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國際電工技術(shù)委員會出版IEC 60079-1 ed. 6



導(dǎo)語:國際電工技術(shù)委員會出版IEC 60079-1 ed. 6

日內(nèi)瓦5月24日新聞――人與爆炸性材料工作就會有危險潛伏。一個分散的火花或者很高的熱量都可以點燃礦山中的沼氣或煤塵,或醫(yī)院手術(shù)室純氧,倉庫的化學(xué)肥料或者精煉廠的石化產(chǎn)品。造成的爆炸通常可以引起毀滅性的傷害和破壞。類似的事件如1906年法國的礦山災(zāi)害??赡苡傻V工拿的燈引起了煤塵爆炸,死亡1099人。還如2005年美國得克薩斯州案件,爆炸的烴蒸氣云炸死15人,炸傷多人。 但是如果有適當(dāng)?shù)陌踩庾R這樣的事故并非不可避免,可以被阻止。國際電工技術(shù)委員會(IEC)開發(fā)了IEC 60079-1 ed. 6標準――爆炸性環(huán)境――第一部分:防火外殼保護設(shè)備“d”――確保防止事故發(fā)生。 2007年四月出版了此項標準,該標準認識到一些電氣設(shè)備,如,燈,電機和電磁石有產(chǎn)生火花或其他火焰等引起爆炸的潛在性。對這樣的設(shè)備生產(chǎn)商來說其挑戰(zhàn)在于設(shè)計可以承受任何這樣的火焰的外殼,以阻止引發(fā)環(huán)境爆炸。 該標準提供了爆炸性環(huán)境中使用的設(shè)備制造和測試的明確指導(dǎo)原則,這些設(shè)備可以適用于例如位于北海和爪哇海岸的漂浮石油鉆塔,或近似汽油站或加油站的地方。 IEC技術(shù)委員會部長George Thompson(起草了IEC 60079-1 ed. 6標準)表示:“有很多物體都具有爆炸性,也有很多物體引起爆炸,”“使這兩種物質(zhì)分開是真正重要的?!? 在考慮到最老的爆炸保護技術(shù)的同時,該標準更新的版本結(jié)合了設(shè)備保護中最新的安全因素和防火外殼,即工業(yè)中所指的"Ex d"。IEC的技術(shù)委員會31起草了該標準,該委員會的職責(zé)是“研究可以在氣體爆炸環(huán)境,蒸汽爆炸環(huán)境,薄霧爆炸環(huán)境或易燃灰塵環(huán)境中使用的設(shè)備”。 來自UL安全認證服務(wù)和技術(shù)委員會31的成員的Paul Kelly表示:“這項標準旨在規(guī)范在嚴格設(shè)計和性能規(guī)格下要求一種外殼承受飛弧部件(放電)的一項保護技術(shù)。根據(jù)這些嚴格的規(guī)格,外殼需承受可能存在外殼內(nèi)部的氣體環(huán)境的點燃,同時還冷卻由于內(nèi)部燃燒排出的氣體。冷卻幫助減少了可能圍繞在外殼周圍的外部爆炸性環(huán)境燃燒的可能性?!? 據(jù)IEC技術(shù)人員Peter Lanctot.表示,制造商應(yīng)當(dāng)使用這項標準的另一個原因是使出口商品檢驗和進口商品一樣簡單無需進行重檢,以確保其安全性。取得IECEx體系IECEx認證機構(gòu)認證的制造商會發(fā)現(xiàn)更快速而經(jīng)濟的出口到新市場。至今,列入經(jīng)認可的可以發(fā)行IECEx證書的認證機構(gòu)可以登錄網(wǎng)站www.iecex.com查詢。 IEC 60079-1標準第六版替代了第五版(2003年出版)。該標準包括許多重要的技術(shù)更改,包括重要尺寸,測試要求和識別標記要求,以及最高表面溫度和爆炸性壓力燈的更改。第六版還包括一些普通修訂和涉及爆炸性設(shè)備的保護等級附件。 IEC 60079-1標準的嚴格應(yīng)用將對電氣設(shè)備設(shè)計以確保安全應(yīng)用于爆炸性環(huán)境的安全性和可銷售性作出很大貢獻。 original text: [COLOR=#708090]Publish of IEC 60079-1 ed. 6 GENEVA, 2007-05-24 – Danger lurks wherever humans work with explosive materials. A stray spark or tremendous heat can ignite the methane or coal dust in a mine, pure oxygen in a hospital operating theatre, the chemical fertilizer in a warehouse or the petrochemical in a refinery. The resulting explosion can cause injury and destruction, oftentimes on a catastrophic scale. Such was the case, for example, in the Courrières mine disaster in France in 1906. Exploding coal dust, possibly ignited by a miner‘s lamp, killed 1 099 people. Such also was the case in the Texas City refinery disaster in the USA in 2005. An exploding hydrocarbon vapour cloud killed 15 people and injured many others. But such accidents are not inevitable; with proper attention to safety, they can be prevented. The International Electrotechnical Commission has developed standard IEC 60079-1 ed. 6 – Explosive Atmospheres – Part 1: Equipment protection by flameproof enclosures “d” – to help ensure that they do not happen. Published in April 2007, the standard recognizes that certain kinds of electrical equipment, such as lamps, motors and electromagnets, have the potential to produce sparks or other flames that could ignite explosive atmospheres. The safety challenge for manufacturers of such equipment is to design enclosures that would contain any such flames and thus prevent them from causing the atmospheres to explode. The standard provides specific guidelines for the construction and testing of equipment meant to operate in explosive atmospheres, which can be found in places as remote as floating oil rigs in the North and Java seas or in places as familiar as the neighbourhood petrol or filling station. "There are things that go bang, and there are things that make it go bang, "explained George Thompson, secretary to the technical committee of the International Electrotechnical Commission that prepared the standard. "Keeping those two things apart is what it‘s really about." While considered the oldest of explosion protection techniques, the updated version of this standard incorporates the latest safety principals in equipment protection with flameproof enclosures, known in the industry as "Ex d". It was prepared by the International Electrotechnical Commission‘s Technical Committee 31, whose area of responsibility is "equipment for use where there is a hazard due to the possible presence of explosive atmospheres of gases, vapours, mists or combustible dusts". Said Paul Kelly of UL Conformity Assessment Services and a member of Technical Committee 31, "This standard addresses a protection technique that requires an enclosure to contain arcing parts (electrical discharges) under strict design and performance specifications. According to these strict specifications, an enclosure is to withstand the ignition of a gas atmosphere that may exist inside the enclosure, while also cooling any gases expelled from the enclosure as a result of the internal ignition. This cooling helps minimize the potential for ignition of any external explosive atmosphere that may surround the enclosure." Another reason for manufacturers to employ the standard is to facilitate exports inasmuch as importers do not have to re-test the equipment to ensure that it is safe, according to International Electrotechnical Commission Technical Officer Peter Lanctot. A manufacturer holding a certificate issued by an IECEx Certification Body (ExCB), in the IECEx Scheme will find it much faster and cheaper to export into new markets. Up to date listing of approved Certification Bodies, that can issue IECEx Certificates of Conformity can be found at www.iecex.com This sixth edition of IEC 60079-1 replaces the fifth edition, which was published in 2003. It contains several significant technical changes. They include changes to critical dimensions, testing and marking requirements and to the determination of maximum surface temperatures and explosive pressures. The sixth edition also contains general revisions and a new annex regarding protection levels for explosive equipment. The rigorous application of International Electrotechnical Commission standard 60079-1 will do much to ensure both the safety and the marketability of electrical equipment designed to be used in explosive atmospheres.[/COLOR]








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