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GE Fanuc 推出新Power Mate i壓力位置控制器



導語:GE Fanuc 推出新Power Mate i壓力位置控制器

CNC控制器可以根據(jù)壓力和位置命令進行編程 弗吉尼亞夏洛茨維爾2007年7月20日消息,GE Fanuc(通用電氣發(fā)那科 )自動化,通用電氣公司的一部分,于當日宣布:其新Power Mate i –H壓力位置控制器面市。提供工業(yè)運動位置和壓力控制命令。該控制器可提供一項新功能:8軸定位CNC,適用于控制通用的工業(yè)機械。新開發(fā)的壓力和位置控制功能通過結(jié)合位置控制和高精確性壓力控制達到最好的控制。這也是來自壓力傳感器的使用反饋。 GE Fanuc自動化CNC產(chǎn)品經(jīng)理Paul Webster說:“壓力和位置控制功能使一個位置控制命令和壓力控制命令可以在同一時間內(nèi)指定。該功能對于執(zhí)行銷的壓力配合,伺服系統(tǒng)壓力的模墊或由高精確性壓力和位置控制的鐵片的彎曲度都是非常有用的?!? 壓力位置控制器可提供軸控制功能,當沒有力量應用在軸上時,此功能則進行基于位置控制命令的自動選擇和執(zhí)行。如:此功能能使工具在軸的方向上接近工件,通過控制位置直到工具能觸及工件。 此功能隨后還能在工具接觸工件的時候執(zhí)行指定的壓力控制。當工具從工件上被分離的時候,此功能也隨之轉(zhuǎn)移到指定的位置控制上。 Webster繼續(xù)說:“該產(chǎn)品能提供非常精確的控制。在標準零件使用上,沒有特殊的要求。此外,可以利用CNC對一個伺服壓力閥進行控制,進一步簡化操作?!? 供貨情況:現(xiàn)貨供應 關于GE Fanuc Automation(通用電氣發(fā)那科自動化) GE Fanuc自動化公司是美國通用電氣公司(GE)與日本FANUC公司的合資公司,提供自動化軟硬件解決方案,幫助用戶降低成本,提供效率加強企業(yè)盈利能力。憑借適合于幾乎每種工業(yè)門類的解決方案和服務,GE Fanuc自動化提供多樣化的產(chǎn)品和服務,范圍包括控制器、嵌入式系統(tǒng)、高端軟件、運動控制產(chǎn)品、操作員界面產(chǎn)品、工業(yè)計算機和激光設備。GE Fanuc總部位于美國弗吉尼亞洲夏落茨威爾,是GE基礎設施業(yè)務集團的一部分,它將GE家族廣泛的全球性優(yōu)勢與滿足本地的客戶需求相結(jié)合,設計、開發(fā)并維護用戶在自動化方面的投資。 GE Fanuc自動化亞太公司業(yè)務遍及整個亞太地區(qū)。包括中國、韓國、日本、東南亞,西亞和大洋洲。位于上海的亞太地區(qū)業(yè)務總部為這些地區(qū)提供市場、客戶服務、財務、定單處理和發(fā)貨管理等服務。 GE Fanuc 自動化在中國構(gòu)筑了全面高效的銷售和支持網(wǎng)絡,致力于為中國用戶提供最先進最完善的自動化解決方案。 更多信息請登錄:www.gefanuc.com original text [COLOR=#708090]GE Fanuc Announces Power Mate i Pressure and Position Controller CNC Control That Can Be Programmed By Pressure and Position Commands CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA, JULY 20, 2007 GE Fanuc Automation, a unit of GE Industrial, today announced the availability of its new Power Mate i – Model H Pressure and Position Controller, offering industrial motion control of position and pressure commands. The controller provides a new function for Power Mate i-H, an 8-axis positioning CNC suitable for controlling general industrial machines. The newly developed Pressure and Position Control function enables the best operation by combining position control and highly accurate pressure control, which uses feedback from pressure sensor. “The pressure and position control function enables a positional control command and pressure control command to be specified at the same time,” said Paul Webster, CNC Product Manager for GE Fanuc Automation. “This function is useful for performing press-fitting of pins, die-cushion of a servo press or bending of sheet metal by highly-accurate pressure and position control.” The Pressure and Position Controller is an axis control function that automatically selects and executes position control based on a positional control command when no force is applied to the axis, and automatically selects and executes pressure control based on a pressure command when an external force is applied to the axis. For example, the function enables the tool to approach a workpiece in the axis direction by using position control until the tool touches the workpiece. The function can then execute pressure control with a specified pressure while the tool is in contact with the workpiece in the axis direction. When the tool is separated from the workpiece, the function moves the tool to the specified position-by-position control. “This product provides very precise control,” continued Webster, “but utilizes standard components; no special equipment is needed. And, the control of a servo pressure valve can be done in the CNC, further simplifying operations.” This product is available now. About GE Fanuc Automation GE Fanuc Automation Corporation, a joint venture between General Electric (NYSE:GE) and FANUC LTD of Japan, delivers automation hardware and software designed to help users reduce costs, increase efficiency and enhance profitability. With solutions and services for virtually every industrial segment, GE Fanuc Automation provides a diverse array of capabilities and products, including controllers, embedded systems, advanced software, motion control, operator interfaces, industrial computers, and lasers. Headquartered in Charlottesville, VA, GE Fanuc Automation is a part of GE Industrial and combines the diverse global strengths of the GE family with the local presence customers need to design, develop and maintain their automation investments. For more information: www.gefanuc.com [/COLOR]








  • 運動控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機器視覺
  • 機械傳動
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機柜
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