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2007年7月13日,德州儀器 (TI) 宣布推出采用創(chuàng)新電容隔離技術(shù)的最新系列雙通道數(shù)字隔離器,與同類競爭器件相比,該系列產(chǎn)品不僅支持更高的數(shù)據(jù)傳輸速度與電磁抗干擾能力,而且還延長了電池使用壽命。ISO7220 與 ISO7221 提高了系統(tǒng)性能,降低了系統(tǒng)成本,可滿足各種高電壓、高噪聲應(yīng)用的需求,其中包括工廠自動化、過程控制、計算機外設(shè)以及數(shù)據(jù)采集系統(tǒng)。 TI 電容技術(shù)的電磁抗干擾能力比現(xiàn)有電感器器件提高了 6 倍,對于經(jīng)常存在于工業(yè)環(huán)境且會損壞信號完整性的外部磁場,該技術(shù)具備卓越的抗干擾能力。此外,上述器件還能避免因快速電壓瞬變(高達(dá) 25kV/us)造成的數(shù)據(jù)損壞。 電容技術(shù)還支持高達(dá) 4000V 的光電隔離,該器件的預(yù)期壽命超過 25 年,而同類競爭器件只有 7 到 10 年,而這正是工業(yè)應(yīng)用的關(guān)鍵要求,因為在工業(yè)應(yīng)用環(huán)境下,如果不提供足夠保護(hù),電壓沖擊就很可能降低器件性能與使用壽命。上述器件與隔離電源配合使用,能阻斷高電壓、隔離接地,避免噪聲電流進(jìn)入本地接地,干擾或損壞敏感電路。
為了便于 PCB 布局,ISO7220 提供兩個同向通道,而 ISO7221 則提供兩個反向通道。ISO722x 系列提供三種速度選項:1Mbps、25Mbps 與 150Mbps。其它關(guān)鍵參數(shù)還包括:1ns 通道間延遲差 (channel-to-channel skew)、3ns 部件間延遲差 (part-to-part skew)、1ns 抖動、1ns 脈寬失真以及 4kV ESD 保護(hù)等。所有器件均支持 3.3V 或 5V 的電源電壓組合。 新增的 ISO7220 與 ISO7221 數(shù)字隔離器進(jìn)一步豐富了 TI 完整的接口解決方案,形成了涵蓋 1394 (FireWire™) 等計算機與消費類連接解決方案、USB 與 PCI Express、工業(yè)串行通信標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(如 UART、LVDS、M-LVDS、RS-485、RS-232、CAN 等)在內(nèi)的全面接口產(chǎn)品系列。更多詳情,敬請參見《接口選擇指南》(http://www.ti.com/cn/litv/pdf/sszt009c)。 供貨情況 ISO7220 與 ISO7221 現(xiàn)已開始供貨,可通過 TI 及其授權(quán)分銷商進(jìn)行定購,這兩種產(chǎn)品均采用 8 引腳 SOIC 封裝。此外,我們還提供評估板。 此外,三通道與四通道版本也已開始提供樣片,預(yù)計于 2007 年第四季度投入量產(chǎn)。 original text [COLOR=#708090]Texas Instruments Introduces ISO722x Dual-Channel Digital Isolators July 13, 2007 —— Utilizing the company‘s innovative capacitive isolation technology, Texas Instruments Incorporated introduced a new family of dual-channel digital isolators, featuring faster data transmission, higher magnetic immunity and longer life expectancy than competitive devices. The ISO7220 and ISO7221 improve system performance and reduce cost in high-voltage, noisy applications such as factory automation, process control, computer peripherals and data acquisition systems. TI‘s capacitive technology enables magnetic immunity six orders of magnitude higher than existing inductive devices, providing immunity from external magnetic fields that frequently occur in the industrial environment and which can distort signal integrity. In addition, these devices offer high immunity against data corruption due to fast voltage transients (up to 25kV/us). The capacitive technology also provides galvanic isolation of up to 4000V and life expectancy of greater than 25 years (versus 7-10 years for competitive devices). These are critical requirements in industrial applications where voltage surges can otherwise degrade device performance and lifetime. Used in combination with isolated power supplies, these devices block high voltages, isolate grounds and prevent noise currents from entering the local ground and interfering with or damaging sensitive circuitry. To facilitate PCB layout, the ISO7220 has two channels in the same direction and the ISO7221 has two channels in opposite directions. The ISO722x family provides three speed options: 1Mbps, 25Mbps and 150Mbps. Other key specifications include 1ns channel-to-channel skew, 3ns part-to-part skew, 1ns jitter, 1ns pulse width distortion and 4kV ESD protection. All devices support any combination of 3.3V or 5V supplies. The addition of the ISO7220 and ISO7221 digital isolators complements TI‘s complete interface solutions ranging from computer and consumer connectivity solutions such as 1394 (FireWire TM), USB and PCI Express, to industry serial communications standards such as UART, LVDS, M-LVDS, RS-485, RS-232, CAN and more. Please see the Interface Selection Guide for more information.[/COLOR]








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  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
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  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機柜
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