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阿爾斯通收購西班牙風力渦機公司Ecotècnia 進軍風力發(fā)電市場




阿爾斯通正在準備進入風力發(fā)電的重要一步,與西班牙風力渦輪機公司Ecotècnia于2007年6月25日到27日簽訂協(xié)議,欲支付3億5千萬歐元現(xiàn)金購買該公司。   Ecotècnia總部位于巴塞羅納,是一家設計,裝配和在海岸邊安裝風力渦輪機的公司,安裝的渦輪的功率在640 kW 到2 MW范圍之間。通常地,開發(fā)的新渦輪機能達到3MW。該公司已在西班牙風力能源市場上占據(jù)了很重要的地位,在歐洲排名第二,來自歐洲其它國家的銷售額占到了50%。   到目前為止,Ecotècnia在72個風力發(fā)電廠已經(jīng)安裝或正在安裝的風力渦輪機超過1500臺,相應產(chǎn)生的總能量為1,433 MW(約為世界安裝基數(shù)的2%)。Ecotècnia在太陽能電池板領域也是個活躍分子,在西班牙市場上占據(jù)著很重要地位。
  Ecotècnia擁有員工765名,其在西班牙的五個工廠分別在Coreses (Zamora), Somozas 和Rio de Pozo (Galicia), Bunuel (Navarre) and Pla de Santa Maria (Catalonia)。在2007年,Ecotècnia應達到3億到3億5千萬歐元銷售額,預計稅息前總利潤為7%。   阿爾斯通收購Ecotècnia將要經(jīng)過法律咨詢和一些必要的步驟更改公司結(jié)構(gòu),在完成上述步驟之后才能成功完成收購。Ectotècnia目前是合作者身份,在阿爾斯通計劃收購之前,Ectotècnia將被轉(zhuǎn)變成為有限公司。   加入阿爾斯通集團對于Ecotècnia和他的員工們來說,這是一個很好的機會來擴大他們繼續(xù)在風力和太陽能市場的活動,也是一個進入亞洲和美洲市場的最好路徑。Ecotècnia將受益于阿爾斯通的全球延伸性工業(yè)足跡,包括提供鏈條式的管理能力,以及來自集團技術(shù)資源的支持。   此次收購完成之后,將鞏固阿爾斯通在發(fā)電領域(包括燃氣發(fā)電,燃煤發(fā)電,水力發(fā)電,風力發(fā)電和核發(fā)電)作為主要的最完整的產(chǎn)品和系統(tǒng)提供商的地位。此次收購還將增強阿爾斯通在可再生能源方面的世界領導者地位。 original text [COLOR=#708090]Alstom set to enter wind power market with the acquisition of Spanish wind turbine company Ecotècnia Alstom is taking a significant step into wind power generation with the signature on 25 June 2007 of an agreement to buy Spanish wind turbine company, Ecotècnia, for 350 million euros (debt free/cash basis) Ecotècnia, headquartered in Barcelona, designs, assembles and installs a wide range of onshore wind turbines spanning 640 kW to 2 MW. It is currently developing new wind turbines with a capacity of up to 3 MW. The company has taken a significant part of the development of the Spanish wind energy market, which is ranked second in Europe, and currently generates about 50% of its sales from other European countries. To date, Ecotècnia has installed or is installing more than 1500 wind turbines in 72 wind farms, corresponding to a total capacity of 1,433 MW (about 2 % of the worldwide installed base). Ecotècnia has also recently become active in the field of solar panels, playing an important role in the Spanish market. Ecotècnia employs 765 people. Its five factories in Spain are located in Coreses (Zamora), Somozas and Rio de Pozo (Galicia), Bunuel (Navarre) and Pla de Santa Maria (Catalonia). In 2007, Ecotècnia should achieve sales between 300 and 350 million euros, with an estimated Ebitda* margin of 7%. Alstom’s acquisition of Ecotècnia will be finalized once the legal consultations and the procedures necessary to modify the company’s structure have been successfully completed. Ectotècnia is currently a cooperative and will be transformed into a limited liability company prior to the planned acquisition by Alstom. Joining Alstom Group represents for Ecotècnia and its employees a unique opportunity to expand its activities in the continuous growing wind and solar markets and the best way to enter new booming markets in America and Asia. Ecotècnia will benefit from Alstom’s global reach and industrial footprint, including supply chain management capabilities, as well as from the access to the Group’s technological resources. This acquisition, when completed, will consolidate Alstom’s position as the company with the broadest and most complete range of products and systems in power generation, including gas, coal, hydro, wind, solar and conventional islands for nuclear power plants. This acquisition will strengthen Alstom’s offer in renewable energies, including hydro power where Alstom is the worldwide leader. [/COLOR]










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