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紐約5月22日新聞 為了溝通標準在日常生活中起到的重要角色,美國國家標準學會(American National Standards Institute (ANSI))將連載全球和國內(nèi)標準領域采用的多種標準的系列快照,其中許多標準都是由ANSI成員和ANSI認證的標準開發(fā)者推出,一下選擇兩個最新標準。 空調(diào)安裝 隨著夏日的鄰近,春季大掃除和年度維修的需求引起了許多商家和業(yè)主的注意,位居許多春季必做首位的是空調(diào)年度測試運行,以確保是否需要升級或替換部件,今年,一項新的美國國家標準伸出援助之手,列出了國家規(guī)定的住宅和商業(yè)采暖,通風和空調(diào)系統(tǒng)(HVAC系統(tǒng))的質(zhì)量安裝。 美國空調(diào)承辦商(ACCA)――ANSI的成員組織,最近出版了《ANSI/ACCA 5 QI-2007, HVAC質(zhì)量安裝規(guī)范:住宅,商用采暖,通風和空調(diào)應用》。該標準列出了質(zhì)量安裝,測量或檢驗合格過程以及可接受的論證合格文件的一致規(guī)定。 該標準旨在滿足承包商,設備制造商,HVAC培訓師以及業(yè)主的要求,定義了確保HVAC設備的合適尺寸,正確選擇和住宅或商業(yè)正確安裝的步驟,ANSI/ACCA 5 QI標準特別指定了設備及其安裝,管道分布,系統(tǒng)文件及用戶培訓,所有這些都是消費者滿意和節(jié)能的重要因素。 文檔記錄管理 “除舊布新”是春季的另一首圣歌,對于需要存儲電子文檔和文本文檔的商業(yè)和組織來說尤為如此,ARMA International推出的標準:ANSI/ARMA 16-2007,記錄轉(zhuǎn)換過程:程序計劃,要求和過程,指導了多家組織由一種記錄系統(tǒng)成功轉(zhuǎn)換到另一種記錄系統(tǒng)。 該標準集中關注數(shù)字到數(shù)字轉(zhuǎn)換,定義了商業(yè)和組織的信息系統(tǒng)產(chǎn)生可靠記錄可使用的規(guī)范。ANSI/ARMA 16-2007為檔案保管人員和管理者間的合作指定了基本政策,轉(zhuǎn)換和移動過程中的程序上和技術上的事項。 original text: [COLOR=#708090]Voluntary Standards Cover the Spectrum: from Air Conditioning Installation to Document Records Management New York May 22, 2007 In an effort to communicate the vital role that standards play in daily life, ANSI Online will publish, on an ongoing basis, a series of snapshots of the diverse standards initiatives undertaken in the global and national standards arena, many of which are performed by ANSI members and ANSI-accredited standards developers. Two of the latest selections follow: Air Conditioning Installation As the summer approaches, spring cleaning and annual maintenance demand the attention of many businesses and home owners. Topping many spring time “to-do” lists is the annual test run of air conditioners to determine whether a unit needs to be upgraded or replaced. This year, a new American National Standard lends a helping hand, outlining national requirements for the quality installation (QI) of residential and commercial heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems. The Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA), an ANSI member organization, recently published ANSI/ACCA 5 QI-2007, HVAC Quality Installation Specification: Residential and Commercial Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Applications. The standard spells out consensus requirements for quality installations, procedures for measuring or verifying conformity with those requirements, and acceptable forms of documentation to demonstrate compliance. Written to meet the needs of contractors, equipment manufacturers, HVAC trainers, and building owners, the standard defines steps to ensure that HVAC equipment is properly sized, selected, and installed for residential and commercial applications. Specifically, ANSI/ACCA 5 QI addresses equipment and its installation, duct distribution, system documentation, and owner education, all of which are contributing factors to consumer satisfaction and energy savings. Document Records Management “Out with the old, in with the new” is another spring time anthem, particularly for businesses and organizations that need to archive electronic and paper documents. A new standard from ARMA International, ANSI/ARMA 16-2007, The Records Conversion Process: Program Planning, Requirements and Procedures, guides organizations through the conversion process from one recordkeeping system to another. Focusing on digital-to-digital conversion, the standard identifies requirements that businesses and organizations can use to ensure that information systems produce authentic and reliable records. A collaborative project between archivists and records managers, ANSI/ARMA 16-2007 addresses fundamental policy, procedural and technical issues associated with the conversion and migration process. [/COLOR]








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