Altera推出低成本基于收發(fā)器的Arria GX FPGA



導(dǎo)語:Altera推出低成本基于收發(fā)器的Arria GX FPGA

Altera公司今天擴(kuò)展了其在基于收發(fā)器的FPGA市場的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)地位,推出了低成本Arria(TM) GX家族器件。Arria GX FPGAs支持PCI Express (PCIe)總線技術(shù),千兆位以太網(wǎng)和速率高達(dá)2.5 Gbps 的Serial RapidIO(TM) (SRIO)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。這些標(biāo)準(zhǔn)作為一種主流協(xié)議正迅速應(yīng)用于多種市場和應(yīng)用中。Arria GX家族器件特性包括成熟的Stratix® II GX收發(fā)器技術(shù),用于高級信號完整性的倒裝焊封裝,軟件工具和經(jīng)驗(yàn)證的知識產(chǎn)權(quán)核心。為了使用Arria GX設(shè)備快速開始設(shè)計(jì),客戶可以使用Quartus® II設(shè)計(jì)軟件7.1版本立即開始使用Arria GX器件設(shè)計(jì)。該器件將于今年6月開始批量生產(chǎn)。 Arria GX家族器件含有5個(gè)型號:密度范圍在21,580到90,220邏輯單元之間,存儲量為4.5 Mbits的嵌入式存儲器,176個(gè)乘法器,基于TSMC成熟的90-nm工藝處理。該家族器件旨在滿足通信,計(jì)算機(jī),存儲器和工業(yè)市場的配置收發(fā)器的低成本FPGAs的快速增長的需求。 Altera 公司市場部高級副總裁Jordan Plofsky表示: “Arria GX器件與市場上其他器件有什么不同不是一個(gè)重要的因素,但卻是強(qiáng)大功能特性的一種結(jié)合,”“首先,客戶正在得到一種非??煽康漠a(chǎn)品――經(jīng)過驗(yàn)證的收發(fā)器技術(shù)建立在經(jīng)過嚴(yán)正的處理之上,最后,我們設(shè)計(jì)保持信號完整性的最好水平――這個(gè)家族器件的每個(gè)成員都用倒裝焊封裝,這是客戶告訴我們所指向的多種應(yīng)用中重要事項(xiàng)的關(guān)鍵因素。” 設(shè)計(jì)用于耐用信號完整性 Arria GX FPGA提供高達(dá)12個(gè)全雙工收發(fā)器信道,該信道用于執(zhí)行,PCIe,GbE和SRIO協(xié)議。這些收發(fā)器是基于在高端Stratix II GX家族器件中證明取得成功的同樣的技術(shù)。這些設(shè)備運(yùn)用倒裝焊封裝技術(shù),該技術(shù)在結(jié)合收發(fā)器和先進(jìn)的存儲器接口時(shí)提供了一種重要的比線拉封裝更具信號完整性的優(yōu)勢。 MoreThanIP 總裁Francois Balay表示:“Arria GX家族器件配置嵌入式收發(fā)器,使客戶能夠?qū)⑽覀兊腎P子系統(tǒng)方案結(jié)合到一個(gè)低成本,單片機(jī)協(xié)議方案中,如新型NIC控制器,橋接了PCI Express和以太網(wǎng)MAC或SPI-4.2,” 全面的軟件支持和IP支持 Arria GX FPGA提供了一個(gè)獨(dú)特的設(shè)計(jì)環(huán)境,包括軟件工具,完整的特征報(bào)告,參考設(shè)計(jì)以及滿足兼容性和通用性的經(jīng)驗(yàn)證的IP核心。還提供指定協(xié)議的開發(fā)套件,支持PCIe x1和x4,SRIO以及GbE。設(shè)計(jì)師現(xiàn)在可以通過下載和安裝使用簡單的Quartus II開發(fā)軟件7.1版開始設(shè)計(jì)Arria GX。Quartus II軟件還與領(lǐng)先的第三方綜合工具和模擬工具無縫集成??蛻艨梢缘卿浘W(wǎng)站下載Quartus II軟件預(yù)約版和網(wǎng)絡(luò)版。 價(jià)格和供貨 第一批量產(chǎn)的的Arria GX器件將于6月開始發(fā)售,EP1AGX50CF484C6 25k批量價(jià)格為US$50。所有Arria GX器件將于2007年九月開始大批發(fā)售,Arria GX開發(fā)套件目前可通過Altera®網(wǎng)上商店訂購。 關(guān)于Altera Altera可編程解決方案使系統(tǒng)和半導(dǎo)體公司在其市場上快速而經(jīng)濟(jì)的創(chuàng)新,區(qū)別于競爭者并取得成功。更多信息請登錄網(wǎng)站查詢。 Altera公司提供可編程解決方案,其程式化的公司logo,特定的設(shè)備名稱以及其他作為公司商標(biāo)和/或服務(wù)標(biāo)志的詞語,除非另行通知,都作為Altera美國和其他國家的商標(biāo)和服務(wù)標(biāo)志。所有其他產(chǎn)品或服務(wù)名稱都?xì)w其各自股東所有,RapidIO是RapidIO貿(mào)易協(xié)會的商標(biāo)。 公司信息: 名稱:Altera Corporation 地址:101 Innovation Drive 城市:San Jose 州:加利福尼亞 郵政區(qū)號:95134 國家:美國 電話:408-544-7000 original text: [COLOR=#708090]Altera Introduces Arria GX Family of Low-Cost, Transceiver-Based FPGAs Altera Corporation (NASDAQ:ALTR) today extended their leadership in the transceiver-based FPGA market with the introduction of the low-cost Arria(TM) GX family. Arria GX FPGAs are optimized to support PCI Express (PCIe), Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) and Serial RapidIO(TM) (SRIO) standards up to 2.5 Gbps; these standards are rapidly emerging as mainstream protocols in a wide variety of markets and applications. Features of the Arria GX family include the proven Stratix® II GX transceiver technology, flip-chip packages for superior signal integrity, software tools and verified intellectual property (IP) cores. To immediately start designing with Arria GX devices, customers can utilize Quartus® II design software version 7.1. Volume production begins in June of this year. The Arria GX family is comprised of five devices ranging in density from 21,580 to 90,220 logic elements (LEs), up to 4.5 Mbits of embedded memory and up to 176 multipliers, and is built on TSMC‘s established 90-nm process. The family addresses the rapidly growing need for low-cost FPGAs with transceivers in the communications, computer, storage and industrial markets. "What differentiates Arria GX devices from other offerings in the market is not one particular element but a combination of powerful attributes," said Jordan Plofsky, Altera‘s senior vice president of marketing. "Primarily, customers are getting a very reliable product —— proven transceiver technology built on a proven process. Next, the price is unparalleled for such a comprehensive product. Finally, we designed it to maintain the best levels of signal integrity —— each member of this family is available in flip-chip packages. These are the key elements our customers told us were most important for the applications we are targeting." Designed for Robust Signal Integrity Arria GX FPGAs provide up to 12 full-duplex transceiver channels optimized to implement the PCIe, GbE and SRIO protocols. These transceivers are based on the same technology that has demonstrated its success in the high-end Stratix II GX family. The devices utilize flip-chip packaging technology, which provides a significant signal integrity advantage over wire-bond packages when combining transceivers with advanced memory interfaces. "The Arria GX family, with its embedded transceivers, enables customers to combine our IP subsystem solutions into a low-cost, single-chip protocol solution such as our new NIC Controller, which bridges PCI Express with Ethernet MAC or SPI-4.2," said Francois Balay, president of MoreThanIP. Comprehensive Software and IP Support Arria GX FPGAs offer a unique design environment that includes software tools, complete characterization reports, reference designs, and verified IP cores that meet compliance and interoperability. Also available is a protocol- specific development kit with support for PCIe x1 and x4, SRIO and GbE. Designers can begin their Arria GX designs today by downloading and installing the easy-to-use Quartus II development software version 7.1. The Quartus II software also integrates seamlessly with leading third-party synthesis and simulation tools. Customers can download the Subscription Edition and Web Edition of the Quartus II software at Pricing and Availability The first production-qualified Arria GX devices will begin shipping in June. The EP1AGX50CF484C6 device sells for US$50 in 25K unit volume. All Arria GX devices will be shipping in production by September 2007. The Arria GX Development Kit is currently available for ordering through the Altera® online store at About Altera Altera programmable solutions enable system and semiconductor companies to rapidly and cost-effectively innovate, differentiate and win in their markets. Find out more at Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company, the stylized Altera logo, specific device designations and all other words that are identified as trademarks and/or service marks are, unless noted otherwise, the trademarks and service marks of Altera Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. All other product or service names are the property of their respective holder. RapidIO is the trademark of the RapidIO Trade Association. Company Information: Name: Altera Corporation Address: 101 Innovation Drive City: San Jose State: CA ZIP: 95134 Country: USA Phone: 408-544-7000[/COLOR]










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