



2007年6月13日,ABB宣布,一項(xiàng)服務(wù)技術(shù)可將變壓器的使用壽命延長(zhǎng)至25年,使用烘干處理技術(shù),完成這一處理不用移動(dòng)設(shè)備,在4-5天就可以完成。   變壓器是其中最簡(jiǎn)單的電氣設(shè)備,并擁有全部型號(hào)——從一個(gè)微小的內(nèi)置擴(kuò)音器的耦合變壓器,到一個(gè)80噸的相移設(shè)備,由此調(diào)整著國(guó)家電網(wǎng)的功率流量。   無(wú)論大或是小,他們?cè)陔娮酉到y(tǒng)中是非常重要的元件,由于他們可將交流電流變成高電壓或是低電壓的能力,因此其可以被有效地傳輸和用戶的安全使用。   問(wèn)題在于,存在于許多變壓器內(nèi)部的紙和礦物油隨著時(shí)間在退化。形成的水和酸之類的殘?jiān)谧儔浩鲀?nèi)部聚積,最終使其變壞。   沒(méi)有正確的絕緣體,變壓器將逐漸遺失其能力,不能夠再阻擋每天操作帶來(lái)的損害和緊迫的短路事件。   客戶滿意度 但是ABB擁有一個(gè)新方法,與低頻加熱和油過(guò)濾相結(jié)合,用于保護(hù)絕緣體,最終實(shí)現(xiàn)保護(hù)變壓器。 沒(méi)有烘干前紙的含水量為2.5%。烘干后其含水量為1.0%,可與剛出廠的新變壓器做比較。   當(dāng)這一方法用于烘干兩個(gè)69公噸,200-MVA,300/125/17 kV Nett變壓器時(shí),每一個(gè)變壓器的使用壽命延長(zhǎng)了10到15年,對(duì)于設(shè)備來(lái)說(shuō)節(jié)省效果非常顯著。   現(xiàn)場(chǎng)工作中,對(duì)于用戶另一種顯著的節(jié)省的辦法————從變壓器里萃取出了70升水。在操作前,絕緣變壓器油可回收油,油箱,箱蓋也都是可回收元件,生銹后可以再打磨光。所有事可在很短的時(shí)間內(nèi)完成。   低頻熱脈沖 在過(guò)去,從變壓器中把水萃取出來(lái)要對(duì)變壓器油進(jìn)行反復(fù)的過(guò)濾才行。   由于許多水不在變壓器油中,而存在于變壓器里積極的部分,要想把這些水清除掉要花費(fèi)好幾周。   ABB完美的低頻熱烘干法,通過(guò)利用電脈沖加熱變壓器鐵芯,使水蒸發(fā)出來(lái),有效地將水與油隔離,這樣可以快速安全地過(guò)濾出來(lái)。   這種方法操作起來(lái)很快,足以在正常的維護(hù)時(shí)間內(nèi)完成,對(duì)于許多用戶來(lái)說(shuō)極其的重要,如器械需要很短的停工時(shí)間。   低頻脈沖對(duì)于加熱變壓器核心設(shè)備,叫繞組,保證更多的溫度保持統(tǒng)一。在現(xiàn)場(chǎng)烘干變壓器時(shí),因?yàn)楦邷貢?huì)損壞熱感應(yīng)區(qū)域,所一致性尤其的重要。   ABB還利用雙重加熱系統(tǒng),無(wú)論高壓或低壓繞阻根據(jù)他們的變化程度施以不同的溫度。   這就使得ABB的烘干技術(shù)在任何危險(xiǎn)中都可以使用高溫烘干方法。 original text [COLOR=#708090]Drying technology breathes new life into old transformers 2007-06-13 - ABB service technology can extend a transformer‘s lifetime by up to 25 years, using a drying process that can finish the job in four or five days without moving the unit. Transformers are among the simplest electrical devices, and they come in all sizes – from a tiny coupling transformer inside a microphone, to an 800-ton phase-shifting unit that regulates power flow in national power grids. Big or small, they are vital components in electrical systems because of their ability to convert alternating current into higher and lower voltages, so that it can be transported efficiently and used by consumers safely. The problem is that the paper and mineral oil insulating the interior of many transformers degrades over time. This leaves a residue of water and acid that begins to accumulate inside the transformer, and eventually accelerates its breakdown. Without proper insulation, a transformer gradually loses its ability to withstand the rigor of daily operations and stressful events like short circuits. Satisfied customer But ABB has a new drying method that combines low frequency heating and oil filtration to save the insulation, and ultimately, the transformer. When this method was used to dry two, 69-tonne, 200-MVA, 300/125/17 kV Nett transformers for the Norse utility Lyse Energi, each transformer‘s lifecycle was extended by 10 to 15 years, a significant savings for the utility. Working on site – another significant savings to the customer – ABB extracted 70 liters of water from one of the transformers. Before processing, moisture content of the insulation paper was 2.5 percent. After drying it was 1.0 percent, comparable to the specs of a new transformer straight out of the factory. Transformer oil was reclaimed and the tank and cover, refurbished due to rust. Everything took place in the field with minimal disruption. Low-frequency heat pulse In the past, removing water from a transformer involved filtering the transformer oil repeatedly. Since most of the water is not in the transformer oil but in the active part of the transformer, removing water in this way could take several weeks. ABB perfected a low-frequency heat drying method that heats the transformer core with an electrical pulse, creating a vapor action that effectively pushes moisture from the insulation into the oil, where it can be quickly and safely filtered out. It is fast enough to be completed within a regular maintenance shutdown, which is extremely important for many customers – like utilities – who demand minimal downtime. Low-frequency pulses are also safer for heating transformer conductors, called windings, and ensure a more uniform temperature. Uniformity is especially important when drying large transformers on-site, because higher temperatures risk damaging heat-sensitive areas. ABB also uses a dual heating system, in which the high- and low-voltage windings can be set to different temperatures according to their varying heat tolerances. This allows ABB to use a higher drying temperature without placing the transformer at any risk.[/COLOR]










  • 運(yùn)動(dòng)控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機(jī)器視覺(jué)
  • 機(jī)械傳動(dòng)
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機(jī)界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機(jī)器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機(jī)柜
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