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科比推出COMBIVERT F5電梯驅(qū)動器



導(dǎo)語:科比推出COMBIVERT F5電梯驅(qū)動器

20多年來科比公司一直為起重行業(yè)提供高質(zhì)量的變頻器 超過75000個科比系統(tǒng)安裝到了電梯和自動扶梯??票入娞蒡?qū)動器也用于高層住宅樓和位于Côte d‘Azur的五星級酒店。無論是在紐約的時代廣場,德國聯(lián)邦總理府,還是在上海住宅開發(fā)區(qū),數(shù)百萬居民每天都用科比公司變頻器控制的電梯。
科比公司繼續(xù)著他的成功歷史,并推出了其第四代電梯KEB COMBIVERT F5-電梯。 F5-電梯基于設(shè)計精良的工業(yè)變頻器COMBIVERT F5,該變頻器在多種應(yīng)用中大量使用。通過簡單將F5 LIFT OPERATOR連接到變頻器使其成為一個多功能的電梯變頻器。 KEB COMBIVERT F5電梯變頻器是用于所有有以下配置的流行電梯操作的驅(qū)動器: • 傳統(tǒng)蝸輪機(jī)器 • 配置異步電機(jī)和同步電機(jī)的高效行星驅(qū)動 • 準(zhǔn)雙曲面齒輪和皮帶傳動 • 無齒輪,永磁同步電機(jī) 模塊化的配置允許多種編碼器反饋操作――理想而靈活的適用于單獨(dú)機(jī)械。 開環(huán)性能(異步機(jī)械無編碼器反饋)具有優(yōu)越的平順性和地面矯平負(fù)載獨(dú)立。 F5電梯還提供所有變頻器預(yù)期的功能 • 簡單操作 • 電梯專用參數(shù)菜單 • 所有必須的安全特性 • 制動器,電流接觸器等數(shù)字輸出 • 用于緊急撤退的UPS電梯操作 • 主接觸器檢查 • 制動釋放檢查 • 帶獨(dú)立啟動,加速度/減速度以及加速度率和減速度率的內(nèi)部profile generation original text: [COLOR=#708090]KEB COMBIVERT F5 - Elevator drives For over 20 years KEB has supplied the lift industry with high quality frequency inverters. Over 75,000 KEB systems have been installed in elevators and escalators. KEB elevator drives are found in high rise residential buildings as well as in 5-star hotels on the Côte d‘Azure. Whether in Times Square in New York, the German Federal Chancellery or at housing developments in Shanghai, millions of people use elevators on a daily basis, which are controlled by KEB inverters. KEB continues with this success story and has introduced the 4th generation of KEB lift drives the KEB COMBIVERT F5-Lift. The F5 Lift is based on the well engineered industry inverter COMBIVERT F5 that is used in large numbers in various applications. By simply connecting the F5 LIFT OPERATOR to the inverter it becomes a multi-functional lift inverter. The KEB COMBIVERT F5 Lift inverter is one drive for the operation of all prevalent lifts with: • classical worm gear machines • efficient planetary drives with asynchronous and synchronous motors • hypoid – and belt drives • gearless, permanent magnet synchronous machines The modular configuration allows operation with various encoder feedbacks – optimally and flexibly adapted to the respective machine. Even the Open-Loop-Performance (asynchronous machines without encoder feedback) delivers excellent ride comfort and floor leveling independent of load. The F5 Lift also offers all the functions that are expected of an inverter for use in elevators: • easy operation • elevator specific parameter menu • all necessary safety features • digital outputs for brakes, contactors, etc. • UPS – elevator operation for emergency evacuations • main contactor check • brake release check • internal profile generation with independent start, accel, decel as well as acceleration and deceleration rates.[/COLOR]










  • 運(yùn)動控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機(jī)器視覺
  • 機(jī)械傳動
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機(jī)界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機(jī)器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機(jī)柜
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