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2007年5月30日 丹佛斯收購中國一家制造商意味著該公司目前可以為壓縮氣體行業(yè)提供最全面的銅制板式熱交換器系列產(chǎn)品。 “一款真正通用的產(chǎn)品”
在空氣壓縮機(jī)和氣體壓縮機(jī)應(yīng)用中銅制板式熱交換器正迅速取代傳統(tǒng)工業(yè)受歡迎的產(chǎn)品中所用的殼式設(shè)計和管式設(shè)計,這些應(yīng)用包括: • 油冷卻器 • 二次冷卻器 • 熱回收系統(tǒng) • 移動式壓縮機(jī)用空氣預(yù)熱器 • 冷凍型干燥器 隨著收購杭州Qingbao公司,丹佛斯現(xiàn)在可以為其冰箱和壓縮空氣客戶提供銅制板式熱交換器。丹佛斯空氣和氣體系統(tǒng)應(yīng)用部經(jīng)理Simon Firth表示:“在丹佛斯Qingbao生產(chǎn)的靈活性和產(chǎn)品的多功能性意味著我們可以為流體流動和熱容提供定制的熱交換器,” 銅制板式熱交換器比傳統(tǒng)的殼式設(shè)計和管式設(shè)計的熱交換器性能高很多。運(yùn)用更接近溫度熱傳遞性能大大提高,同時用于熱量散發(fā)所需的流體也充分得到減少。波紋板片與拋光不朽鋼結(jié)合確保了低空氣壓降的同時具有一個低污染速率。由于該熱交換器的緊湊設(shè)計,其大小和重量較殼式和管式熱交換器降低了75%以上。 Simon 表示:“丹佛斯Qingbao公司的生產(chǎn)線絕對是一流的,事實(shí)上,我們所取得的效率與不斷增長的對銅制板式熱交換器的需求相結(jié)合引領(lǐng)我們決定擴(kuò)展現(xiàn)場生產(chǎn)。” 隨著銅制板式熱交換器產(chǎn)品的增加,丹佛斯現(xiàn)在為壓縮空氣系統(tǒng)和壓縮氣體系統(tǒng)提供真正全面的產(chǎn)品系列。我們的產(chǎn)品包括閥門,壓力和溫度控制器,變速驅(qū)動器以及制冷全產(chǎn)品線(包括控制器,壓縮機(jī)以及新型熱交換器)。 original text: [COLOR=#708090]Danfoss expands heat exchanger range 30 May 2007 The acquisition of a Chinese manufacturer means Danfoss now has one of the most comprehensive ranges of brazed plate heat exchangers to offer the compressed air industry. ‘A truly versatile product‘ Brazed plate heat exchangers are rapidly replacing the traditional shell and tube design as the industry‘s favoured product in air and gas compressors for: • Oil coolers • After coolers • Heat recovery systems • Air reheaters on mobile compressors • Refrigerant dryers With the acquisition of Qinbao, Danfoss can now supply its refrigeration and compressed air customers with brazed plate heat exchangers. “The flexibility of production at Danfoss Qinbao, and the versatility of the product, means that we can supply a tailored exchanger for any fluid flow and heat capacity”, explains Simon Firth, Danfoss Application Manager, Air and Gas Systems. Brazed plate heat exchangers greatly outperform the traditional shell and tube design. Heat transfer performance is significantly improved with closer approach temperatures, while the amount of fluid required for heat dissipation is substantially reduced. The corrugated shape of the plates, coupled with a polished stainless steel construction, ensures low pressure drop of the air while still delivering a low fouling rate. And thanks to the exchanger‘s compact design, the size and weight of the unit is reduced by more than 75 percent in comparison to shell and tube units. “The production line at Danfoss Qinbao is absolutely first-rate. In fact, the efficiency we have achieved there, coupled with the growing demand for brazed plate heat exchangers has led to a decision to expand production at the site.” adds Simon. With the addition of brazed plate heat exchangers, Danfoss now offers a truly comprehensive product range for compressed air and gas systems. Our product range includes valves, pressure and temperature controls, variable speed drives and a full line of refrigeration products (including controls, compressors as well as the new heat exchangers).[/COLOR]








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