阿美德格環(huán)保型ADVANTEK SPA風(fēng)機(jī)馬達(dá)



導(dǎo)語(yǔ):阿美德格專業(yè)電機(jī)部門(mén)在其ADVANTEK Spa風(fēng)機(jī)馬達(dá)家族系列中添加了更環(huán)保的產(chǎn)品

最新的Spa風(fēng)機(jī):噪音低,高效型和環(huán)保型   阿美德格專業(yè)電機(jī)部門(mén)在其ADVANTEK Spa風(fēng)機(jī)馬達(dá)家族系列中添加了更環(huán)保的產(chǎn)品,為pool & spa應(yīng)用和開(kāi)始推廣新綠色電力標(biāo)識(shí)奠定基礎(chǔ)。 阿美德格全球地板保護(hù)和專業(yè)電機(jī)部門(mén)副總裁兼總經(jīng)理Chuck Kovac說(shuō):“我們的新一代ADVANTEK Spa風(fēng)機(jī)具有噪音低,效率高,使用壽命長(zhǎng)和性能高特點(diǎn),比我們?cè)缙诋a(chǎn)品和上一代風(fēng)機(jī)性能都要好?!?   他又說(shuō):“ADVANTEK SPA伺服作為整個(gè)新馬達(dá)生產(chǎn)線的平臺(tái),現(xiàn)已占據(jù)了pool and spa市場(chǎng)。創(chuàng)新的風(fēng)扇設(shè)計(jì),精選的材料和完整的裝配使我們能夠提高我們?cè)谔峁R達(dá)性能,減少馬達(dá)噪音,提高生產(chǎn)效率做出努力。我們的風(fēng)機(jī)使用擁有專利的thru-flow馬達(dá)設(shè)計(jì),該設(shè)計(jì)被改進(jìn)用于滿足pool and spa風(fēng)機(jī)應(yīng)用的要求?!?   ADVANTEK SPA可以低功率下輸入達(dá)到在高功率工作下的相同效果,產(chǎn)生的噪音級(jí)別很低, 增強(qiáng)的馬達(dá)設(shè)計(jì)和新空氣擴(kuò)散技術(shù)相結(jié)合,提高的整體操作效率達(dá)20%。這使得其成為環(huán)保型風(fēng)機(jī)馬達(dá)不錯(cuò)的選擇。
  風(fēng)機(jī)馬達(dá)的設(shè)計(jì)組合了許多創(chuàng)新,使得其可方便終端用戶定制。這些包括適應(yīng)每個(gè)支架設(shè)計(jì)的多迭片結(jié)構(gòu),允許了馬達(dá)驅(qū)動(dòng)的優(yōu)化。新空氣擴(kuò)散設(shè)計(jì)提供更高靈活性,充許風(fēng)機(jī)馬達(dá)轉(zhuǎn)型成適用于每一個(gè)特定用途,并達(dá)到最優(yōu)輸出和最高效率,因此它可以最大化的適應(yīng)當(dāng)前世界操作環(huán)境。  結(jié)合其性能改進(jìn)和加強(qiáng),阿美德格提供的ADVANTEK SPA擁有三年保質(zhì)期。ADVANTEK SPA擁有多種風(fēng)扇型號(hào):包括:4.2英寸直徑,5.1英寸直徑和5.7英寸直徑。   阿美德格專業(yè)電機(jī)部針對(duì)Pool & Spa風(fēng)機(jī)馬達(dá)行業(yè)設(shè)置了性能標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。關(guān)于更多新刷形馬達(dá)和新無(wú)刷馬達(dá)產(chǎn)品信息,請(qǐng)撥打電話330-673-3451. 或傳真:Fax: 330-677-3888,或訪問(wèn)網(wǎng)站:www.ametekspecialtymotors.com original text [COLOR=#708090]ADVANTEK SPA BLOWER MOTORS FEATURE ECO-FRIENDLY DESIGN Latest Spa Blowers Feature Lower Noise, Improved Efficiency And Patented Improvements That Keep the Environment in Mind Jun 22, 2007 KENT, OH, —— AMETEK Specialty Motors Division has incorporated more environmentally friendly features into its ADVANTEK Spa family of blower motors for pool & spa applications and begun marketing them with a new "Green Powered" logo. "The latest generation of our ADVANTEK Spa blowers offers reduced noise, greater efficiency, longer life and higher performance than either our competition‘s blowers or earlier versions of our own," notes Chuck Kovac, Vice President and General Manager of AMETEK Global Floor Care and Specialty Motors. "The ADVANTEK SPA serves as a platform for an entirely new line of motor products that spans the needs of pool and spa markets. Innovations in fan design, materials and assembly have allowed us to improve the performance of our motors, while achieving lower noise and greater energy efficiency. Our blowers use a patented thru-flow motor design that has been improved to meet the demanding requirements of pool and spa blower applications, "he adds. The combination of an enhanced motor design with new air diffusion technology improves overall operating efficiencies up to 20%. This allows the ADVANTEK SPA to operate at lower power input to achieve an equivalent or higher air performance at much lower noise levels, making it a more environmentally friendly blower motor choice. The blower‘s motor design incorporates a number of innovations that allows it to be customized to specific end uses. These include multiple laminations for each bracket design that permits optimization of the motor drive. A new air diffusion design offers increased flexibility, allowing the blower motor to be tuned to the optimum output and efficiency for each specific end use. The motor‘s ratings, therefore, can be maximized to make them consistent with real-world operating conditions. The ADVANTEK SPA is available in various fan sizes including 4.2-inch diameter, 5.1-inch diameter and 5.7-inch diameter. Along with its enhancements and improvements, AMETEK offers the ADVANTEK SPA with a best-in-class limited three-year warranty. AMETEK Specialty Motors has long set the performance standard for the Pool & Spa blower motor industry. For more information on this new brush motor and other new brushless motor products, contact AMETEK Specialty Motors, 627 Lake St., Kent, OH 44240. Tel: 330-673-3451. Fax: 330-677-3888. Web site: www.ametekspecialtymotors.com[/COLOR]








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  • 機(jī)械傳動(dòng)
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
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  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機(jī)界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機(jī)器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機(jī)柜
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