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2007年6月19日消息,在2006年11月,位于德國Duisburg-Walsum的第一個堅固的燃煤型發(fā)電廠舉行奠基儀式,發(fā)電廠預(yù)計在11年后建成。   ABB將為該電廠提供整套的電氣自動化系統(tǒng),合同主要承包商——日立電力歐洲有限公司,正在與聯(lián)盟合伙商日立的客戶STEAG GmbH和EVN AG共同建造電廠。   ABB Boilermax組件包是一個關(guān)鍵部分,許多復(fù)雜的解決方案可優(yōu)化核心燃煤發(fā)電廠的啟動和關(guān)閉環(huán)節(jié)。   所提供的MODAKOND過程控制也是很重要的一部分,此部分由日立進行配置。模塊化設(shè)備可調(diào)整蒸汽機和渦輪機反應(yīng)速率以有效的方式應(yīng)對驟加荷載問題。   Walsum 10作為發(fā)電廠的一部分發(fā)電量為750兆瓦,且凈效率為45%。完工后,Walsum 10將成為德國最有效的堅固燃煤型發(fā)電廠,一個更有效地利用資源和減少熱損失的模塊包括溫室氣體。   ABB全面負責過程控制系統(tǒng),包括渦輪機控制和鍋爐控制,度量和分析設(shè)備,附加的電氣系統(tǒng),電力元件包括發(fā)電機斷路器,變壓器,中低壓變電站。合同還包括所有的協(xié)同工程,建筑,試運行和對操作者培訓(xùn)。   合同要求,各部門要相信ABB的技術(shù)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)水平和其在發(fā)電領(lǐng)域的豐富經(jīng)驗。由于在世界范圍內(nèi)EPCs享有勝名,ABB可以服務(wù)新發(fā)電廠,致力于提高整個電廠的發(fā)電量,降低成本。 original text [COLOR=#708090]ABB to supply automation and electrical systems for Germany’s newest coal-fired power plant 2007-06-19 - In November 2006, the foundation stone was laid in Duisburg-Walsum for Germany’s first hard coal-fired power plant to be built in 11 years. ABB will supply the entire package for the electrical and automation systems for the plant. The main contractor, Hitachi Power Europe GmbH, is building the power plant in cooperation with the consortium partner, Hitachi Ltd. for the clients STEAG GmbH and EVN AG. Central to the order is the ABB Boilermax package, the most sophisticated solution available for optimising the start-up and shut-down procedures in a coal fired power plant. Also of great importance was the supply of a MODAKOND control process which was configured in conjunction with Hitachi. The model unit coordinates the steam generation and the turbine in response to sudden load changes in an efficient and cost effective way. The “Walsum 10” as the plant is known, will belong to the 750-megawatt class with a net efficiency of more than 45 percent. When completed, the Walsum 10 will be the Germany’s most efficient hard coal-fired power plant, a model for how a plant can more efficiently use resources and reduce emissions including greenhouse gasses. ABB’s entire scope of delivery covers the process control system, including turbine control and boiler protection, metrological and analytical equipment, plus the electrical systems, with power components including, generator breakers, transformers, medium and low-voltage substations. The contract also includes all the associated engineering, construction, commissioning and operator training. The order underlines the sector’s confidence in ABB’s technological leadership and its comprehensive expertise in the field of power generation. Thanks to the good and longstanding relationships with EPCs and utilities around the world, ABB can contribute towards the upcoming wave of investment expected in new power plants in terms of improving overall productivity and energy efficiency.[/COLOR]








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