安捷倫簽定收購Adaptif Photonics協(xié)議



導(dǎo)語:安捷倫科技有限公司簽定收購Adaptif Photonics協(xié)議,擴(kuò)展其在偏振光學(xué)試驗中的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)能力

安捷倫科技有限公司簽定收購Adaptif Photonics協(xié)議,擴(kuò)展其在偏振光學(xué)試驗中的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)能力   安捷倫科技有限公司(納斯達(dá)克股票交易帳號:A)以及德國Adaptif Photonics公司于2007年5月30日宣布,他們已簽定安捷倫收購Adaptif協(xié)議,Adaptif是一家私有企業(yè)。Adaptif為高級分化分析提供關(guān)鍵技術(shù)和產(chǎn)品,在無線電通訊領(lǐng)域?qū)崿F(xiàn)光學(xué)組件的選擇和控制,以及在傳感器和激光市場。交易情況和金融細(xì)節(jié)暫不外露。   完成收購后,Adaptif的技術(shù)和知識產(chǎn)權(quán)為安捷倫提供產(chǎn)品提供更多支持,收購將會加強(qiáng)安捷倫在光纖光學(xué)測試儀表的組合。Adaptif已把自己打造成了一個公認(rèn)的工業(yè)偏振分析測試產(chǎn)品的提供商。收購也將會幫助Adaptif和安捷倫的客戶獲得更多的光學(xué)元件和擁有全光譜測試解決方案的高速光學(xué)網(wǎng)絡(luò)產(chǎn)品。   光學(xué)和網(wǎng)絡(luò)測試部VP兼總經(jīng)理Alois Hauk說:“收購是我們加強(qiáng)我們光學(xué)測試,提供測量工具的第一步。同時也使得我們可以提供高速寬帶網(wǎng)絡(luò)設(shè)計的范圍齊全的電氣和光學(xué)測試設(shè)備。”   安捷倫光學(xué)測試和測量部業(yè)務(wù)經(jīng)理Juergen Beck,說:“Adaptif的專家和在偏振測試中的產(chǎn)品供應(yīng),在光學(xué)測試工業(yè)中都處領(lǐng)導(dǎo)地位,這會幫助我們在這個領(lǐng)域更好地滿足我們客戶的需求?!?   Adaptif CEO Dr. Ralf Stolte說:“與安捷倫合力能夠幫助Adaptif在偏振領(lǐng)域進(jìn)行產(chǎn)品的創(chuàng)新。我們也將會給我們的客戶提供比現(xiàn)在更好的安捷倫品牌下的關(guān)鍵性技術(shù)。Adaptif團(tuán)隊很高興加入測試和測量領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者行列中,也盼望著對工業(yè)邊緣技術(shù)做出更大的貢獻(xiàn)?!?   安捷倫計劃在六月大量出售Adaptif Photonics產(chǎn)品,所有的Adaptif員工將加入安捷倫。 original text [COLOR=#708090]Agilent Technologies Signs Agreement to Acquire Adaptif Photonics, Expanding Optical Test Leadership in Polarization Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) and Adaptif Photonics GmbH today announced they have signed an agreement for Agilent to acquire Adaptif, a privately held company. Adaptif provides key technology and products used for advanced polarization analysis and control for the test of optical components and systems in telecommunications, as well as in the sensors and laser market. The transaction is subject to standard closing conditions. Financial details were not disclosed. Adaptif’s technology and intellectual property complements Agilent’s product offerings, and the acquisition will enhance Agilent’s instrument portfolio for fiber-optic test. Adaptif has established itself as a recognized supplier of test products for polarization analysis in the industry. The acquisition will help Adaptif’s and Agilent’s customers obtain comprehensive insight into their optical components and high-speed optical network designs with a full spectrum of test solutions. Adaptif has a close association with the renowned optical center of expertise at the Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg and has developed extensive intellectual property in optical-measurement product development. "This acquisition is one step in a series of actions we have taken to strengthen our optical test and measurement offerings and allows us to offer a full range of electrical and optical test equipment for high-speed broadband network designs," said Photonic and Network Test Division VP and General Manager Alois Hauk. "Adaptif’s expertise and product offerings in polarization test are leading-edge in the optical test industry and significantly enhance our ability to address our customers’ needs in this field," said Juergen Beck, business manager for Agilent’s Photonic Test & Measurement Segment. "Joining Agilent will allow Adaptif to increase speed when innovating in the polarization arena," said Dr. Ralf Stolte, Adaptif CEO. "We will be able to serve our customers even better under the strong Agilent brand name by focusing on our well-established key technologies. The Adaptif team is excited to join the test and measurement leader and looks forward to further contributing at the leading edge of the industry."[/COLOR]








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