



2007年5月29日 維吉尼亞Glen Allen新聞:據(jù)行業(yè)分析公司NanoMarkets的一項(xiàng)新報(bào)告,與2007年1億7千6百萬的市場銷售額相比,銀質(zhì)導(dǎo)電油墨的市場銷售額到2014年預(yù)計(jì)將達(dá)到12億美元。該公司最新的詳細(xì)報(bào)告登錄網(wǎng)站:www.nanomarkets.net。新聞會(huì)員還可通過發(fā)送郵件至press@nanomarkets.net請(qǐng)求一份執(zhí)行摘要。NanoMarkets公司將在6月13日周三舉辦一場遠(yuǎn)程電信會(huì)議展出新報(bào)告調(diào)查結(jié)果。 報(bào)告主要調(diào)查結(jié)果包括: • 納米顆粒銀墨通過降低高溫處理需求和使用更少的原材料承諾降低印刷電子成本。因?yàn)樾枰偷臏囟裙袒{米墨。該納米顆粒銀墨還更適合于典型使用熱敏感塑料的柔性基板上。根據(jù)NanoMarkets調(diào)查,銀質(zhì)納米墨的市場銷售額預(yù)計(jì)在2014年將達(dá)到8億4千4百萬美元。 • 目前,銀質(zhì)導(dǎo)電油墨在傳統(tǒng)厚膜應(yīng)用中的市場占有率達(dá)到了95%,在厚膜應(yīng)用中絲網(wǎng)印刷被用于生產(chǎn)PCB電路板,汽車加熱器,電磁波屏蔽以及觸摸開關(guān)。到2014年,這種應(yīng)用在銀墨市場將占到20%以上的份額,現(xiàn)在忽視的RFID領(lǐng)域運(yùn)用將占到30%以上。銀是RFID天線和印刷RFID標(biāo)簽的首選材料,這被看做是將成本降到一個(gè)低點(diǎn)的最有可能的方法,在這個(gè)低成本點(diǎn)上電子標(biāo)簽可以廣泛運(yùn)用于成本敏感領(lǐng)域,如食品包裝。 • 過去,銀質(zhì)導(dǎo)電油墨與絲網(wǎng)印刷緊密聯(lián)系,但由于噴墨印刷更解決材料,而且印刷性能更好,未來很可能更多的采用銀墨。這將為銀墨制造商提供一個(gè)契機(jī)設(shè)計(jì)新型銀墨,該銀墨足具粘性以小量滴漏,還可以流過印刷頭。到2014年,噴墨銀墨銷售額預(yù)計(jì)將達(dá)到4億4百萬美元,并且,隨著可印刷電子的市場占有量逐漸上升,將需要使用更多柔印油墨和凹印油墨,預(yù)計(jì)其銷售額將達(dá)到3億9千8百萬美元。 • NanoMarkets預(yù)測大型專業(yè)化工和材料公司將更多的投資于小型材料和油墨制造商,期望通過與這些小型制造商合作或可控IP進(jìn)入該領(lǐng)域。它舉例指出這類投資公司如最近的National Starch, Air Products and ChevronTexaco,并表示近期很有可能出現(xiàn)公司間的并購。 有關(guān)報(bào)告 NanoMarkets公司的新報(bào)告: 用于可印刷電子的銀粉和銀墨:2007-2014,預(yù)測了在新型應(yīng)用中,如顯示器,底板,RFID,光電,照明,一次性電子產(chǎn)品,內(nèi)存?zhèn)鞲衅骷皞鹘y(tǒng)厚膜應(yīng)用中銀質(zhì)導(dǎo)電油墨的主要市場。該報(bào)告討論了領(lǐng)先供貨商和技術(shù)開發(fā)商的策略,包括Advanced Nano Products, Cabot, Cima NanoTech, Creative Materials, DuPont, Ferro, Five Star Technologies, Harima Chemical, NanoDynamics, NanoGram NanoMas, National Starch (Acheson和Xink), NovaCentrix, Parelec, PChem以及Sun Chemical。 有關(guān)NanoMarkets公司 NanoMarkets公司跟蹤和分析先進(jìn)材料開發(fā)中新興的市場機(jī)遇,該公司出版了與有機(jī),薄膜和可印刷電子材料和應(yīng)用相關(guān)的多種報(bào)道,還發(fā)表了博客,請(qǐng)登錄網(wǎng)站:www.nanotopblog.com。 更多NanoMarkets公司新聞: 1. 市場調(diào)研公司NanoMarkets宣布了用于可印刷電子材料遠(yuǎn)程電信會(huì)議日期 2. NanoMarkets發(fā)布可印刷電子新報(bào)告 original text: [COLOR=#708090]SILVER CONDUCTIVE INKS FOR PRINTABLE ELECTRONICS MARKET TO GROW TO $1.2 BILLION BY 2014 May 29, 2007 Glen Allen, Virginia: According to a new report from NanoMarkets, a leading industry analyst firm based here, the market for silver conductive inks is expected to reach $1.2 billion ($US) by 2014, compared with $176 million in 2007. Details about the firm’s latest report are available at www.nanomarkets.net. Members of the press may request an executive summary by emailing press@nanomarkets.net. The firm will be hosting a teleconference on Wednesday, June 13th to present findings from the new report. Key findings from the report include: • Nanoparticulate silver inks promise to lower the costs of printed electronics by reducing the need for high-temperature processing and enabling less material to be used. Because lower temperatures are needed to cure nanoinks they are also more suitable for use on flexible substrates that typically use thermally sensitive plastics. According to NanoMarkets, the market for silver “nanoinks” is expected to reach $844 million by 2014. • At present 95 percent of the silver conductive ink market is represented by traditional “thick-film” applications in which screen printing is used in the creation of PCBs, automobile heaters, EMI shielding and membrane switches. By 2014, such applications will have fallen to just over 20 percent of the silver ink market with the now-negligible RFID sector accounting for more than 30 percent of the market. Silver is the material of choice for RFID antennas and printing RFID tags is seen as the most likely way to reduce their costs to a point where such tags can be widely used on cost sensitive items such as food packages. • In the past, silver conductive inks have been strongly associated with screen printing, but because ink-jet printing offers lower material wastage and creates finer features, it is likely to be used more with silver inks in the future. This will create an opportunity for ink makers to design new silver inks that are viscous enough to create individual droplets but also able to flow through the print head. By 2014, ink-jet silver inks are expected to reach $404 million. And, as volumes in the printable electronics market ramp up there will also be a need for more use of flexo and gravure inks, which are expected to reach $398 million by 2014. • NanoMarkets predicts that there will be more investments in smaller materials and ink manufacturers by larger specialty chemical and materials companies looking to enter the business through partnerships or controllable IP. The firm points to investments by companies such as National Starch, Air Products and ChevronTexaco as recent examples and goes on to say acquisitions will likely be seen in the near term future as well. About the Report: The new NanoMarkets report, Silver powders and Inks for Printable Electronics: 2007-2014 forecasts major markets for conductive silver inks in emerging applications such as displays, backplanes, RFID, photovoltaics, lighting, disposable electronics, memory sensors and traditional thick film applications. The report discusses the strategies of leading suppliers and technology developers including Advanced Nano Products, Cabot, Cima NanoTech, Creative Materials, DuPont, Ferro, Five Star Technologies, Harima Chemical, NanoDynamics, NanoGram NanoMas, National Starch (Acheson and Xink), NovaCentrix, Parelec, PChem and Sun Chemical. This report builds upon the firm’s ongoing coverage of the printable electronics applications and materials. About NanoMarkets: NanoMarkets tracks and analyzes emerging market opportunities created by developments in advanced materials. The firm has published numerous reports related to organic, thin film and printable electronics materials and applications. The firm also publishes a blog found at www.nanotopblog.com.[/COLOR]








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