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德州奧斯?。?007年7月18日)消息,艾默生過程管理公司,舉辦了智能無線創(chuàng)新大賽,目的是讓用戶認(rèn)可艾默生用于過程工業(yè)生產(chǎn),制造和分配設(shè)備的且?guī)黹L遠(yuǎn)影響力的創(chuàng)新解決方案。智能解決方案于去年秋天在北美開始推廣,而艾默生無線產(chǎn)品于2006年投放市場。輕松快速的試運行,高達(dá)90%的傳感器被縮減以及變送器的安裝成本打消了工程師們的積極性,轉(zhuǎn)而獲得新數(shù)據(jù)提高工廠性能。 艾默生過程管理公司主要戰(zhàn)略官員說:“我們頻繁地讓我們的用戶試驗我們的無線技術(shù),只有一個原因:那就是一經(jīng)了解和運行能尋找出更多優(yōu)點。我們舉辦這個競賽并對發(fā)獎是用于獎勵那些發(fā)現(xiàn)令人振奮人心的新方法,去體驗可靠的,具有資源價值的,方便易用的無線技術(shù)?!? 為所有制造商用戶打開全球市場,艾默生的智能無線創(chuàng)新者大賽將一直持續(xù)到2008年3月31日。用戶陪審成員將參與判斷兩類中的參賽者和獲獎?wù)撸鹤罹邉?chuàng)新的無線技術(shù),最具影響的使用無線技術(shù)業(yè)務(wù),。 為了符合參賽資格,應(yīng)用必須包括艾默生最近的五項智能無線儀器,和一個具有1420智能無線網(wǎng)關(guān)或是一個具有板上無線網(wǎng)關(guān)的ROC800-系列遙控器和擁有無線PlantWeb 界面的AMS設(shè)備管理器軟件。這些應(yīng)用軟件應(yīng)非常容易就能購買到或是訂購智能無線解決方案儀器,或使用艾默生提供的無線SmartPack™ 啟動器工具箱. 競賽的獲勝者將收到2008年艾默生在美國華盛頓DC舉辦的艾默生全球用戶交流會(Emerson Global Users Exchange)的免費入場券,在那里他們將正式為智能無線創(chuàng)新者頒獎,獎品2500美元現(xiàn)金。獲獎?wù)邔⑦€有機會在用戶交流會上出席行業(yè)同行之間討論,分享他們應(yīng)用的詳細(xì)情況如怎么使用無線產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)等。 競賽提交必須包括真實智能無線應(yīng)用的描述,業(yè)務(wù)目標(biāo),艾默生的相關(guān)技術(shù)和性能估計以及可實現(xiàn)的結(jié)果。下載參賽表格請登錄:www.emersonprocess.com/smartwireless/InnovatorsContest.asp . original text [font=Arial][color=#708090]Emerson announces contest for "wireless innovators" Awards will be given for the most creative use of wireless technologies and most significant business impact achieved AUSTIN, TEXAS (July 18, 2007) – Emerson Process Management, a business of Emerson, is announcing the "Smart Wireless Innovators Contest" to recognize customers for innovative applications of the company‘s Smart Wireless solutions that deliver high business impact in process industry production, manufacturing, and distribution facilities. Global introduction of Smart Wireless solutions began in North America last fall, and Emerson‘s wireless products began shipping to users in 2006. The realization of easy, fast commissioning and up to 90% reduction of sensor and transmitter installed cost has stirred the enthusiasm of engineers toward capturing new data to improve plant performance. "We frequently have customers trialing our Smart Wireless technologies for one reason, then finding many other good uses once they get it up and running," said Peter Zornio, chief strategic officer for Emerson Process Management. "We are introducing this contest and award to celebrate the innovative spirit of those finding new and exciting ways to experience the value of reliable, secure and easy-to-use wireless." Open globally to all manufacturing customers, Emerson‘s "Smart Wireless Innovators Contest" will run until March 31, 2008. A panel of customer peers will judge the entries, and award prizes in two categories: Most innovative use of wireless technologies; and Greatest business impact from using wireless. To qualify for the contest, applications must include at least five of Emerson‘s Smart Wireless instruments with a 1420 Smart wireless gateway or a ROC800-series Remote Operations Controller with on-board wireless gateway, and AMS Device Manager software with wireless PlantWeb interface. This application can be conveniently purchased and implemented as a Smart Wireless solution instrumentation order, or by using Emerson‘s offering of Wireless SmartPack™ Starter Kits. Contest winners will receive free admission to the 2008 Emerson Global Users Exchange in Washington, DC, USA, where they will be formally honored with a crystal Smart Wireless Innovators Award and a $2500 cash prize. Winners will also have an opportunity to present to industry peers at the Users Exchange, sharing details of their application which makes unique use of Smart Wireless products and services. Contest submittals must include a description of the actual Smart Wireless application, business objectives, Emerson technologies involved, an assessment of performance and results achieved. Entry forms are available at www.emersonprocess.com/smartwireless/InnovatorsContest.asp.[/color][/font]










  • 運動控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機器視覺
  • 機械傳動
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機柜
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