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Falcon Broadband將在Colorado Springs地區(qū)開展日立GPON方案




選擇標志著美國有線電視運營商首次配置商業(yè)全速率住宅GPON 加州亞特蘭大6月13日新聞――日立今天宣布Colorado Springs,CO Falcon Broadband公司選擇其AMN1220吉比特無源光網(wǎng)絡產(chǎn)品為Falcon在Colorado Springs的服務領域和周圍地區(qū)提供視頻,高速網(wǎng)絡和語音服務。選擇日立公司的全速率GPON方案使得Falcon運用一種已在商業(yè)服務中經(jīng)過一整年的驗證的系統(tǒng)提供高帶寬三合一服務。從開始就配置GPON將決定Falcon Broadband公司升級其基礎設施以適應新型高帶寬服務,這種高帶寬服務未來將大量上線投產(chǎn)。 Falcon Broadband是三合一服務――有線電視,高速網(wǎng)絡,傳統(tǒng)語音或VoIP的Colorado Springs供應商,已經(jīng)實驗了日立GPON方案,并將馬上開始安裝。Falcon Broadband將為所有安裝區(qū)域的項目提供基于GPON技術的服務,工程將首次從目前由Colorado Springs-based Classic Homes 開發(fā)的Flying Horse社團開始。該市其他的協(xié)會或臨近協(xié)會將在今年后期開始安裝,包括Latigo Trails, Ellicott Town Center, The Metro Club, Cathedral Pines, Falcon Highlands, East Brook以及Davis Ranch。這也是美國有線電視運營商首次開展GPON,進一步結(jié)合了GPON是寬帶三合一服務有效傳輸?shù)倪x擇方案的理念。 Falcon Broadband 公司首席執(zhí)行官Randy DeYoung標示: “事實上日立公司有一個商業(yè)服務的追蹤記錄,可以為我們展示安裝他們的增加營收的全速率GPON非常關鍵。我們的客戶希望技術領先的通信服務,日立公司的GPON系統(tǒng)為我們帶來了所需帶寬凈空為未來用戶增加先進的服務?!? 日立電信公司銷售和市場部副總裁Rick Schiavinato標示:“日立公司非常高興支持Falcon Broadband公司在Colorado Springs的首創(chuàng)謹慎,這是一個技術集中的城市,將從Falcon Broadband公司提供的GPON帶寬中大大受益。做為有線電視的供應商,F(xiàn)alcon將有能力通過期技術領先的光纖網(wǎng)絡提供RF視頻服務和先進的IPTV服務?!? Colorado Springs擁有總?cè)丝诔^587,000,美國空軍軍官學校,Lockheed Martin公司,Oracle,Agilent,以及美國奧林匹克訓練中心的家鄉(xiāng),2006年,Colorado Springs被提名為美國最大的城市(CNN金錢雜志)。 有關日立的光纖到戶產(chǎn)品 日立公司的FTTP平臺是一個家族產(chǎn)品,采用一個單光纖直接到戶為住宅,商業(yè)和機構(gòu)訂戶提供額外高帶寬。 日立公司在北美地區(qū)的GPON產(chǎn)品符合ITU-T G.984標準,隨著未來應用和能力的提高,服務提供商將獲得執(zhí)行FTTP方案的最大靈活性,GPON產(chǎn)品為此提供擔保。日立公司的AMN1220產(chǎn)品是在美國(Bandon, Oregon, 2006年六月)商業(yè)服務行業(yè)開發(fā)的首個全速率GPON平臺,也將是首個GPON產(chǎn)品。 AMN1220通過了同軸電纜多媒體網(wǎng)路認證,運用現(xiàn)存為有限電視服務開發(fā)的現(xiàn)存同軸電纜實現(xiàn)家庭網(wǎng)絡。2007年5月,AMN1220成為首個農(nóng)村公共事業(yè)服務(RUS)列出的用于RUS投資寬帶開發(fā)的全速率GPON產(chǎn)品。 original text: [COLOR=#708090]Falcon Broadband to Deploy Hitachi GPON Solution In Colorado Springs Area Selection Marks First Commercial Full-Rate Residential GPON Deployment in the U.S. by a Cable Television Operator ATLANTA, GA, June 13, 2007 – Hitachi Telecom (USA), Inc. today announced that the company‘s AMN1220 Gigabit Passive Optical Network product has been selected by Falcon Broadband of Colorado Springs, CO to deliver video, high-speed Internet, and voice services in Falcon‘s service area in Colorado Springs and surrounding areas. The choice of Hitachi‘s full-rate GPON solution allows Falcon to offer high-bandwidth triple play services using a system that has been proven in commercial service for a full year. Deploying GPON from the beginning will position Falcon Broadband to upgrade their infrastructure to accommodate new high bandwidth services that will come on stream in the future. Falcon Broadband, a Colorado Springs provider of triple play services – cable television, high speed Internet, traditional voice or voice over IP (VoIP) – has already trialed the Hitachi GPON solution, and will begin installation immediately. Falcon Broadband will offer services based on GPON technology in phases throughout their coverage area starting with the Flying Horse community currently being developed by Colorado Springs-based Classic Homes. Other communities and neighborhoods within the city will follow later this year, including Latigo Trails, Ellicott Town Center, The Metro Club, Cathedral Pines, Falcon Highlands, East Brook, and Davis Ranch. The Falcon Broadband deployment also represents the first commercial deployment in the United States of GPON by a cable television operator, further cementing the concept that GPON is the solution of choice for the efficient delivery of broadband triple play services. “The fact that Hitachi has a track record of commercial service and could show us revenue-generating full-rate GPON installations was critical to our decision to deploy their product,” said Randy DeYoung, Falcon Broadband CEO. “Our customers expect leading-edge communications services, and Hitachi‘s GPON system gives us the bandwidth headroom we need to to add future advanced services for our subscribers.” “Hitachi is very pleased to support Falcon Broadband‘s initiatives in Colorado Springs,” said Rick Schiavinato, Hitachi Telecom vice president, sales and marketing. “This is a technology-focused city that will benefit tremendously from the GPON bandwidth offered by Falcon Broadband. And as a cable TV operator, Falcon will have the ability to offer both RF video services and advanced IPTV services via their leading edge fiber optic network.” Colorado Springs, with an area population of over 587,000, is home to the United States Air Force Academy, Lockheed Martin, Oracle, Agilent, and the United States Olympic Training Center. In 2006 Colorado Springs was named America‘s No. 1 big city to live in (CNN Money Magazine). About Hitachi‘s Fiber to the Premises Products Hitachi‘s FTTP platform is a family of products that provides ultra high bandwidth communication services to residential, business and institutional subscribers using a single optical fiber direct to the subscriber‘s premises. Hitachi‘s GPON products for North America are compliant with ITU-T G.984 standards, providing assurance that service providers will have maximum flexibility in implementing FTTP solutions as applications and capabilities develop in the future. Hitachi‘s AMN1220 product was the first full-rate GPON platform to be deployed in commercial service in the United States (Bandon, Oregon, June 2006), and was the first GPON product to be certified by the Multimedia over Coax Alliance (MoCA), supporting in-home networking using existing coaxial cable deployed for cable television service. In May 2007, the AMN1220 became the first full-rate GPON product to be listed by the USDA Rural Utilities Service (RUS) for use in RUS-funded broadband deployments.[/COLOR]








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