



霍尼威爾將是西北航空公司的支線客機(jī)的主要客機(jī)部件的單一支持提供商   巴黎國(guó)際航空展6月18日新聞――霍尼威爾今天宣布美國(guó)西北航空公司選擇其為該航空公司的主要支線客機(jī)輔助動(dòng)力系統(tǒng)(APU)和主要支線客機(jī)機(jī)輪和減速板提供價(jià)值4.9億美元的全面維修和檢查服務(wù)。   霍尼威爾和西北航空公司重新談判了現(xiàn)在的三個(gè)協(xié)議,將其做為該航空公司的聯(lián)邦破產(chǎn)保護(hù)下重組的一部分。主要支線APU協(xié)議將支持霍尼威爾的331-200, 131-9A, 36-300, 331-350, 85-98DCA和36-150RJ。APU的服務(wù)時(shí)間將超過10年.將支持CRJ-200 36-150RJ APU的協(xié)議將延長(zhǎng)20年以上。該協(xié)議將支持西北航空公司的主要支線客機(jī),不包括CRJ-200的機(jī)輪和減速板,協(xié)議將延長(zhǎng)10年以上。   霍尼威爾航空公司副總裁Mike Madsen:“霍尼威爾的合作伙伴和西北航空公司將幫助他們保護(hù)其在我們的產(chǎn)品上的投資,取得更高的性能和和即時(shí)可靠性。我們?cè)诿响乘怪?,田納西州,蘇比克灣,菲律賓群島的維修和檢查設(shè)備地處優(yōu)越,有助于西北航空公司優(yōu)化運(yùn)營(yíng)。”   霍尼韋爾國(guó)際(Honeywell International)是一家營(yíng)業(yè)額達(dá)330億美元的多元化、高科技的先進(jìn)制造企業(yè)。在全球,其業(yè)務(wù)涉及:航空產(chǎn)品和服務(wù),樓宇、家庭和工業(yè)控制技術(shù)、汽車產(chǎn)品、渦輪增壓器、以及特殊材料。霍尼韋爾公司總部位于美國(guó)新澤西州莫里斯鎮(zhèn),公司股票在紐約、倫敦、芝加哥和太平洋股票交易所上市交易?;裟犴f爾是構(gòu)成道瓊斯工業(yè)指數(shù)的30支股票之一,也是標(biāo)準(zhǔn)普爾500家指數(shù)的股票之一。欲了解更多公司信息,請(qǐng)登錄訪問霍尼韋爾網(wǎng)站www.honeywell.com。   霍尼威爾的航空商業(yè)公司總部位于菲尼克斯,是全球領(lǐng)先的集成電子設(shè)備,馬達(dá),系統(tǒng)和服務(wù)方案供貨商,服務(wù)于飛機(jī)制造商,航空公司,民航和專用航空,軍事,太空和機(jī)場(chǎng)運(yùn)營(yíng)。 original text: [COLOR=#708090]Honeywell to Provide R&O Services For Northwest Airlines Auxiliary Power Units, Wheels & Brakes Honeywell is Single Support Supplier of Major Aircraft Components across Northwest’s Fleet PARIS AIR SHOW, June 18, 2007 —— Honeywell (NYSE: HON) announced today that it has been selected by Northwest Airlines to provide comprehensive repair and overhaul services valued at $490 million for the airline’s main fleet Auxiliary Power Units (APU), and main fleet wheels and brakes. Three existing agreements were renegotiated with Northwest as part of the airline’s reorganization under Federal Bankruptcy protection. The main fleet APU agreement to support Honeywell’s 331-200, 131-9A, 36-300, 331-350, 85-98DCA, and 36-150RJ APUs will be performed over a period of 10 years. The agreement to support the CRJ-200 36-150RJ APU will extend over 20 years. The agreement to support Northwest’s main fleet wheels and brakes, excluding the CRJ-200, will extend over 10 years. “Honeywell’s partnership with Northwest will help them protect their investment in our products, and achieve higher levels of performance and on-time availability.” said Mike Madsen, Honeywell Aerospace Vice President, Airlines. “Our repair and overhaul facilities in Memphis, Tennessee, and Subic Bay, Philippines are ideally located to help Northwest optimize their operations.” Honeywell International is a $33 billion diversified technology and manufacturing leader, serving customers worldwide with aerospace products and services; control technologies for buildings, homes and industry; automotive products; turbochargers; and specialty materials. Based in Morris Township, N.J., Honeywell’s shares are traded on the New York, London and Chicago Stock Exchanges. It is one of the 30 stocks that make up the Dow Jones Industrial Average and is also a component of the Standard & Poor‘s 500 Index. For additional information, please visit www.honeywell.com Based in Phoenix, Honeywell’s aerospace business is a leading global provider of integrated avionics, engines, systems and service solutions for aircraft manufacturers, airlines, business and general aviation, military, space and airport operations.[/COLOR]








  • 運(yùn)動(dòng)控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機(jī)器視覺
  • 機(jī)械傳動(dòng)
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機(jī)界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機(jī)器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機(jī)柜
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