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艾默生推行DeltaV Connect™解決方案



導語:艾默生推行DeltaV Connect™解決方案更新Honeywell®系統并應用到為PlantWeb®數字化架構

DeltaV Connect™解決方案可從Honeywell®系統中獲得,對PlantWeb架構是開放和有益的。   德州奧斯汀2007年6月21日消息,艾默生過程管理公司宣布針對Honeywell®系統的DeltaV Connect™解決方案是一款先進移動解決方案,將Honeywell系統轉移到PlantWeb®數字工廠架構。艾默生的移動技術顧問負責傳輸服務,技術服務和培訓,使過程制造商從現存的操作過程中完成無縫安全傳輸,受益于“0”下載時間的PlantWeb數字預測技術。   DeltaV連接移動解決方案提高了操作效率,加強了關于過程制造商古老技術的使用限度的考慮,包括反應時間慢,處理圖像丟失,尋找零件困難和成本高等問題。   艾默生過程管理公司總裁Tom Snead說“我們的移動解決方案,技術和專家一起為許多工廠提供一個有效的、低風險傳輸路徑的Honeywell系統,其它提供商也可以提供。我們幫助過程制造商利用現存自動化設備優(yōu)勢為最新技術建造地基?!?   艾默生利用與現存系統相連的開放式半導體技術建造了移動解決方案,增加了最新的操作界面、事件、報警管理能力。DeltaV連接解決方案為操作者提供訪問Honeywell TPS/TDC 3000®系統和來自普通整合的DeltaV操作站的DeltaV設備的訪問權。過程制造商可以直接地代替他們的Honeywell控制臺,擁有從TDC 3000/TDC 2000控制器的傳輸路徑和到DeltaV設備的I/O,適時地與其接近。與Honeywell系統1.2版與DeltaV v7.4.1, DeltaV v8.3或是更高版本設備都相容。 original text [COLOR=#708090]Emerson introduces DeltaV Connect™ solution update for migration of legacy Honeywell® systems to PlantWeb® digital architecture DeltaV Connect™ solution is now available for Honeywell® Systems and opens the door to proven PlantWeb capabilities and benefits AUSTIN, TEXAS (June 21, 2007)– Emerson Process Management announces availability of the updated DeltaV Connect™ solution for Honeywell® Systems (PDF), an advanced migration solution to transition Honeywell systems to Emerson‘s PlantWeb® digital plant architecture. Emerson‘s migration consultants deliver the services, expertise and training to enable process manufacturers to seamlessly and safely transition existing operations over to the benefits of PlantWeb digital, predictive technologies with zero down time. The DeltaV Connect migration solution improves operational effectiveness and addresses process manufacturers‘ concerns with the limits of older technologies including slow response times, loss of view to the process, difficulty in finding parts, and increasingly expensive support. "Our migration solutions, technology and expertise come together to offer many plants a compelling, low risk transition path for Honeywell legacy systems, as well as those from other automation suppliers," said Tom Snead, president of Emerson Process Management. "We help process manufacturers take advantage of existing automation investments while building a base for the latest digital technologies." Emerson builds migration solutions with open communications technologies which connect with existing systems while adding the latest operator interface, event and alarm management capabilities. The DeltaV Connect solution provides operators access to both Honeywell TPS/TDC 3000® system and DeltaV equipment from a common integrated DeltaV Operator Station. Process manufacturers can immediately replace their legacy Honeywell consoles, and have an easy transition path from their TDC 3000/TDC 2000 controllers and I/O to DeltaV equipment, in a phased approach which fits their timing. DeltaV Connect for Honeywell Systems v1.2 is compatible with DeltaV v7.4.1, DeltaV v8.3 and higher.[/COLOR]








  • 運動控制
  • 伺服系統
  • 機器視覺
  • 機械傳動
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅系統
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
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  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯接
  • 工業(yè)機器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機柜
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