Vishay Intertechnology公司光電傳感器符合AEC Q101標(biāo)準(zhǔn)



導(dǎo)語:汽車市場(chǎng)用新型950-nm表面貼裝透射型光電傳感器是行業(yè)首個(gè)符合AEC Q101標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的產(chǎn)品

汽車市場(chǎng)用新型950-nm表面貼裝透射型光電傳感器是行業(yè)首個(gè)符合AEC Q101標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的產(chǎn)品 規(guī)格和MSL 1濕度等級(jí) 賓夕法尼亞MALVERN5月30新聞――Vishay Intertechnology公司正在擴(kuò)展其光學(xué)電子系列產(chǎn)品,推出行業(yè)首個(gè)透射型(遮斷式)光電傳感器,該型傳感器符合AEC Q101標(biāo)準(zhǔn),這是汽車電子設(shè)備委員會(huì)出版的一個(gè)用于離散半導(dǎo)體的可靠性測(cè)試規(guī)范程序。
此外,TCPT1300X01和TCUT1300X01透射型傳感器是行業(yè)首個(gè)符合1級(jí)(MSL1)濕度敏感的傳感器,這意味著該型傳感器有無限的最低壽命周期。- 新型傳感器具有-40°C到+85°C廣闊的操作溫度, 適用于低溫和高溫環(huán)境。該傳感器具有3.0-mm的間隙寬度,可以配合多種材料使用,與更小間隙寬度的傳感器比較允許更寬松的機(jī)械公差,使其成為汽車應(yīng)用和工業(yè)應(yīng)用的理想選擇。TCPT1300X01和TCUT1300X01傳感器綠色環(huán)保,不含鹵素,可無鉛焊接。 透射型傳感器還也稱作遮斷式傳感器,相對(duì)安裝一個(gè)紅外發(fā)射器和一個(gè)紅外探測(cè)器,并由間隙隔開。編碼輪穿過紅外發(fā)射器和紅外探測(cè)器的間隙遮斷光線,允許傳感器探測(cè)物體存在或消失。一個(gè)通用自動(dòng)開關(guān)應(yīng)用變速位置檢測(cè)。 TCPT1300X01是單通道透射型傳感器,帶一個(gè)焦距為0.3mm的物鏡,間隙為3.0mm。TCUT1300X01傳感器是雙通道透射型傳感器,帶有兩個(gè)焦距為0.3mm的物鏡,間隙為3.0mm。兩種傳感器都帶一個(gè)光敏晶體管輸出,操作波長(zhǎng)為950nm。 TCPT1300X01和TCUT1300X01光電傳感器可以運(yùn)用一個(gè)編碼輪感測(cè)旋轉(zhuǎn)位置和速度,或運(yùn)用線性碼帶感測(cè)線性位置和速度。TCUT1300X01運(yùn)用雙通道還可以用于檢測(cè)方向,一般用于轉(zhuǎn)向盤光電編碼,如,電子穩(wěn)定控制系統(tǒng)依靠方向盤速度,位置和方向的關(guān)鍵輸出(由編碼器決定)幫助司機(jī)在有冰路面或潮濕路面行駛。電動(dòng)助力轉(zhuǎn)向器中,當(dāng)透射型傳感器通過運(yùn)用一個(gè)輔助馬達(dá)被用到一個(gè)更大的系統(tǒng)中替換傳統(tǒng)液壓動(dòng)力轉(zhuǎn)向泵時(shí),起到提供轉(zhuǎn)向器速度,位置和方向的作用。 TCPT1300X01和TCUT1300X01符合MSL-1級(jí)濕度敏感對(duì)于汽車和工業(yè)制造商來說非常重要,典型的光電設(shè)備,如視覺LED符合MSL4級(jí)濕度敏感,必須在打開卷軸封裝72小時(shí)內(nèi)裝配,否則,元件將吸收濕氣,需要96小時(shí)以上烘干去除濕氣。TCPT1300X01和TCUT1300X01符合MSL1級(jí)濕度敏感,具有無限最低壽命周期,無需客戶特殊處理。 TCPT1300X01和TCUT1300X01是無鉛產(chǎn)品,并符合RoHS 2002/95/EC和WEEE 2002/96/EC?,F(xiàn)可提供樣品,備貨時(shí)間為6周。從美國(guó)運(yùn)送6000件單價(jià)$0.60。 Vishay Intertechnology公司是NYSE1000家上市公司之一,是全球最大的離散半導(dǎo)體(二極管,整流器,晶體管,光電子和精選IC)和無源電子元件(電阻器,電容,感應(yīng)器,傳感器和變頻器)制造商。這些元件應(yīng)用于所有類型電子裝置和設(shè)備,用于工業(yè),計(jì)算機(jī),汽車,消費(fèi),電信,軍用,航空以及醫(yī)療市場(chǎng)。其產(chǎn)品創(chuàng)新,成功的收購策略以及提供一站式服務(wù)的能力使其稱為全球工業(yè)領(lǐng)袖。登錄網(wǎng)站咨詢Vishay信息。 公司信息: 名稱:Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. 地址:63 Lincoln Hwy., P.O. Box 4004 城市:Malvern 州:賓夕法尼亞 郵政代碼:19355 2143 國(guó)家:美國(guó) 電話:610-644-1300 FAX: 610-296-0657 original text: [COLOR=#708090]Optical Sensors are qualified to AEC Q101 standard New 950-nm Surface-Mount Transmissive Optical Sensors for the Automotive Market are Industry‘s First With AEC Q101 Qualification and MSL 1 Moisture Rating MALVERN, PENNSYLVANIA May 30, 2007 Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. (NYSE: VSH) is broadening its optoelectronics portfolio with the introduction of the industrys first transmissive (interrupter) optical sensors qualified to the AEC Q101 standard, a reliability test qualification procedure for discrete semiconductors published by the Automotive Electronics Council. Additionally, the TCPT1300X01 and TCUT1300X01 transmissive sensors are the industrys first with a Moisture Sensitivity Level rating of 1 (MSL1), which means they have an unlimited floor life. The new sensors offer a wide operating temperature range of -40°C to +85°C, enabling them to work in low- and high-temperature environments. With a 3.0-mm gap width, the sensors can be used with a wide variety of materials and allow for looser mechanical tolerances than sensors with smaller gaps, making them ideal for automotive and industrial applications. The TCPT1300X01 and TCUT1300X01 sensors are RoHS-compliant, free of halogens, and compatible with lead (Pb)-free soldering. Transmissive sensors are also known as interrupter sensors. They contain an infrared emitter and detector mounted facing each other and are separated by a small gap. An object such as an encoding wheel passes through the gap between the emitter and detector and interrupts the light, allowing the sensor to detect the presence or absence of an object. A common automotive switch application is gear shift position detection. The TCPT1300X01 is a single channel transmissive sensor with an aperture of 0.3mm and a gap of 3.0mm. The TCUT1300X01 is a dual channel transmissive sensor with two apertures (two detectors) of 0.3mm and a gap of 3.0mm. Both sensors have a phototransistor output and operate at a wavelength of 950nm. The TCPT1300X01 and TCUT1300X01 can be used with an encoding wheel to sense rotary position and velocity, or with a linear code strip to sense linear position and velocity. With dual channels, the TCUT1300X01 can also be used to detect direction and is commonly used for steering wheel optical encoding. For example, en electronic stability control system relies on the critical output of speed, position, and direction of the steering wheel, as determined by the encoder, to help drivers on icy or wet roads. In electric power steering (EPS), the transmissive sensor plays a role in providing steering wheel speed, position, and direction as inputs to a larger system using an assist motor to replace the traditional hydraulic power steering pump. The MSL-1 rating of the TCPT1300X01 and TCUT1300X01 is important for automotive and industrial manufacturers. Typical optical devices, like visible LEDs, have an MSL4 rating and must be assembled within 72 hours of opening the reel packaging. If not used in 72 hours, the component will absorb moisture and require baking for up to 96 hours to drive that moisture out. With an MSL1 rating, the TCPT1300X01 and TCUT1300X01 have an unlimited floor life that eliminates the need for special handling by the customer. The TCPT1300X01 and TCUT1300X01 are lead (Pb)-free and in accordance with RoHS 2002/95/EC and WEEE 2002/96/EC. Samples are available now. Production orders have a lead time of six weeks. Pricing for U.S. delivery in quantities of 6000 units is $0.60 per unit. Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., a Fortune 1,000 Company listed on the NYSE (VSH), is one of the world‘s largest manufacturers of discrete semiconductors (diodes, rectifiers, transistors, and optoelectronics and selected ICs) and passive electronic components (resistors, capacitors, inductors, sensors, and transducers). These components are used in virtually all types of electronic devices and equipment, in the industrial, computing, automotive, consumer, telecommunications, military, aerospace, and medical markets. Its product innovations, successful acquisition strategy, and ability to provide "one-stop shop" service have made Vishay a global industry leader. Vishay can be found on the Internet at Company Information: Name: Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. Address: 63 Lincoln Hwy., P.O. Box 4004 City: Malvern State: PA ZIP: 19355 2143 Country: USA Phone: 610-644-1300 FAX: 610-296-0657[/COLOR]










  • 運(yùn)動(dòng)控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機(jī)器視覺
  • 機(jī)械傳動(dòng)
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機(jī)界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機(jī)器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機(jī)柜
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