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2007年6月18日周一—2007年6月21日周四 研討歐洲服務(wù)供應(yīng)商如何在其接入網(wǎng)中配置光纖以傳送盈利的大市場視頻和交互式服務(wù) 歐洲在光纖網(wǎng)的大規(guī)模投資浪潮正在進(jìn)行,正在經(jīng)營FTTx/xDSL網(wǎng)絡(luò)的運(yùn)營商正在展開其業(yè)務(wù),提供高價值,內(nèi)容密集的服務(wù)。在光纖中的光纖投入是運(yùn)營商們采用的主要策略,運(yùn)營商們正在尋求通過為大規(guī)模市場提供高價值IP視頻和交互式服務(wù)提升ARPU,降低客戶流失率。IIR的FTTx峰會展示了來自致力于帶動光纖網(wǎng)投資,并倡導(dǎo)新型,高價值,內(nèi)容豐富的業(yè)務(wù)模式的高級決策者的超過30例研究演講。 FTTx峰會包括四個主要領(lǐng)域 運(yùn)營商商務(wù)策略――6月19日周二 FTTx開發(fā)戰(zhàn)略――Stream A――6月20日周三 內(nèi)容,應(yīng)用和媒體――Stream B――6月20日周三 運(yùn)行和地方網(wǎng)絡(luò)――6月21日周四 技術(shù)簡報――周一6月18日,此外,我們選擇了高度相關(guān)的兩個半日技術(shù)簡報-通過參加這兩個交互的研討會,您將可以獲得敏銳的洞察力,了解您可以開發(fā)的業(yè)務(wù)和技術(shù)領(lǐng)域,在您的公司內(nèi)部建立高盈利,內(nèi)容向?qū)У臉I(yè)務(wù)。 早晨――三合一業(yè)務(wù)發(fā)展 下午――配置和優(yōu)化混合式光纖和光纖網(wǎng)絡(luò),提供IPTV, VoD, HDTV和交互式服務(wù)。 主要演講: FTTx峰會以各類案例研究為中心,包括來自正在展開新的FTTH和混合式光纖網(wǎng)絡(luò)的和正在經(jīng)營盈利業(yè)務(wù)的網(wǎng)絡(luò)運(yùn)營商,以及廣播公司,內(nèi)容提供商和正在開發(fā)光纖網(wǎng)以開發(fā)客戶和拓展市場的應(yīng)用軟件開發(fā)商的案例。我們優(yōu)秀的演講小組包括: • 光纖到戶歐洲委員會主席Joeri Van Bogaert • 法國電信集團(tuán)網(wǎng)絡(luò)和IT部門FTTP副總裁Gilles Coullon • 英國電信公司OpenReach 策略和投資部門主管Chris Gibbs • Al Jazeera 國際網(wǎng)絡(luò)和新媒體主編Russell Merryman 其他演講成員都來自多家公司和組織:包括Telecom Italia, BT, DSL Forum, KT, Deutsche Telekom, Accedo Broadband, Stokab, Metro Ethernet Forum, OFCOM, wilhelm.tel, Exit Games, Energi Horsens, Telefonica O2, Tiscali TV, Broadband Stakeholders Group, Hong Kong Broadband Network, UNET, Sierre-Energie, Microsoft TV等。 您將見到 來自電信運(yùn)營商,電纜MSO,市政當(dāng)局,城市管理服務(wù)行業(yè)和倡導(dǎo)光纖開發(fā)的服務(wù)提供商。以及來自領(lǐng)先的國際廣播公司,內(nèi)容服務(wù)提供商和應(yīng)用軟件開發(fā)商中的關(guān)鍵人物。 參會區(qū)域: 西歐43%,斯堪的納維亞21%,東歐18%,中東9%,南歐7%,ROW 2% 參會行業(yè) 運(yùn)營商55%,商家23%,內(nèi)容服務(wù)提供商,廣播公司和應(yīng)用軟件開發(fā)商18%,咨詢公司2%,調(diào)整者2%。 在線登記或致電 客戶服務(wù): Tel: +44 (0)20 7017 7483 Email: registrations@iir-telecoms.com original text: [COLOR=#708090]FTTx Summit Mon 18 Jun 2007 - Thu 21 Jun 2007 Discover how European service providers are deploying fibre in their access networks to deliver profitable mass market video and interactive services The first major wave of European investment in fibre networks is underway and operators already running FTTx/xDSL networks are evolving their businesses to deliver high value, content dense services. Investing in fibre in the access is the primary strategy being adopted by operators seeking to raise ARPU and reduce churn by delivering high value IP video and interactive content to mass markets. IIR‘s FTTx delivers over 30 case study presentations from senior decision makers who are driving fibre network investment and pioneering, new, high value, content-rich business models. FTTx Summit covers four main areas: Operator business strategies - Tuesday 19 June FTTx deployment strategies - Stream A - Wednesday 20 June Content, applications and media - Stream B - Wednesday 20 June Operations and municipal networks - Thursday 21 June Technical Briefings – Monday 18 June - in addition, we have selected two highly pertinent half-day technical briefings – by attending these highly interactive seminars, you will be able to gain critical insights into which business and technical options you can exploit for building highly profitable, content-based businesses within your company: AM - Triple Play business development PM – Deploying and optimising hybrid fibre and fibre networks to deliver IPTV, VoD, HDTV and interactive services Key Presentations FTTx Summit is centred on case studies from network operators who are deploying new FTTH and hybrid fibre networks and running profitable businesses over them and also broadcasters, content providers and applications developers who are exploiting fibre networks to extend their customer reach and expand their markets: our distinguished speaker panel includes 4 Keynotes from: • Joeri Van Bogaert, President, FTTH Council Europe • Gilles Coullon, FTTH - Vice President - Network & IT Division, France Telecom Group • Chris Gibbs, Director - Strategy and Portfolio, Openreach • Russell Merryman, Editor in Chief - Web and New Media, Al Jazeera International Our other panel members are from companies and organisations including: Telecom Italia, BT, DSL Forum, KT, Deutsche Telekom, Accedo Broadband, Stokab, Metro Ethernet Forum, OFCOM, wilhelm.tel, Exit Games, Energi Horsens, Telefonica O2, Tiscali TV, Broadband Stakeholders Group, Hong Kong Broadband Network, UNET, Sierre-Energie, Microsoft TV... Who Will You Meet Senior decision makers from telecoms operators, cable MSOs, municipalities, utilities and service providers who are driving fibre deployments. Plus key figures from leading international broadcasters, content providers and applications developers. By region Western Europe 43%, Scandinavia 21%, Eastern Europe 18%, Middle East 9%, Southern Europe 7%, ROW 2% By industry Operators 55%, Vendors 23%, Content providers, Broadcasters and Applications Developers 18%, Consultants 2%, Regulators 2% Register online or Call: Customer Services Tel: +44 (0)20 7017 7483 Email: registrations@iir-telecoms.com[/COLOR]










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