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編者注: • DS75LX數(shù)字溫度傳感器允許I2C 通信總線上最高27位地址 • DS75LX有27位地址組合,只允許用戶一個應用中使用一個總線,一個應用設計中有8個以上I2C元件 • DS75LX中三條精確的地址線生成27位地址組合,可以選擇三種放置方式的一種,連接到GND,VDD或靠左懸浮。 DS75LX是蜂窩基站,電信系統(tǒng)能夠,網絡設備及其他要求使用很多溫度傳感器和在一個總線上使用I2C元件的應用領域的理想選擇。 加利福尼亞SUNNYVALE5約21日新聞――美信集成產品公司推出了DS75LX,這是一款數(shù)字溫度傳感器,允許在一個通信總線上最高27位地址。為了使27位地址連接,該溫度傳感器提供三條精確的地址線,可以有三種放置方式:連接到GND,VDD或靠左懸浮。大多數(shù)很有競爭力的溫度傳感器只允許三條地址線連接到GND或者VDD,這使得通信總線上最高達到8位地址。DS75LX增加的地址大大簡化了多種I2C元件在一個應用中布置,這樣使其成為蜂窩基站,網絡設備和電信設備以及其他分布式溫度敏感系統(tǒng)的最佳選擇。 DS75LX的操作電壓為1.7V到3.7V,可以直接連接到低壓鐵路。該型溫度傳感器經過工廠精度校準,溫度范圍在-25°C到+100°C內時整個電壓供應范圍精度為±2.0°C(最大),完全運行溫度為-55°C到+125°C,精度達到±3.0°C(最大)。分辨率可以根據(jù)用戶配置9位,10位,11位或12位,(轉換為分辨率范圍是0.5°C (9 bit)和0.0625°C (12 bit))數(shù)字溫度讀數(shù)報告溫度。DS75LX還具有自動調節(jié)溫度功能,用戶定義溫度點,以便定制極限溫度和數(shù)據(jù)輸出滯后。 此外,該傳感器包括一個可選的總線超時功能,如果超過預定的時間該功能顯示數(shù)據(jù)線。這就避免了兩總線上發(fā)生可能鎖定的問題。 官能,引腳和軟件都與流行的DS75相兼容,DS75LX使得簡單遷移至低壓設計,可以用于無鉛,8引腳µSOP (µMAX®)和8引腳SO封裝。起價$0.75(1000件以上,F(xiàn)OB USA) µMAX是美信集成產品公司的注冊商標。 **DS75LX數(shù)據(jù)資料** original text: [COLOR=#708090]Low-Voltage Digital Temperature Sensor Allows Up to 27 Addresses on a Single I2C Bus Note to Editor: • The DS75LX is a digital temperature sensor that allows up to 27 addresses on the I2C communication bus. • The DS75LX has 27 address combinations, which allows the user to use only one bus for applications that have more than eight I2C components in a design. • The DS75LX‘s three dedicated address pins can be placed in one of three states to create 27 address combinations: they can be tied to GND, tied to VDD, or left floating. The DS75LX is ideal for base stations, telecom systems, networking equipment, and other applications that require several temperature sensors and I2C components on one bus. SUNNYVALE, CA—May 21, 2007—Maxim Integrated Products (NASDAQ: MXIM) introduces the DS75LX, a digital temperature sensor that allows up to 27 addresses on one I2C communication bus. To enable 27 address combinations, this temperature sensor provides three dedicated address pins that can be placed in one of three states: tied to GND, tied to VDD, or left floating. Most competing devices only allow the three address pins to be tied to GND or VDD, resulting in a maximum of only eight addresses. The DS75LX‘s additional addresses greatly simplify applications in which several I2C components reside, thus making it ideal for base stations, networking and telecom equipment, and other distributed temperature-sensing systems. The DS75LX operates from a low 1.7V to 3.7V supply voltage, and it can be connected directly to low-voltage supply rails. The temperature sensor is factory calibrated to an accuracy of ±2.0°C (max) over its entire supply-voltage range and a wide temperature range of -25°C to +100°C. It is ±3.0°C (max) accurate over its full operating-temperature range of -55°C to +125°C. Temperature is reported as user-selectable 9-, 10-, 11-, or 12-bit digital temperature readings that translate to resolutions between 0.5°C (9 bit) and 0.0625°C (12 bit). The DS75LX also has thermostat functionality with user-defined trip points that allow the user to customize the threshold temperature and output hysteresis. Additionally, this device includes an optional bus-timeout function that releases the data line if held longer than a predetermined amount of time. This prevents any possible lockup problems that might occur on the two-wire bus. Function, pin, and software compatible with the popular DS75, the DS75LX makes it easy to migrate to low-voltage designs. It is available in both lead-free, 8-pin µSOP (µMAX®) and 8-pin SO packages. Prices start at $0.75 (1000-up, FOB USA). µMAX is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.[/COLOR]








  • 運動控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機器視覺
  • 機械傳動
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機柜
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