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2007年6月25日,日立電動工具公司宣布推出其使用UVP技術(shù)的低振動往復(fù)鋸,這種鋸可以減少電機振動,明顯減少用戶疲勞成度。CR13VBY往復(fù)式鋸具備獨特的回轉(zhuǎn)切割裝置,和用于最終控制的變速轉(zhuǎn)盤和板機,以及所有包裝在一個輕量級和環(huán)境改造工具里的主要級切削速度級。   所推出的CR13VBY帶有傳統(tǒng)往復(fù)式鋸的特點,但是,拉動扳機之后就與傳統(tǒng)的一點都不一樣。日立取得專利的UVP技術(shù)統(tǒng)一了平衡物機制,這種機制可減少全負荷三軸振動的65%,明顯減少了轉(zhuǎn)移到用戶的振動。12Amp電機由于其功率可達1370瓦可提供強大的電力供應(yīng),帶來了更快的切割速度和高速有效的工作效率。CR13VBY還安裝了變速轉(zhuǎn)盤和板機。這就使得用戶可根據(jù)工作條件優(yōu)化地調(diào)整切割速度,浪費很少的物料達到更好的控制。   另一個來自日立低振動往復(fù)鋸的獨特優(yōu)點是雙模式切割裝置。用戶可為某一種應(yīng)用決定切割方式或“旋轉(zhuǎn)切割”行為,這樣產(chǎn)生的回彈影響明顯少于傳統(tǒng)的軌道方式所產(chǎn)生的回彈,并能節(jié)省木料。CR13VBY還能提供一個較小的工具刀片。刀片可根據(jù)方便需要即可被插入在上端也可被插入在下端(不包括擺動切割模式)。其可以0-3,000 SPM速度傳輸1-1/4的行程長度。這也可歸因于快速的切割性能。   這種低振動往復(fù)鋸被設(shè)計有三倍封條,用于保護來自在使用期間產(chǎn)生的大量灰塵和碎片,同時保護其在切割成小管時免于被水污染。耐用的前蓋由雙模彈性塑料制成,用于阻止熱傳遞和滑動。其人造外形和絕熱把手很容易操作,使得CR13VBY使用一整天感覺也很舒服。   由于其有5年保證期,CR13VBY低振動往復(fù)鋸是切割管道、木材、金屬如軟鋼、鋁和銅的理想選擇,和各種各樣的合成的材料,如bakelike和氯乙烯質(zhì)地的材料。關(guān)于更多信息,包括日立的產(chǎn)品和服務(wù),請與日立電動工具公司聯(lián)系(1-800-829-4752)或登錄網(wǎng)址:www.hitachipowertools.com original text [COLOR=#708090]Hitachi Introduces a Low Vibration Reciprocating Saw Featuring User Vibration Protection (UVP) Technology NORCROSS, GA., June 25, 2007 – Hitachi Power Tools today unveiled its first low vibration reciprocating saw featuring User Vibration Protection (UVP) technology that reduces motor vibration and significantly decreases end user fatigue. The CR13VBY Reciprocating Saw features a unique swing cutting mechanism, variable speed dial and trigger for ultimate control and class leading cutting speed all packaged into a lightweight and ergonomic (9.7 lbs) tool. Pick up the CR13VBY and it appears to be a conventional reciprocating saw. But, pull the trigger and there is nothing conventional about it. Hitachi’s patented UVP technology incorporates a counterweight mechanism that reduces full-load tri-axial vibration by over 65% significantly reducing vibration transfer to the user. The 12Amp motor provides aggressive power thanks to 1370 Watts, resulting in a faster cutting speed and higher efficiency on the job. The CR13VBY is also equipped with a variable speed dial and trigger. This allows the user to adjust the cutting speed optimally for the working conditions and material for less waste and more control. Another unique feature on this low vibration reciprocating saw from Hitachi is the 2-mode cutting mechanism. The user can decide between straight cutting mode for certain applications or a “swing cut” action that produces significantly less rebound effect as compared to traditional orbital action for a more efficient cut in wood materials. The CR13VBY also offers a tool-less blade change so blades can be quickly mounted and replaced with a simple press of a lever. The blades can be inserted in either direction- upward or downward (except in swing cut mode) for convenience if the application applies. It delivers a stroke length of 1-1/4” at 0-3,000 SPM that also attributes to its rapid cutting performance. This low vibration reciprocating saw is constructed with a triple seal design to protect from the large amounts of dust and debris that is generated during use as well as to protect it from water waste when cutting into pipes. The durable front cover is made from double molded elastomer and plastic to protect from heat and prevent slippage. Its ergonomic shape and slip/heat resistant grip are easier to handle and make the CR13VBY comfortable to use all day long. And with Hitachi’s industry leading 5-year warranty, the CR13VBY low vibration reciprocating saw is ideal for heavy use to cut pipes, wood, metals such as mild steel, aluminum and copper, and various synthetic materials such as bakelike and vinyl chloride. For more information including the full line of Hitachi products and support, please contact Hitachi Power Tools at 1-800-829-4752 or visit www.hitachipowertools.com[/COLOR]








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