NEMA出版FB 2.20-2007 電氣管道和電纜配件選擇安裝手冊(cè)



導(dǎo)語:NEMA出版FB 2.20-2007 用于電氣管道和電纜配件選擇和安裝手冊(cè)

美國國家電氣制造商協(xié)會(huì)出版了FB 2.20-2007 用于電氣管道和電纜配置的選擇和安裝手冊(cè)。FB 2系列出版物由NEMA電導(dǎo)配件部開發(fā)的。表現(xiàn)了NEM根據(jù)國家電氣法典對(duì)水溝安裝質(zhì)量的保證。   根據(jù)NEMA導(dǎo)管配件部主席Timothy McNieve所言,這些選擇和安裝手冊(cè)在正確的產(chǎn)品選擇和工業(yè)推薦實(shí)踐中提供實(shí)用信息。   McNieve說:“ NEMA FB2.20選擇和安裝手冊(cè)是UL 514B NEMA FB1的補(bǔ)充,也是NEMA出版的提高一致性和同等最優(yōu)方法,可提高產(chǎn)品選擇,合適安裝的配套手冊(cè)文件。NEMA的5FB部門提供的文件,在電氣版式上是免費(fèi)的,鼓勵(lì)其在教育培訓(xùn)機(jī)構(gòu)使用,在國外發(fā)行?!?   FB 2.20提供安裝工人和在選擇和應(yīng)用普通電纜和可伸縮導(dǎo)管配件方面擁有全面指導(dǎo)經(jīng)驗(yàn)的法典執(zhí)行官員。這些指導(dǎo)方針解釋了此種典型安裝的背景,以配件和硬紙盒做為標(biāo)記。在裝甲旋轉(zhuǎn)時(shí),正確座套的重要性,使用合適的扭力,維護(hù)接地系統(tǒng)的完整性。FB2.20用裝甲電纜替,可伸縮的金屬軟管,金屬鐵殼電纜,替代配件。   FB 2.20-2007可以免費(fèi)下載,或是登錄或撥打電話(800) 854-7179 (美國), (303) 397-7956 (國際電話), (303) 397-2740 (傳真).購買硬拷貝,價(jià)格81美元。 original text [COLOR=#708090]NEMA Publishes FB 2.20-2007 Selection and Installation Guidelines for Fittings for Use with Flexible Electrical Conduit and Cable The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) has published FB 2.20-2007 Selection and Installation Guidelines for Fittings for Use with Flexible Electrical Conduit and Cable. The FB 2 series of publications was developed by NEMA‘s Conduit Fittings Section and represents NEMA‘s commitment by to quality raceway installations made in accordance with the National Electrical Code®. According to Timothy McNieve, chairman of NEMA‘s Conduit Fittings Section, these selection and installation guidelines offer practical information on correct product selection and industry-recommended practices. “NEMA FB2.20 Selection and Installation Guidelines complement NEMA FB1, UL 514B, and companion guideline documents published by NEMA to provide consistent and coordinated best practices that improve product selection, proper installations, and consistent code enforcement,” McNieve said. “NEMA‘s 5FB Section provides this document in electronic format at no charge, and encourages its broad distribution and use in educational training.” FB 2.20 provides installers and code enforcement officials with comprehensive guidance on the proper selection and application of the most common cable and flexible conduit fittings. These guidelines explain the background on such critical installation issues as fitting and carton markings, the importance of correct seating of fittings in armor convolutions, applying proper torque, and maintaining the integrity of the grounding system. FB 2.20 covers fittings for use with armored cable, flexible metal conduit, metal-clad cable, liquidtight flexible metal conduit, liquidtight flexible nonmetallic conduit, and nonmetallic-sheathed cable. FB 2.20-2007may be downloaded at no charge, or a hardcopy purchased for $81.00 by visiting NEMA‘s website at, or by contacting IHS at (800) 854-7179 (within the U.S.), (303) 397-7956 (international), (303) 397-2740 (fax)[/COLOR]








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