

來源:中國傳動網(wǎng) 翻譯


西門子輸配電(PTD)獲得中國廣州南方電力公司訂單,在中國西南部的云南和廣州南岸與中國合作伙伴一起建立一個高壓直流輸電系統(tǒng)。此項戰(zhàn)略,西門子將投入了新HVDC技術(shù)。系統(tǒng)將會是世界上第一個電力傳輸?shù)闹绷麟妷涸?/- 800 kV范圍之內(nèi)的系統(tǒng)。同時此系統(tǒng)的傳輸容量為5000 MW,將是世界上容量最高的長距離高壓直流輸送線路。西門子參與此次訂單將獲益3億歐元。此系統(tǒng)預(yù)計在2010年投入商業(yè)運(yùn)營。 在云南附加的電力供應(yīng)預(yù)計打算為廣州省迅速成長的珠江三角洲工業(yè)區(qū)提供電力供應(yīng),和人口較多的廣州和深圳省提供電力供應(yīng)。在未來,電力供應(yīng)將由一些水力發(fā)電廠完成,通過這條從云南到廣州的1400千米的高壓直流輸電線路傳送。水力發(fā)電是一種經(jīng)濟(jì),環(huán)保的發(fā)電形式,不會釋放CO2。這種高壓直流連接每年將減少3億噸CO2釋放量。這也是燃?xì)鈱夂虍a(chǎn)生危害的原因所在。另外,在廣東省建立附加的化石燃料發(fā)電廠,方便服務(wù)區(qū)域電網(wǎng)。 西門子輸配電集團(tuán)總裁Udo Niehage先生說:“這一杰出的訂單證明我們近幾年來投資開發(fā)研究800KV HVDC技術(shù)能夠應(yīng)用在此工程中是值得的。今天,我們能無限地為我們的客戶提供此項技術(shù)也是我們不斷創(chuàng)新的結(jié)果?!? 西門子與中國合作伙伴一起設(shè)計全面的高壓直流系統(tǒng),并提供高壓直流主要元件,其中提供10個800 kV 和10個600 kV的換流變壓器以及直流濾波器和800kv直流元件。此外,西門子為中國合作伙伴在設(shè)計和生產(chǎn)半導(dǎo)體閘流管閥門,轉(zhuǎn)換變壓器和控制系統(tǒng)方面提供支持。變流器站與有兩個串行聯(lián)接,每極脈沖數(shù)為12的雙極模塊上操作。該設(shè)計提高了變電站的可靠性和彈性。 對于西門子輸配電集團(tuán)為說,云南到廣州間的長距離高壓直流輸電線路是其在中國建造的第五個系統(tǒng)。第一工程是葛洲壩與上海間長距離輸送(全長1040千米,輸送電壓+/- 500千伏,輸送能力1200兆瓦)于1989年投入運(yùn)營,第二項工程天生橋與廣州間的電力輸送(全長960千米,輸送電壓+/- 500千伏,輸送能力1800兆瓦)已于2001年六月投入運(yùn)營,第三項工程貴州省安順與廣東省肇慶間(貴州—廣東一期工程)的電力輸送(全長940多千米,輸送電壓+/- 500千伏,輸送能力3000兆瓦)于2004年9月后半期投入運(yùn)營。第四項貴州—廣東二期工程(全長1225千米,輸送電壓+/- 500千伏,輸送能力3000兆瓦)將于2007年年底前投入運(yùn)營。 急劇上漲的電力需求沖擊著中國的工業(yè)中心,也意味著量相當(dāng)多的電將要在千米或是更長的線路上被輸送。高壓直流輸送是僅有的一種具備技術(shù)性和經(jīng)濟(jì)性的解決方案。正如西門子當(dāng)前展示的HVDC工程,中國已根據(jù)國內(nèi)對電力的需求,已加大力度推行800KV的長距離高壓直流輸電。中國是輸配電市場中發(fā)展最快的國家,在未來的20年到30年將成為世界上最大的獨(dú)立的HVCD輸送技術(shù)市場。西門子輸配電是這一技術(shù)的提供者。 original text [COLOR=#708090]Venturing into a new dimension of HVDC technology – Siemens is constructing a high-voltage DC link with the world’s highest ever power capacity in China Siemens Power Transmission and Distribution (PTD) has won an order from China Southern Power Grid Company, Guangzhou, to construct a high-voltage DC transmission (HVDC) system between the province of Yunnan in the southwest corner of China and the province of Guangdong on the south coast of the country together with Chinese partners. With this technology, Siemens ventures into a new dimension of HVDC technology. The system will be the first in the world to transmit electricity at a DC voltage of +/- 800 kV. At the same time this project with a power transmission capacity of 5000 MW will be the long-distance HVDC link with the world’s highest ever power capacity which has been built. The Siemens value of the order in total is more than 300 million euros. The system is scheduled to commence commercial service by mid-2010. The additional electric power from Yunnan is intended to supply the rapidly growing industrial region of the Pearl River delta in the province of Guangdong and the megacities of Guangzhou and Shenzhen. In future the electricity generated by several hydro-electric power plants will be transported from Yunnan via 1,400 km to Guangzhou over this long-distance HVDC link. Hydro-electric power generation is economically, environment-friendly and does not emit any CO2. This HVDC link will save the emission of more than 30 million tons of CO2 a year.That is how much of the gas which is harmful to the climate would be produced otherwise, for example through the construction of additional fossil fired conventional power plants in the province of Guangdong to serve the regional grid. “This outstanding order shows that our efforts over recent years to further develop 800 kV HVDC technology to the point where it is ready for use in projects have been worthwhile. Today, we can boundless provide it to our customers,” said Dr. Udo Niehage, President of Siemens Power Transmission and Distribution Group (PTD). Together with Chinese partners, Siemens designs the complex HVDC system and supplies HVDC main components, among other things ten 800 kV and ten 600 kV converter transformers as well as DC filters and 800 kV DC components. Furthermore Siemens supports its Chinese partners in design and manufacturing of thyristor valves, converter transformers and control systems. The converter stations operate in bipolar mode with two series-connected, twelve-pulse valve groups per pole, in which light-triggered thyristors are used. This scheme improves the reliability and flexibility of the power transmission. now increased the DC transmission voltage of new long-distance HVDC systems to +/- 800 kV due to China’s need for even longer lines and more bulk transmission demand. China is the fastest growing market in the field of power transmission and distribution and will become the world’s largest single market for HVDC transmission technology over the next 20 to 30 years. Siemens PTD is a leading supplier of this technology. The steep rise in demand for power in China’s industrial centers means that huge amounts of electricity have to be conveyed over distances of one thousand kilometers and more. HVDC transmission is the only expedient method, in terms of both technology and efficiency. High-voltage direct-current transmission is the only technically and economically viable solution. As the current Siemens HVDC project shows, China has For Siemens Power Transmission and Distribution this long-distance HVDC link between Yunnan and Guangdong is already the fifth system in China. The first was the “Ge-Sha“ HVDC interconnector linking Gezhouba and Shanghai (1200 megawatts, +/- 500 kilovolts over a distance of 1040 kilometers), which went into operation in 1989. “Tian-Guang“, the second project, which has been in service since June 2001, links Tianshengqiao in southwest China with Guangzhou (1800 MW, +/- 500 kilovolts over 960 km). The third project, the “Guizhou-Guangdong I” interconnector between Anshun in Guizhou Province and Zhaoqing in Guangdong Province (3000 MW, +/- 500 kilovolts over 940 km) entered operation in late September 2004. Number four is the “Guizhou-Guangdong II” project (3000 MW, +/- 500 kilovolts over 1225 km) which will go into service before the end of 2007. [/COLOR]










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