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蘇黎世機場首選ABB 800xA系統(tǒng)



導語:蘇黎世機場首選ABB 800xA系統(tǒng)

2007-07-17ABB的旗艦式自動化系統(tǒng),800xA系統(tǒng)將在蘇黎世機場控制熱電廠來保證歐洲最忙的交通樞紐中心(每年運送1900萬乘客)之一的機場,收到最佳的,經濟有效的能量供應。 工廠現(xiàn)存的控制系統(tǒng),遠在20世紀中期,其備用件或是升級軟件從賣主那已不再能購買到,將要被ABB的市場領導型自動化拓展系統(tǒng)800xA5.0版所取代。 ABB電力生產服務部(瑞士)Robert Landis說:“對用戶來說:新系統(tǒng)是否更加安全,提供商的可靠性和系統(tǒng)更新在數(shù)年后能否得到保證是極其重要的?!? ABB已通過對800xA系統(tǒng)自動化平臺基礎的增進制定了改進方案,用于保護用戶的投資,保證在控制系統(tǒng)技術的先進性從而加強投資。 先進的工程工具 于2006年11月面市的800xA系統(tǒng)5.0版,包含有新功能和先進的工程工具,這些都給機場的操作者留下了深刻的印象。Landis說:“上面所說的可參考兩個展示設備的安裝,一個在瑞士另一個在瑞典,用戶對800xA的評價都很高?!? 解決方案將包含用于8,000個S800 I/O頻道的11AC800M的控制器,五個過程入口操作站(包括一個偏遠的和一個移動的),一個PP865過程板和一個工程站和ABB的電力信息管理器軟件。80兆瓦的熱電廠為整個機場提供復雜的供電——到達和離開大廳,購物中心,飛機修理庫,停車廠,餐飲設備和辦公室電能。 蘇黎世機場有200家行業(yè)擁有員工20,000名,是歐洲主要的交通中心,每年有輸送260,000架航班和1920萬乘客。機場最近改進了其容量,在2006年被行業(yè)人士選為世界上最好的機場之一。 關于 800xA系統(tǒng) 800xA系統(tǒng)很好地擴展了過程控制和企業(yè)可視性,包括產品管理,安全,智能儀器,智能設備和電機控制,信息管理,資產優(yōu)化,模擬設備和文件處理。 800xA系統(tǒng)整合了上述這些領域,以便來自單獨操作環(huán)境的信息可以被訪問和修改,實現(xiàn)更加有效的生產和成本節(jié)約。其控制一套一致的數(shù)據(jù),對于單一點進入,單一點改變和再利用,幫助用戶擴展和重復他們最成功的戰(zhàn)略和最優(yōu)化的辦法。  800xA系統(tǒng),自動化擴展系統(tǒng),被控制工程雜志編輯評為最佳產品選擇獎作為2004年推行的最好產品之一。  800xA系統(tǒng)之所以被熱電廠所選中是因為其功能型設計工具。這允許工程師們可以自己修改和維護系統(tǒng)。 original text [COLOR=#708090]System 800xA: first choice for Zurich Airport 2007-07-17 - ABB’s flagship automation system, System 800xA, will control the combined heat and power plant at Zurich Airport to ensure that one of Europe’s busiest transportation hubs – used by 19 million passengers a year – receives optimal, cost-effective heat and power. The plant’s existing control systems, which date back to the mid-1990s and for which spare parts and software upgrades are no longer available from the vendors, will be replaced by Version 5.0 of ABB’s market-leading Extended Automation System 800xA. “It was vitally important for the customer that the new system is future-safe and that vendor reliability and system enhancement is assured in the years to come,” says Robert Landis of ABB Service Power Generation, Switzerland. ABB has made Evolution through Enhancement the cornerstone of its System 800xA automation platform to protect customer investment and ensure that future advances in control system technologies will enhance that investment. Version 5 of System 800xA was launched in November 2006 and includes new functionality and advanced engineering tools that impressed airport operator, Unique. “This and visits to reference installations at two showcase facilities – a cement works in Switzerland and a district heating plant in Sweden – convinced the customer that System 800xA was superior,” says Landis. The solution will consist of 11 AC 800M controllers for 8,000 S800 I/O (input/output) channels, five Process Portal operator stations (including one remote and one mobile), one PP865 Process panel and one Engineering Station, and ABB’s Power Generation Information Manager software. The 80 megawatt combined heat and power plant supplies the entire airport complex – arrival and departure halls, terminals, shopping malls, hangars, car parks, catering facilities and offices – with electric power and district heating. Zurich Airport is home to almost 200 businesses and 20,000 staff, and is a leading European hub for more than 260,000 flights and 19.2 million passengers a year. The airport recently boosted its capacity with a new terminal and was voted one of the best airports in the world by industry peers in 2006. What is System 800xA • System 800xA extends process control and enterprise visibility well beyond essential process control to include production management, safety, smart instrumentation, smart drives and motor control, information management, asset optimization, simulation and documentation. • System 800xA integrates these areas so that information can be viewed and modified from a single operations environment, allowing greater efficiency and substantial cost savings. It manages one set of consistent data, for single-point entry, single-point change, and re-use across the plant, to help users extend and repeat their most successful engineering strategies and best practices. • System 800xA Extended Automation received the Control Engineering magazine Editors’ Choice Award as one of the best products introduced in 2004.[/COLOR]










  • 運動控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機器視覺
  • 機械傳動
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機柜
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