



加州圣何塞市(2007年6月5日),打算利用個(gè)人用戶對(duì)硬盤驅(qū)動(dòng)USB儲(chǔ)藏設(shè)備的市場(chǎng)需要,日立環(huán)球儲(chǔ)存科技今天宣布,一款由日立發(fā)布延伸的個(gè)人儲(chǔ)藏產(chǎn)品:外部USB儲(chǔ)藏和便攜式USB儲(chǔ)藏。這些產(chǎn)品將通過美國(guó)最大的電子零售商Best Buy出售。   該產(chǎn)品已于2007年6月3日出現(xiàn)在了Best Buy專賣店里。日立的外部?jī)?chǔ)藏產(chǎn)品對(duì)于消費(fèi)者來說非常方便,可以很方便地?cái)U(kuò)大存儲(chǔ)能力,在保存回投非常重要數(shù)據(jù)內(nèi)容的時(shí)候,包括存儲(chǔ)視頻,音樂或是圖片。日立的USB存儲(chǔ),被鑄在簡(jiǎn)易硬盤里。性能包括:工業(yè)上第一個(gè)具備1TB的單個(gè)HDD,以及具備1/4吉字節(jié)的便攜式產(chǎn)品。兩種產(chǎn)品都能與USB進(jìn)行快速的連通,可以進(jìn)行預(yù)安裝。外部USB存儲(chǔ)產(chǎn)品也可以與電源適配器一起供給。便攜式USB存儲(chǔ)產(chǎn)品通過USB電纜和要求的無隔離的電源供以動(dòng)力。   在Gartner存儲(chǔ)市場(chǎng)的調(diào)查副總裁John Monroe說:“個(gè)人用戶附帶的USB產(chǎn)品還處于萌牙狀態(tài),在硬盤驅(qū)動(dòng)市場(chǎng)處于健康發(fā)展?fàn)顟B(tài)。我們預(yù)測(cè),在未來的十年里會(huì)繼續(xù)成長(zhǎng)。消費(fèi)者在購(gòu)買個(gè)人存儲(chǔ)產(chǎn)品的時(shí)候大多選擇存儲(chǔ)能量大的產(chǎn)品。人們通常想對(duì)不可替代的家庭相冊(cè)多種選擇,希望有足夠大的硬盤空間進(jìn)行存儲(chǔ)。所以個(gè)人用戶存儲(chǔ)設(shè)備發(fā)展空間還是很大的?!?   隨著USB存儲(chǔ)產(chǎn)品的上市,日立將擴(kuò)展其在零售市場(chǎng)上的參與比例,增加其內(nèi)部硬盤更新工具箱的生產(chǎn)線。先前是其它個(gè)人存儲(chǔ)產(chǎn)品提供商的合作伙伴。   日立環(huán)球存儲(chǔ)技術(shù)產(chǎn)要營(yíng)銷主管Shinjiro Iwata說:“消費(fèi)者對(duì)于創(chuàng)造和分享數(shù)據(jù)內(nèi)容的積極性就在于,他們的個(gè)人存儲(chǔ)可以擴(kuò)大存儲(chǔ)量,存儲(chǔ)更多有價(jià)值的信息。對(duì)于日立來說是進(jìn)修打入我們的品牌的產(chǎn)品了。通過Best Buy的團(tuán)隊(duì)組織,相信我們能夠達(dá)到吸引數(shù)據(jù)信息狂熱愛好者的目的。我們的1000吉字節(jié)和1/4吉字節(jié)個(gè)人存儲(chǔ)產(chǎn)品能夠滿足客戶對(duì)存儲(chǔ)量大的需求。” 個(gè)人存儲(chǔ)時(shí)代 日立幫個(gè)人用戶成就了個(gè)人存儲(chǔ)時(shí)代,方便個(gè)人隨時(shí)隨地對(duì)數(shù)據(jù)進(jìn)行存儲(chǔ),搜索和獲取。對(duì)于來自社會(huì)上的網(wǎng)絡(luò)站點(diǎn)帶來的危險(xiǎn),對(duì)于在互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上可下載的電影或是視頻,消費(fèi)者都非常的想下載存儲(chǔ),進(jìn)行瀏覽共享,這也就意味著他們需要更大的存儲(chǔ)空間。也不再會(huì)有人說:擁有那么大的空間來做什么?   隨著個(gè)人用戶存儲(chǔ)能量由1吉增長(zhǎng)到可存儲(chǔ)1000小時(shí)的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)視頻或300,000張數(shù)碼相片,這些豐富的多媒體資源可以繼續(xù)再創(chuàng)新高。   通過提高一系列的存儲(chǔ)量為:1TB, 750GB 和500GB 的外部存儲(chǔ)器以及250GB, 200GB 和160GB的便攜式存儲(chǔ)器,日立為個(gè)人用戶的需求提供了更多的選擇。簡(jiǎn)易硬盤的兩種模式可以與備份軟件一起供給,也可以預(yù)安裝。外部USB存儲(chǔ)設(shè)備可安裝在個(gè)人PC上或是Mac™,日立的USB存儲(chǔ)產(chǎn)品要求USB接口為2.0或是1.1,操作系統(tǒng)必須是Windows® 2000/XP, Windows Vista™或Mac OS X. 容量 價(jià)格和可買性 日立USB存儲(chǔ)產(chǎn)品從2007年6月3號(hào)起可以在Best Buy店或是網(wǎng)站上購(gòu)買。  外部USB存儲(chǔ)產(chǎn)品 • 包括一個(gè)USB2.0電纜,電源,預(yù)安裝備份軟件,一鍵備份和快速啟動(dòng)指南 • 1TB / 750GB / 500GB • 一年擔(dān)保期 便攜式USB存儲(chǔ)產(chǎn)品 • 包括一個(gè)USB2.0電纜, 預(yù)安裝備份軟件和快速啟動(dòng)指南 • 250GB(2) / 200GB / 160GB • 一年擔(dān)保期 (1) 1 GB = 十億字節(jié) (2) 250GB 容量只能在bestbuy.com上買到 關(guān)于日立環(huán)球存儲(chǔ)技術(shù)部 關(guān)于日立環(huán)球存儲(chǔ)技術(shù)是全球存儲(chǔ)技術(shù)的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者,通過結(jié)合日立和IBM的硬盤驅(qū)動(dòng)業(yè)務(wù)部于2003年成立。日立環(huán)球存儲(chǔ)技術(shù)可以使用戶通過高存儲(chǔ)量的硬盤充分享受數(shù)字化生活。方便辦公,生活,在路上也可以用。 original text [COLOR=#708090]HITACHI DELIVERS THE “EASY HARD DRIVE” TO CONSUMERS SAN JOSE, Calif. – June 5, 2007 – Intending to capitalize on the growing personal USB-attached storage segment of the hard disk drive (HDD) market, Hitachi Global Storage Technologies (Hitachi) today announced an expanded retail strategy with the launch of Hitachi-branded personal storage products: External USB Storage and Portable USB Storage. These products will be sold through Best Buy, the largest electronics retailer in the U.S. Available on June 3, 2007 in Best Buy stores, Hitachi‘s external storage products make it easy for consumers to have expanded storage capacity for saving and backing up their most important digital content including video, music and photos. Hitachi‘s USB storage, coined the “easy hard drive,” features a range of capacities including the industry‘s first one terabyte(1) (TB) in a single HDD and a quarter terabyte in the portable product. Both products come with fast USB connectivity and pre-installed software, making it quick and easy for users to connect and back up their digital content. The External USB Storage product also comes with a power adapter. The Portable USB Storage product is powered through the USB cable and requires no separate power source. “Personal USB-attached storage products represent a burgeoning and healthy segment of the hard disk drive market and we are forecasting that it will continue to grow into the next decade,” said John Monroe, research vice president, Storage Markets at Gartner. “Consumers who purchase personal storage products are more often opting for higher capacities. People generally want multiple copies of the irreplaceable ‘family photo album‘ and a large hard disk drive gives them sufficient storage space for the device to serve as a repository for the entire household‘s digital content.” With the launch of the USB storage products, Hitachi has expanded its participation in the retail market adding to its current line of internal hard drive upgrade kits. It had previously partnered with other vendors for personal storage products. “Consumers‘ enthusiasm for creating and sharing digital content is driving a huge demand for personal storage products that they can use to expand their capacity and back up their most valued data,” said Shinjiro Iwata, chief marketing officer, Hitachi Global Storage Technologies. “The time is right for Hitachi to enter this growing segment with our own branded products. By teaming with Best Buy, we have an opportunity to reach those digital content enthusiasts whose appetites for storage exceed what‘s available today. Our one-terabyte and quarter-terabyte personal storage products can satisfy even the most capacity-hungry consumer.” The Personal Era of Storage Hitachi is helping to set the stage for the Personal Era of storage, where personalized digital content is readily accessible, searchable and retrievable–any time, anywhere. With the advent of social networking sites, downloadable movies and video distribution over the Internet, consumers‘ desire to have instant access to their data–to store, view and share–means that greater storage capacity is a necessity. One no longer needs to ask, “What would I do with all of that space?” With the ability to store massive amounts of data on a one-terabyte personal storage device–up to 1000 hours of standard-definition video or over 300,000 digital photos–these rich media enthusiasts can continue to create and share content at an expansive rate. By offering a range of capacities–1TB, 750GB and 500GB in the External USB Storage product and 250GB, 200GB and 160GB in the Portable USB Storage product–Hitachi gives consumers a variety of options to address their individual storage needs. Both models of the “easy hard drive” come with pre-installed back-up software and the External USB Storage product features one-button back up. The same back-up software on the Portable USB Storage device can be launched on the user‘s PC or Mac™. Hitachi‘s USB storage products require a USB port (2.0 or 1.1) and Windows® 2000/XP, Windows Vista™ operating system or Mac OS X. Capacities, Pricing and Availability  Hitachi‘s USB storage products are available beginning June 3, 2007 at all Best Buy stores or on the Web at bestbuy.com. About Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Hitachi Global Storage Technologies is a storage technology leader, founded in 2003 through the combination of Hitachi‘s and IBM‘s hard disk drive businesses. Hitachi GST enables users to fully engage in the digital lifestyle by providing high-value hard disk storage in formats suitable for the office, on the road and in the home. [/COLOR]










  • 運(yùn)動(dòng)控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機(jī)器視覺
  • 機(jī)械傳動(dòng)
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機(jī)界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機(jī)器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機(jī)柜
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