



五倍于自動(dòng)化行業(yè)溫度循環(huán)能力 賽米控推出一款100%無(wú)縫焊接的IGBT模塊,用于電力混合動(dòng)力車(chē)輛中22 kW – 150kW的列車(chē)驅(qū)動(dòng)控制器中。SKiM®與底坐和焊接終端的模塊相比,擁有五倍于其溫度循環(huán)的能力。 當(dāng)一些半導(dǎo)體制造商仍然在提供焊接接觸來(lái)滿(mǎn)足自動(dòng)化行業(yè)高溫需求的時(shí)候,無(wú)縫壓力焊接接觸技術(shù)和熔結(jié)芯片就已經(jīng)使溫度循環(huán)能力達(dá)到Δ100K10.000次。由于TJunction = 175 °C和Tambient = 135 °C一部分隔離的冷卻液可以被忽略。
無(wú)縫焊接壓力系統(tǒng)和內(nèi)部層狀母線(xiàn)可促成均一的電流分布。每一個(gè)IGBT和二極管片都有其自己與主端子的連接器。這樣可產(chǎn)生一個(gè)低電阻模塊RCC’+EE’ ≤ 0,3 mΩ,而焊接模塊的電阻約為1.1 mΩ. 到驅(qū)動(dòng)板的連接器也是一個(gè)無(wú)縫的,具有高溫循環(huán)和牢固的無(wú)縫安裝裝置。芯片不但焊接而且是熔結(jié)的可達(dá)到高功率循環(huán)。熔接點(diǎn)是一個(gè)很薄的鍍銀層,與焊接接頭相比其擁有超熱變電阻,由于高鍍銀焊接點(diǎn),不會(huì)有連接疲勞導(dǎo)致附加服務(wù)周期。 由于沒(méi)有底座,連到DCB到吸熱設(shè)備的連接器可以不受溫度循環(huán)限制而移動(dòng)。SKiM®能夠抵擋來(lái)自汽車(chē)的緊迫的振動(dòng)和沖擊壓力。 SKiM® 模塊的包裝和連接技術(shù)完全采用可控硅技術(shù),可節(jié)約成本。賽米控將其15年的壓力連接技術(shù)整合在了SKiM® IGBT模塊中。1000個(gè)混合動(dòng)力車(chē)和400.000電力鏟車(chē)都已經(jīng)采用壓力連接技術(shù)驅(qū)動(dòng)。 17 mm標(biāo)準(zhǔn)終端高度可保證其耐久性設(shè)計(jì),外形與另六副模塊相似。兩個(gè)箱體型號(hào)為:SKiM® 63 (120 x 160 mm²) SKiM® 93 (150 x 160 mm²) 關(guān)于賽米控 成立于1951年,總部位于德國(guó)的賽米控公司是一家在全球有2700名員工的家族式企業(yè)。賽米控遍布全球的35家子公司網(wǎng)絡(luò)能夠?yàn)榭蛻?hù)提供快速高效的現(xiàn)場(chǎng)服務(wù)。一家英國(guó)主要的市場(chǎng)研究機(jī)構(gòu)IMS的調(diào)查結(jié)果表明,賽米控是二極管/晶閘管市場(chǎng)的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者,并且占有全球30%的市場(chǎng)份額。 賽米控的電力電子產(chǎn)品涵蓋了芯片、分離二極管/晶閘管、功率模塊(IGBT/MOSFET/二極管/閘流晶體管/CIB/智能功率模塊)、驅(qū)動(dòng)和保護(hù)電路以及集成子系統(tǒng)。“SEMIKRON inside”已經(jīng)是電氣傳動(dòng),風(fēng)力發(fā)電,電動(dòng)汽車(chē)、焊機(jī)、電梯、電源、傳送帶和有軌電車(chē)等行業(yè)的一個(gè)品牌。賽米控很多先進(jìn)的技術(shù)已經(jīng)成為大家所公認(rèn)的工業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。 欲了解更多信息,請(qǐng)?jiān)L問(wèn):http://www.semikron.com original text [COLOR=#708090]The first 100% solder-free IGBT module Five times higher temperature cycling capability for automotive industry SEMIKRON introduces a 100% solder-free IGBT module for 22 kW – 150kW train drive converters in electric and hybrid vehicles. SKiM® has a five times higher temperature cycling capability compared to modules with base plate and soldered terminals. While some power semiconductor manufacturers are still improving soldered contacts to meet the high temperature requirements of the automotive industry, solder-free pressure contact technology and sintered chips is the optimal solution to increase the temperature cycling capability to 10.000 cycles at Δ100K. Due to the high temperature capabilities of Tjunction = 175 °C and Tambient = 135 °C, one separate coolant loop can be omitted. The solder-free pressure system and an internal laminated bus bar cause a homogeneous current distribution. Every IGBT and diode chip has its own connection to the main terminal. The result is a low module resistance of RCC’+EE’ ≤ 0,3 mΩ compared to soldered modules with approximately 1,1 mΩ. The connection to the driver board is also solder-free with springs for high temperature cycling and fast solder-free mounting. The chips are not soldered but sintered to achieve the high power cycling capability. The sinter joint is a thin silver layer that has a superior thermal resistance than a soldered joint and due to the high melting point of silver no joining fatigue leading to an increased service life. Since there is no base plate, the connection of the DCB to the heat sink has the ability to “move” with no limitation of temperature cycling reliability. SKiM® withstands the stringent automotive standards being highly resistant against shock and vibration stress. The packaging and connection technology of the SKiM® module fully exploits the silicon capabilities resulting in a cost-efficient solution. More than 15 years of experience in pressure contact technology is integrated into the SKiM® IGBT module. 1000 hybrid busses and 400.000 electric forklifts are already driven by pressure contact. The fast design-in is guaranteed by the standard terminal height of 17 mm and a configuration similar to other six pack modules. Two case sizes are available: SKiM® 63 (120 x 160 mm²) SKiM® 93 (150 x 160 mm²) About SEMIKRON: Founded in 1951, German-based Semikron is a family enterprise that employs 2,700 people worldwide. Semikron comprises of a global network of 35 companies that guarantees a fast and competent on-site customer care. According to a study carried out by IMS, a leading Market Research Institute, Semikron is the market leader in the field of Diode/Thyristor modules, enjoying a 30% share of the worldwide market. Semikron’s product range consists of 21000 different power semiconductors including chips, discrete diodes/thyristors, power modules (IGBT / MOSFET / diode / thyristor), driver and protection components and integrated subsystems. “Semikron inside“ has become a trade mark for industrial applications such as electric drives, wind power generators, solar, electric vehicles, welding machines, lifts, power supplies, conveyor belts and trams. As a significant innovator in the power electronics sector, many of Semikron’s progressive developments have been accepted as industrial standards. The expertise of the Solution Centres from each continent is combined into a unique network, to develop and manufacture subsystems designed for specific applications and requirements. For more information, visit www.semikron.com.[/COLOR]
[SUB]Junction[/SUB] [SUB]ambie[/SUB]










  • 運(yùn)動(dòng)控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機(jī)器視覺(jué)
  • 機(jī)械傳動(dòng)
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機(jī)界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機(jī)器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機(jī)柜
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