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芝加哥NXTcomm電信展,1526號展位,2007年6月18日   安捷倫科技今天宣布推出行業(yè)首個基于硬件的狀態(tài)TCP和應用層測試,該測試與多服務QoS確認在N2X多服務測試方案上集成。安捷倫N2X現(xiàn)在提供空前水平的信息量可測量性和寬度,從2層穿過7層在一個同意的軟件和硬件平臺中結合狀態(tài)和非狀態(tài)信息量發(fā)生和分析。   安捷倫科技的N2X是首個在一個同樣的應用和同樣的測試口中的結合線率視頻,音頻和狀態(tài)數(shù)據(jù)服務上生成和進行QoS測量的方案。這種獨特的性能允許網(wǎng)絡設備制造商和服務提供商確信在出現(xiàn)帶寬擾度應用,如對等的出現(xiàn)時創(chuàng)收和創(chuàng)造利益的服務,如IPTV和VoIP被放在了首要位置。   新N2X N5575A/N5576A L2-7集成測試方案在硬件中執(zhí)行TCP emulation,運用包括重發(fā)和動態(tài)開窗口在內的全特征TCP棧允許狀態(tài)TCP信息量線率生成。N2X克服傳統(tǒng)CPU/基于軟件的方案的限制,傳統(tǒng)的CPU或基于軟件的方案必須簡化或省略TCP emulation特性以達到更大帶寬。   基于CPU的TCP方案在反映動態(tài)dynamic TCP行為時不能被衡量,這種行為可以對網(wǎng)絡資源造成嚴重破壞,而且影響更主要的優(yōu)先服務通信量即時傳輸。由于執(zhí)行多種TCP的這些性能測量提供了一些洞察設備或系統(tǒng)將如何在一個真實的世界網(wǎng)絡開發(fā)中運轉。   相比之下,安捷倫科技N2X提供了一個基于硬件的TCP執(zhí)行,該執(zhí)行在保留一個全特征的TCP棧的同時可以衡量線率千兆位以太網(wǎng),即使在實際包裝長度較短時,包裝長度經(jīng)??梢陨儆?00 bytes。用戶可以設置TCP連接,并以每秒數(shù)十萬次的速率模擬應用。這使網(wǎng)絡設備制造商和服務提供商以一個實際可靠的方式測試網(wǎng)絡設備。另一個優(yōu)點就是該硬件執(zhí)行引起測試運行間的兼容結果,這對于識別影響性能的變量和完成回歸測試使非常關鍵的。   Isocore 總裁Bijan Jabbari博士表示:“設備供應商和服務提供商需要在更高層次表現(xiàn)推進的性能獲得更多有意義的價值,尤其在日益智能的開關和路由器環(huán)境中,一種新的測試范例是很重要的,這種測試運用多重服務評估了測試提供者的整體技術,而不是簡單測量一個設備可以從其端口傳輸多少位或信息包?!?   安捷倫科技的新方案與現(xiàn)存的N2X功能,包括模仿多重協(xié)議和每端口生成多重服務信息量類型相集成。N2X可以生成每個端口65000個聲頻,音頻和狀態(tài)數(shù)據(jù)信息流的結合,并在每個用戶的基礎上傳輸實時性能測量。這提供了一個非常經(jīng)濟有效而靈活的結構以驗證是否一個網(wǎng)絡結構可以聚合并測量多重服務類型,同時執(zhí)行QoS并達到用戶的經(jīng)驗期望質量。   安捷倫數(shù)據(jù)網(wǎng)絡運營部門業(yè)務經(jīng)理Rod Unverrich表示:“我們相信我們正在將信息包-blasting定義為一個新的連接-blasting,狀態(tài)信息量-blasting,以及最后交易-blasting的世界,在一個簡單的一個應用中,N2X測量不同三合一服務的比較質量以評價客戶的整體技術質量,這直接影響客戶保持性和底線收入?!? original text: [COLOR=#708090]Agilent Technologies Introduces Industry-Leading L2-7 Integration with Hardware-Based TCP on N2X Multiservices Test Solution CHICAGO, NXTcomm 2007, Booth 1526, June 18, 2007 Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) today announced the industry‘s first hardware-based stateful TCP and application layer test integrated with multiservice QoS validation on its N2X multiservices test solution. The Agilent N2X now offers unprecedented levels of traffic scalability and breadth, combining both stateful and stateless traffic generation and analysis, from Layers 2 through 7 in a unified software and hardware platform. Agilent‘s N2X is the first solution to generate and make QoS measurements on a combination of wire-rate video, voice and stateful data services in the same application and over the same test port. This unique capability allows network equipment manufacturers and service providers to confirm that revenue and profit-generating services such as IPTV and VoIP are prioritized in the presence of bandwidth-hogging applications, such as peer-to-peer. The new N2X N5575A/N5576A L2-7 Integrated Test Solution implements TCP emulation in hardware, allowing wire-rate generation of stateful TCP traffic using a fully featured TCP stack that includes re-transmissions and dynamic windowing. N2X overcomes the limitations of traditional CPU/software-based solutions, which must simplify or omit TCP emulation characteristics to reach higher levels of bandwidth. CPU-based TCP solutions cannot scale while reflecting the dynamic TCP behaviors that can wreak havoc on network resources and impact the timely delivery of higher-priority service traffic. The performance measurements that result from these types of TCP implementations provide little insight into how the device or system will behave in a real-world network deployment. In comparison, the Agilent N2X provides a hardware-based TCP implementation that can scale to line-rate gigabit Ethernet while maintaining a fully featured TCP stack, even under the stress of realistically short packet lengths, which can frequently be less than 100 bytes. Users can set up TCP connections and simulate applications at rates of hundreds of thousands per second. This enables network equipment manufacturers and service providers to test network equipment in a realistic and reliable fashion. An additional advantage is that the hardware implementation produces consistent results between test runs, which is critical for identifying the variables impacting performance and for completing regression tests. "Equipment vendors and service providers have a need to characterize forwarding performance at higher layers for more meaningful evaluation, especially in the context of increasingly intelligent switches and routers," said Dr. Bijan Jabbari, president of Isocore. "A new test paradigm is of interest that evaluates a subscriber‘s overall experience with multiple services, rather than simply measuring how many bits or packets a device can forward through its ports." Agilent‘s new solution is integrated with existing N2X functionality, including the ability to emulate multiple protocols and generate multiple service traffic types per port. N2X can generate a combination of more than 65,000 voice, video and stateful data traffic streams per port and deliver real-time performance measurements on a per-subscriber basis. This provides an extremely cost-effective and flexible framework to validate whether a network infrastructure can converge and scale multiple service types while enforcing QoS and meeting subscribers‘ quality of experience expectations. "We believe we are redefining packet-blasting to a new world of connection-blasting, stateful traffic-blasting, and ultimately, transaction-blasting, said Rod Unverrich, business manager of Agilent‘s Data Networks Operation."In a single application, N2X measures the comparative quality of different triple play services to evaluate a subscriber‘s overall quality of experience, which directly impacts subscriber retention and bottom-line revenue."[/COLOR]








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