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導語:與艾默生合作建設智能工廠――新型現(xiàn)代化 新型無線技術提高工廠運營效率

與艾默生合作建設智能工廠――新型現(xiàn)代化 新型無線技術提高工廠運營效率 芬蘭赫爾新基6月5日新聞――艾默生過程管理公司將在2007(第六屆)芬蘭國際紙漿及造紙展覽會上展出其多種技術方法降低工程風險,改善運營。通過結(jié)合其PlantWeb®數(shù)字工廠架構(gòu)和40多年為紙漿和造紙客戶提供工程的服務,項目管理和生命周期自動化服務,艾默生傳輸了世界級的智能工廠性能。 艾默生是世界上一些最重要的紙漿和造紙廠項目的一站式自動化合作商,該公司幫助建造智能工廠,具有預測性診斷,基于開放式標準的通信網(wǎng)絡和軟件,優(yōu)化工具和方案以及先進的可視化和運行信息的特性。 隨著智能工廠安裝執(zhí)行PlantWeb,現(xiàn)場設備和設備性能的智能網(wǎng)絡的連續(xù)診斷將預測過程狀況和檢測設備本身。隨著數(shù)據(jù)采集能力的提高,操作員和維修員有多種工具通過預測和阻止反常狀況,提高加工和公認效率使工廠操作效率達到最佳。 對于新的建筑來說,基于開放式標準的PlantWeb數(shù)字方案加速了制圖和文件歸檔。設計,安裝,布線,配置以及試運轉(zhuǎn)。艾默生的專業(yè)項目管理有助于業(yè)主引導供應商,提供順利集成。這使得艾默生在全球快速啟動項目記錄,同時降低整體安裝成本,降低業(yè)主和項目組的風險。 不論是新式的或者現(xiàn)代化的,集成智能工廠運行帶來了PlantWeb數(shù)字架構(gòu)的環(huán)保特性和運行效益,幫助業(yè)主安全操作。先進的過程控制進一步促進了運行效益,降低了處理過程中的可變性,提高了質(zhì)量和產(chǎn)出,同時降低了生產(chǎn)廢料和返工成本,優(yōu)化能源因素。 成功項目-成熟經(jīng)驗 默生的紙漿和造紙工業(yè)中心擁有豐富的經(jīng)驗,熟練的加工技術以及業(yè)務經(jīng)驗,在任意紙漿和造紙工程領域占據(jù)領先地位,在其配置中靈活使用硬件和軟件工具達到最佳效果。艾默生證明了其在多個引人注目的項目方面的能力,包括智利的Celulosa Arauco Valdivia項目,加拿大Bowater, Canfor, and Abitibi-Consolidated公司項目以及美國Interstate Paper, Appleton, and Boise Cascade公司項目。 艾默生將與客戶一起投入項目早期工程,基于工廠的操作限制和商業(yè)目標幫助評定和優(yōu)先進行過程自動化項目。首先通過解決機械缺陷,然后應用最先進的設備和控制技術,最后運用過程優(yōu)化和先進的控制策略優(yōu)化工廠加工性能。所有這些程序結(jié)合到了一個turnkey solution商業(yè)模式,這種商業(yè)模式按時傳送,并具最低可能風險和對正常生產(chǎn)的最小可能影響。 通過機遇繪制和應用提高工廠性能 艾默生提供工廠機遇繪制服務幫助客戶快速評定和優(yōu)先進行自動化操作改進。調(diào)查包括1到2天的全工廠收集關鍵過程數(shù)據(jù),基準,確定改進機遇和過程優(yōu)化預計經(jīng)濟狀況??山桓妒褂靡环萘谐龊蛥^(qū)分自動化項目和最佳項目的投資回收率的精確文檔。 艾默生的SmartProcess®紙漿和造紙應用為制漿,造紙,化學制品回收以及工廠能源領域提供關鍵加工優(yōu)化方案。SmartProcess方案專業(yè)設計用于提高加工效率,降低風險。 經(jīng)驗證的,有證明文件的調(diào)查結(jié)果例證包括改進的熬煉一致性每年收益170萬美元,蒸煮車間的Kappa值變化降低,蒸發(fā)成本降低120美元,并有利于環(huán)境健康安全,100萬美元庫存預備和造紙機升級,93.5萬美元石灰窯性能改善以及220萬美元漂白車間改進以提高制漿質(zhì)量和產(chǎn)出,同時降低化學藥品成本,減少污染物質(zhì)排放。 智能無線技術開創(chuàng)卓越運營新紀元 艾默生的智能無線技術是其PlantWeb的最新革新技術,將提高生產(chǎn)力,改進工廠設備的難以接近的輔助設備性能。運用無線技術將增加直接控制和監(jiān)控的機器數(shù)量,以確定其運行狀況和預期性能表現(xiàn)。這項技術的初次實施證明可達到非??煽康倪\行,同時安裝和連接難以接近設備的成本降低了90%。 為使客戶更簡便的改善經(jīng)營水平,艾默生將推出SmartPack™啟動包,包括SmartStart™服務器,5到100無線Rosemount流量變送器,壓力變送器,液位傳感器或溫度傳感器,一個無線網(wǎng)關以及一個AMS智能設備管理軟件應用用于穿過無線網(wǎng)關的預測性診斷信息。通過遵循簡單的最佳操作,完整的組裝,配置和測試啟動包網(wǎng)絡將自行正確建立,無需用戶輸入或設置。 艾默生獨特的網(wǎng)上PlantWeb大學已經(jīng)增添了19門15分鐘的課程,為操作員,工程師和管理人員提供了工廠內(nèi)部無線技術和應用的實際介紹。登錄網(wǎng)站訪問:www.PlantWebUniversity.com。 無線技術是未來制漿和造紙必走之路,艾默生還在2007(第六屆)芬蘭國際紙漿及造紙展覽會上介紹了另外一種技術方法。 2007年度工業(yè)自動化和過程控制企業(yè)獎 咨詢公司Frost & Sullivan在為艾默生過程管理公司頒布2007年度工業(yè)自動化和過程控制企業(yè)獎項時注意到:“艾默生公司在提高過程控制和取得更高產(chǎn)出,降低成本的技術創(chuàng)新方面一直走在最前沿。”制漿和造紙行業(yè)被認為是艾默生公司滿足不斷發(fā)展的經(jīng)濟需求的無無以倫比的經(jīng)驗和能力的受益者。 展會上還展出了艾默生控制技術的電子設備和驅(qū)動器產(chǎn)品,用于和智能工廠自動化方案集成??刂萍夹g結(jié)合了豐富的經(jīng)驗,模塊化的驅(qū)動器設計,功能強大的技術和先進的工具組件提供完整的工業(yè)自動化解決方案。 original text: [COLOR=#708090]Emerson‘s automation expertise and digital technology deliver world class Smart Mill performance Partnering with Emerson means Smart Mills — new or modernized. New wireless technology promises further bright improvements. Helsinki, Finland (June 5, 2007) – Emerson Process Management is exhibiting pathways to reduced project risk and improved operations at PulPaper 2007. By combining its PlantWeb® digital plant architecture with experience from more than 40 years of supplying pulp and paper customers with engineering, project management and lifecycle automation services, Emerson delivers world class Smart Mill performance. Emerson is a one-stop automation partner for some of the most significant pulp and paper mill projects in the world. The company helps create Smart Mills that feature predictive diagnostics, open standards-based communications networks and software, optimization tools and solutions, and advanced visualization of operating information. With the PlantWeb implementation of a Smart Mill, intelligent networks of field devices and equipment perform continuous diagnostics to predict the health of the process and of the instruments themselves. With better data available, operations and maintenance staff have the tools to maximize mill operations by anticipating and preventing abnormal situations and improving process and worker efficiency. For new construction, the open standards-based PlantWeb digital approach expedites drawings and documentation, layout, installation, wiring, configuration and commissioning. Emerson‘s expert project management helps owners orchestrate suppliers, providing smooth integration. The result has been a consistent Emerson track record of faster startup for projects around the world, while also reducing total installed costs. Risk is reduced for owners and project teams. Whether new or modernized, integrated Smart Mill operations deliver the environmental and operational benefits of PlantWeb digital architecture, and help owners operate safely. The operational benefits are furthered by advanced process control that reduces variability in the process, improving quality and throughput, while simultaneously reducing the costs associated with waste and rework, and optimizing energy factors. Successful projects - proven experience Emerson‘s Pulp and Paper Industry Center has the expertise, process knowledge, and business acumen to take a leading role in any pulp or paper project and to achieve best-in-class results through judicious use of the hardware and software tools at their disposal. This group has proved its ability on several high-profile projects, including the Celulosa Arauco Valdivia project in Chile; Bowater, Canfor, and Abitibi-Consolidated in Canada; and Interstate Paper, Appleton, and Boise Cascade in the U.S. Emerson will engage with customers early in the project cycle to help assess and prioritize process automation projects based on a mill‘s operational constraints and business objectives. Mill process performance is optimized by first addressing any mechanical deficiencies, then applying state of the art instrumentation and control technologies, and finally installing process specific optimization and advanced control strategies. All of this is combined into a turnkey solution that is delivered on time with the lowest possible risk and least possible impact to normal production. Mill improvement via opportunity mapping and applications Emerson offers Mill Opportunity Mapping service to help clients quickly assess and prioritize automation improvement opportunities. Survey engagements typically consist of a 1 to 2 day mill walk-through to collect key process data, benchmark, identify improvement opportunities, and estimate economics of process optimization. The deliverable is a concise document that outlines and prioritizes opportunities for return on investment from automation and optimization projects. Emerson‘s SmartProcess® Pulp & Paper applications provide process specific optimization solutions for pulping, paper making, chemical recovery, and energy areas of a mill. SmartProcess solutions are uniquely designed to improve process efficiencies and reduce risk. Examples of proven, documented results include annual benefits of $1.7 million for improved cooking consistency and reduced Kappa variation in the digester house; $1.2 million for steam cost reduction and environmental compliance; $1 million instock preparation and paper machine upgrade; $935 thousand for lime kiln performance improvements; and $2.2 million for bleach plant enhancements that improved pulp quality and throughput while reducing chemical costs and environmental emissions. Smart Wireless technology begins a new era of increased operational excellence Emerson‘s Smart Wireless technology, the newest PlantWeb innovation, is expected to extend operating excellence to more and more pieces of production and auxiliary equipment in the far reaches of mill facilities. Use of wireless will increase the number of machines directly controlled and monitored to determine their condition and ability to perform as expected. Initial deployments of this technology have demonstrated extremely reliable operation along with a 90 percent reduction of installation and connection costs for hard-to-reach equipment. To make it even easier for customers to reach the next level of business improvement, Emerson is introducing the SmartPack™ starter kit, consisting of SmartStart™ services; from 5 to 100 wireless Rosemount flow, pressure, level, or temperature transmitters; a wireless gateway; and an AMS Intelligent Device Manager software application for predictive diagnostic information access through the wireless gateway. By following easy best practices, the completely assembled, configured, and tested starter kit network will establish itself right out of the box, with no additional user input or setup. Emerson‘s unique on-line PlantWeb University has added nineteen 15-minute courses that present a practical introduction to the technology and applications of in-plant wireless for operators, engineers and management; for access, go to www.PlantWebUniversity.com. Wireless is the way of the future in pulp and paper, another of the technological pathways Emerson is illuminating at PulPaper 2007. 2007 Industrial Automation and Process Control Company of the Year In presenting Emerson Process Management with the 2007 Industrial Automation and Process Control Company of the Year Award, the consulting firm of Frost & Sullivan noted, "This company has always been on the forefront of technological innovations that improve the process and obtain higher throughput at reduced costs." The pulp and paper industry was cited as one beneficiary of Emerson‘s "unmatched expertise and ability to cater to the demands of growing economies." Also shown at PulPaper 2007, Emerson Control Techniques‘ electronic drives and drive support products are offered for integration with Smart Mill automation solutions. Control Techniques combines extensive industry experience, modular drive design, powerful technology and advanced toolkits to provide complete industrial automation solutions.[/COLOR]










  • 運動控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機器視覺
  • 機械傳動
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機柜
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