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德州奧斯?。?007年7月16日消息)——艾默生過程管理公司已經(jīng)擴展其測量儀器,推出Rosemount 3100系列超聲變送器。新系列所涉及的范圍在簡易安裝和配置包裝方面可提供Rosemount可靠性和智能預測性。3100系列變送器是液位槽和露天應用中用于監(jiān)測液位的理想選擇。 在3100中的非接觸傳感器是由慣性氣體制造的,提供高級抗腐蝕性和低維修需求。完整的或遙遠的嵌入式傳感器在槽體中的溫度改變可以自動修正,否則會導致不準確的信息。 可得到的圖案或是法蘭連接使其適合于化學,油氣,電力,水力和水處理工業(yè)。變送器安裝簡易,由于其一些預排序規(guī)律和計量表,所以很容易配置。來自3100的診斷信息可以通過使用艾默生的AMS™ Suite軟件獲取,或使用任意HART®通訊工具如375現(xiàn)場交流器。這些工具或是本地操作界面都可以配置變送器。 變送器可以與墻板嵌入控制裝置中的3490系列連接,提供動力和全面的控制選項。變送器可從兩個完整的斷電器上獲得,增加本地控制功能還可以提供高低級警報。 三個新變送器包括3101,3102和3105,3101是設(shè)計用于需要4-20 mA輸出的節(jié)約性液面測量,3102包括HART通訊和完整繼電器,3105是經(jīng)鑒定的安全的可以在露天通道中用于測量距離,水位或計算體積和流速的變送器。
艾默生新 Rosemount3100系列超聲變送器
增加在艾默生儀器組合包中的新Rosemount超聲變送器,包括基于五種不同測量技術(shù)不同壓力的非接觸雷達,波位導向雷達,超聲波和振動叉。 Rosemount 3100系列超聲變送器是艾默生智能化,數(shù)字化現(xiàn)場設(shè)備中的一部分,其增強了PlantWeb®數(shù)字化工廠架構(gòu),使工廠效率提高2%,更多地傳送資產(chǎn)優(yōu)化,過程自動化和執(zhí)行管理信息。 original text [COLOR=#708090]Emerson introduces new Rosemount® ultrasonic level transmitters Non-contacting transmitters provide a fit-and-forget solution for a wide range of continuous level monitoring applications AUSTIN, TEXAS (July 16, 2007) – Emerson Process Management has expanded its extensive range of level measurement instrumentation with the introduction of the Rosemount 3100 Series Ultrasonic level transmitters. The new range offers Rosemount reliability and predictive intelligence in an easy to install and configure package. The 3100 Series transmitters are ideally suited for monitoring liquid level in tanks and open air applications where long maintenance intervals are a key requisite. The non-contact sensor in the 3100 is made from an inert material offering superior corrosion resistance and low maintenance requirements. The integral or remote mounted temperature sensor enables automatic corrections where temperature changes in the tank free space could otherwise result in an inaccurate reading. Available with threaded or flanged connections and suitable for the chemical, oil and gas, power, water and wastewater industries, the transmitters are easy to install and also, thanks to several pre-programmed laws and strapping tables, easy to configure. Diagnostic information from the 3100 can be captured by using Emerson‘s AMS™ Suite software, or by using any other HART® communications tool such as the 375 Field Communicator. These tools, or the local operator interface, can also be used to configure the transmitter. The transmitters can be combined with the Rosemount 3490 Series of wall and panel mounted control units, providing power and comprehensive control options. The transmitter is available with two integral relays, adding to the local control functionality and can also provide both high and low level alarms. The three new transmitters include the 3101, designed for use where an economical liquid level measurement is required with a 4-20 mA output; the 3102 which includes HART communications and integral relays; and the 3105 which is certified intrinsically safe and can be used to measure distance, level, or calculate volume or flow in an open channel. These new Rosemount ultrasonic transmitters add to the Emerson portfolio of level instrumentation that includes transmitters based on five different measurement technologies - differential pressure, non-contacting radar, guided wave radar, ultrasonics, and vibrating fork. Rosemount 3100 Series Ultrasonic transmitters are part of Emerson‘s broad range of intelligent, digital field devices that power the PlantWeb® digital plant architecture to improve plant efficiency by 2% and more through delivering asset optimisation, process automation, and management execution.[/COLOR]










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  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機器人
  • 低壓電器
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