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ROC800系列新智能無線通信使PlantWeb®提高了偏遠(yuǎn)油氣田的預(yù)測性 2007年7月12日,艾默生過程管理公司,擴(kuò)展了其智能解決方案家族ROC800系列遙控器的性能,為其增加了用于無線網(wǎng)絡(luò)整合的自然通訊性能。擴(kuò)展的ROC800系列包括可以使操作者提高設(shè)備預(yù)測性的無線網(wǎng)絡(luò),更有效的實現(xiàn)搖控設(shè)備管理,提高維修功效,在設(shè)備建設(shè)時期降低傳輸成本。 無線技術(shù)在油氣行業(yè)領(lǐng)域已經(jīng)應(yīng)用了很久,產(chǎn)品和分銷系統(tǒng)可以橫越數(shù)百千米。在此行業(yè)領(lǐng)域內(nèi),艾默生搖控器能夠與水源,管道和其它搖控點進(jìn)行通訊。安全且耐用的無線技術(shù)集中在訪問,幫助用戶提高安全性,最小化危險環(huán)境下的風(fēng)險。在這些優(yōu)點之外,艾默生ROC800增加的功能里增加了用于公司的智能遙控解決方案的無線功能,此功能擴(kuò)展了用于油氣田定位的PlantWeb數(shù)字架構(gòu)的智能預(yù)測性。 新智能無線通訊技術(shù)允許ROC800系列控制器,直接與任意混合的高達(dá)30個的無線溫度傳送器或無線壓力傳送器在自組織的網(wǎng)狀局域網(wǎng)中通信。此功能在監(jiān)控那些或許位于RTU200米之處的過程參數(shù)時,成本明顯降低。儀器配線在布線區(qū)域表面堅固或不容易配線的環(huán)境中成本明顯下降,類似于這種的位置都會使手工監(jiān)測非常昂貴。 自從智能無線監(jiān)控點安裝后,安裝成本與布線安裝成本相比降低90%,該技術(shù)為改善操作打開了一個重要的機(jī)遇。用于無線自組織網(wǎng)絡(luò)方法的現(xiàn)場儀器安裝后可進(jìn)行診斷,從安裝點獲取信息,而這些都是由于成本限制在先前不能監(jiān)測到的。在這些碎片上許多的應(yīng)用可以從低成本增加的監(jiān)測中受益。
由ROC800智能無線通訊解決方案提供的智能預(yù)測,提高了過程的實用性,排除了不必要的數(shù)據(jù)檢索,外形變化和資產(chǎn)壓型。 通過具有深潛診斷的在線監(jiān)控和潛在問題的告知,智能無線解決方案幫助用戶阻止了無計劃的停工期。更遠(yuǎn)地,其通過先前的資產(chǎn)管理,擴(kuò)展財產(chǎn)周期。例行維修現(xiàn)在與實際資產(chǎn)性能連接,實現(xiàn)高價值設(shè)備。 可以登錄www.EmersonProcess.com/Remote學(xué)習(xí)更多ROC800和其它搖控自動化解決方案。 original text [COLOR=#708090]Emerson adds ROC800-Series Remote Operations Controller to Smart Wireless solutions New Smart Wireless Communication capability in the ROC800-Series enables PlantWeb® to improve predictability of remote oil and gas assets WATERTOWN, CONN (July 12, 2007) – Emerson Process Management, a business of Emerson, has expanded its Smart Wireless solutions family with the addition of native communications capability for integration of wireless field networks to the ROC800-Series Remote Operations Controller. Extending the ROC800-series to include wireless field networks enables oil and gas operators to improve asset predictability, manage remote assets more profitably, improve maintenance efficiency and effectiveness, and deliver cost reductions in asset construction time. Wireless technology has long been used in the oil and gas industry where production and distribution systems can span hundreds of kilometers. In this industry, Emerson‘s remote operations controllers communicate with instrumentation at wellheads, pipelines, and other remote sites. Secure and robust wireless technology centralizes access, helping users improve safety and minimize risk of dangerous environments. Furthering these benefits, Emerson‘s enhancement of the ROC800 adds wireless functionality to the company‘s Smart Remote Automation Solutions, which further extends the predictive intelligence of PlantWeb digital architecture into remote oil and gas locations. The new Smart Wireless Communication capability allows the ROC800-Series Remote Operations Controller to communicate directly with any mix of up to 30 wireless temperature transmitters or wireless pressure transmitters over the self organizing mesh field network. This has significant cost benefits when used for monitoring process variables that may be located up to 200 meters away from the RTU. Wiring of instrumentation has significant costs in these environments since land is often leased and surfaces may be rocky and difficult for wiring. The remoteness of such locations also makes manual monitoring very expensive. Since Smart Wireless monitoring points enable up to 90 percent installed cost reduction as compared with wired installations, the technology opens significant opportunities for operations improvement. Field instruments that use the wireless self-organizing network approach can be installed to bring in diagnostic information from points that could not be monitored earlier because of cost constraints. There are a number of applications in these patches that can benefit from low cost incremental monitoring. The predictive intelligence provided by the ROC800 with Smart Wireless Communication increases process availability and eliminates unnecessary field trips for data retrieval, configuration changes, and asset profiling. Through enabling online monitoring with deep-dive diagnostics and notification of potential problems, Smart Wireless helps users prevent unplanned downtime. Further, it extends asset lifecycles through proactive asset management. Scheduled maintenance is now linked to actual asset performance to target the highest value equipment. You can learn more about the ROC800 and other Remote Automation Solutions from Emerson Process Management at www.EmersonProcess.com/Remote.[/COLOR]










  • 運動控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機(jī)器視覺
  • 機(jī)械傳動
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機(jī)界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機(jī)器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機(jī)柜
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