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安捷倫 Sequans合力打造WiMAX測試系統(tǒng)并將其推向市場



導語:安捷倫 Sequans合力打造WiMAX測試系統(tǒng)并將其推向市場

安捷倫科技和Sequans通信公司宣布他們將進行一項合作,以兩種方式支持首次展出的兼容性設備移動 WiMAX(r)。他們將對安捷倫通訊協(xié)定符合性測試系統(tǒng)進行預確認,同時對RF動力校準的最優(yōu)化速度和同時固定的產(chǎn)品測試系統(tǒng)以及移動WiMAX模塊進行確認。   Sequans是IEEE 802.16e-2005標準芯片的領先提供商,以其WiMAX的移動外形為基礎,以及根據(jù)IEEE 802.16-2004制作的固定的WiMAX。安捷倫PCT系統(tǒng),基于安捷倫E6651A WiMAX測試裝置,是運用移動終端(Sequans的移動WiMAX芯片)進行預測試的系統(tǒng)。   安捷倫移動寬帶部門副總裁兼總經(jīng)理Niels Fach 說:“與Sequans的協(xié)作充許我們利用我們的PCT預確認系統(tǒng)取得更大的進步。Sequans是一個非常有經(jīng)驗的WiMAX芯片生產(chǎn)商,這就是我們有效合作的證明?!?   Sequans WiMAX移動站的芯片((SQN1110 and SQN1130),具有最高的工業(yè)生產(chǎn)力和最低的能耗。Sequans針對WiMAX移動站的最新的SQN1130 Wave 2-ready MIMO芯片,在動力低于280MW時,可傳送大于30 Mbps的生產(chǎn)量。   Sequans市場部副總裁Bernard Aboussouan說:“安捷倫制造業(yè)和符合性解決方案領導企業(yè),將極大地受益于來自我們客戶在測試和確認方面的支持。”   安捷倫也對Sequans的MXZ-1000 WiMAX的測試系統(tǒng)的芯片集增加了支持。系統(tǒng)結(jié)合安捷倫的高速MXA信號分析儀和MXG信號發(fā)生器,加上自動化測試軟件和驅(qū)動界面,可優(yōu)化WiMAX 訂購者在產(chǎn)品測試中的速度。擁有安捷倫對Sequans芯片集的支持,基于Sequans‘ ICs的模塊可在高速和高效的情況下被校準和測試。   安捷倫無線業(yè)務部總經(jīng)理Daniel Mak說:“我們正在從事與WiMAX系統(tǒng)芯片領導者相近的工作,如Sequans,保證MXZ-1000測試系統(tǒng)支持眾多機器人APIs芯片集。MXZ-1000為固定大體積測試產(chǎn)品和移動WiMAX模塊提供了最好的解決方案?!?   更多關于Agilent E6651A 移動 WiMAX測試裝置和and MXZ-1000, 請登錄:www.agilent.com/find/wimax. original text [COLOR=#708090]Agilent Technologies and Sequans Collaborate to Get WiMAX Test Systems to Market Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) and Sequans Communications today announced a collaboration to support the rollout of Mobile WiMAX(r)-compliant equipment in two ways. They will work on pre-validating the Agilent Protocol Conformance Test (PCT) system, and on the speed-optimization of RF power-calibration and production-test systems for both fixed and mobile WiMAX modules. Sequans is a leading supplier of chipsets for the IEEE 802.16e-2005 standard, on which WiMAX Forum‘s mobile profiles are based, as well as for the fixed WiMAX IEEE 802.16-2004 standard. The Agilent PCT system, which is based on Agilent‘s E6651A WiMAX test set, is undergoing pre-validation testing at a WiMAX Forum-authorized testing laboratory using mobile terminals that use Sequans‘ Mobile WiMAX chips. "Sequans‘ cooperation has allowed us to make great progress with the pre-validation of our PCT," said Niels Fach, vice president and general manager of Agilent‘s Mobile Broadband Division. "Sequans is a very experienced WiMAX chipmaker, and this is evident in our efficient collaboration." Sequans‘ chips for WiMAX mobile stations (SQN1110 and SQN1130) feature the industry‘s highest throughput and lowest power consumption. Sequans‘ newest chip, the SQN1130 Wave 2-ready MIMO chip for WiMAX mobile stations, delivers more than 30 Mbps throughput while drawing less than 280 mW of power. "Agilent‘s industry-leading expertise in manufacturing and conformance solutions will benefit our customers greatly in testing and verifying designs," said Bernard Aboussouan, vice president of marketing at Sequans. Agilent has also added support for Sequans‘ chipsets to its MXZ-1000 WiMAX test system. The system incorporates Agilent‘s high-speed MXA Signal Analyzer and MXG Signal Generator, coupled with test automation software and device interfaces, to optimize the speed of WiMAX subscriber station tests in production. With Agilent‘s support of Sequans chipsets, modules based on Sequans‘ ICs can be calibrated and tested with the greatest speed and efficiency. "We are working closely with chipset leaders in the WiMAX ecosystem, such as Sequans, to ensure that the MXZ-1000 test system supports the most robust set of chipset APIs for our customers," said Daniel Mak, general manager for the wireless business at Agilent. "The MXZ-1000 continues to be the best-in-class turnkey solution for high-volume production test of Fixed and Mobile WiMAX modules." For more information about the Agilent E6651A mobile WiMAX test set and MXZ-1000, see www.agilent.com/find/wimax.[/COLOR]








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