǒng)的行為,與TSB-155指導方針 和 10GBASE-T鏈接段說明相一致。 original text [COLOR=#708090]Agilent Technologies and Solarflare Communications Demonstrate Tools that Enable Cost-Effective 10-Gigabit Ethernet Upgrades on Installed Copper Cabling Network Equipment and Field Test Tools in Accordance with the TIA/EIA 10GBASE-T TSB-155 Guidelines Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) and Solarflare Communications, a leading vendor of 10-Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) products, today will demonstrate network elements and validation tools that enable 10GBASE-T operation over installed LAN cabling. The products enable network operators to cost-effectively upgrade their installed networks to 10 GbE. The demonstration will take place at Interop 2007, Las Vegas, at Booth 1774. One of the main concerns about operating 10 GbE over existing copper installations is the impact of alien crosstalk on the effective transmission capacity. Alien crosstalk from tightly bound LAN cables can increase the number of packet retransmissions on a disturbed channel longer than 37 meters, and can eventually lead to reduced transmission bandwidth. Agilent’s N2648A alien crosstalk test solution, an optional extension kit to the N2640A WireScope Pro, enables field testing of 10GBASE-T conformance and allows cabling installers to correct initially non-conforming and marginal links. Benefits of this innovative measurement approach include: • labor times associated with the field test reduced from hours to minutes; • test results available directly on the instrument, allowing a user to take immediate action in case of a marginal installation; • tracking and troubleshooting modes for fast failure location; • scalable overall validation time through the use of additional stimulator pairs; and • easy set-up and operation with clear status indication and guided process steps. "We are pleased that Solarflare has adopted our alien crosstalk test kit for the WireScope Pro," said Alois Hauk, vice president and general manager of Agilent’s Photonic and Network Test Division. "Our solution removes a major barrier for 10GBASE-T upgrades of installed copper. It provides our customers with an incredibly fast test and troubleshooting solution that satisfies their need for cost-efficient, easy-to-operate measurement equipment." "The availability of a test kit for installed copper cabling from Agilent, known for its excellent testing products, is an important step in the adoption of 10GBASE-T," said Bruce Tolley, vice president of marketing at Solarflare. "By enabling customers to use installed cabling as the basis for their move to 10 GbE, enterprise data centers and networks can easily and cost-effectively benefit from the higher performance of this latest Ethernet technology." Agilent’s N2648A alien crosstalk test solution is based on the WireScope Pro, the DualRemote Pro and one or multiple pairs of alien crosstalk stimulators. Each of the two stimulators attached to the ends of a disturbing link displays the status and allows control of both stimulators. The active stimulator excites the link under test with a known signal spectrum, while the WireScope Pro and DualRemote Pro capture the alien crosstalk of one or more "talking" links. The straightforward solution emulates the behavior of the communication system and is in conformance with the guidelines of TSB-155 and the 10GBASE-T link segment specification.[/COLOR]








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