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菲尼克斯(2007年8月2日)新聞——霍尼韋爾(HON)完成了對Enraf Holding B.V.的收購。Enraf Holding B.V.是總部位于荷蘭代夫特的私人控股公司代夫特儀器公司(DelftInstruments)的旗下部門。 霍尼韋爾過程解決方案部門總裁Jack Bolick說:“此次收購將會給Enraf和霍尼韋爾在能源生產(chǎn)供應(yīng)鏈的用戶們帶來巨大的影響。將Enraf的產(chǎn)品整合到霍尼韋爾組合中,將使我們提供更加廣泛的解決方案,將減少安裝,操作和工程成本并改善我們?yōu)橛脩籼峁┊a(chǎn)品的性能。此外,收購還將為我們帶來拓展現(xiàn)有基礎(chǔ)用戶的機遇,如在生物燃料,LNG終端和石化產(chǎn)品的用戶。” Enraf是開采行業(yè)重要的測量和控制解決方案提供商,設(shè)備應(yīng)用于能源產(chǎn)品的在陸地和海運上的運輸生產(chǎn)。Enraf的測量,存儲管理,附加注射產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)線,以及用于液體的密閉輸送技術(shù)都將服務(wù)于霍尼韋爾的投資組合,包括:過程控制,過程安全,工廠可靠性和油氣先進(jìn)應(yīng)用,精煉和化工公司。 Enraf將成為霍尼韋爾過程解決方案(HPS)的一部分,鞏固霍尼韋爾在高增長的包括石油以及天然氣行業(yè)內(nèi)的位置,使油庫存儲管理解決方案實現(xiàn)自動化管理,將液體天然氣行業(yè)納入霍尼韋爾投資組合中。其還將為霍尼韋爾進(jìn)入快速發(fā)展的海運行業(yè)提供機遇。 霍尼韋爾國際公司(下稱“霍尼韋爾”)是一家在多元化技術(shù)和制造業(yè)方面占世界領(lǐng)導(dǎo)地位的跨國公司,總價值340億美元。 在全球,其業(yè)務(wù)涉及航空產(chǎn)品、技術(shù)及服務(wù);住宅和商業(yè)樓宇控制、工業(yè)控制技術(shù)、產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)以及自動化產(chǎn)品和服務(wù);特種化學(xué)、纖維、塑料、電子和先進(jìn)材料技術(shù)、以及產(chǎn)品和服務(wù);交通和動力技術(shù)、產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)等領(lǐng)域?;裟犴f爾在全球95個國家擁有10萬員工,總部設(shè)在美國新澤西州莫里斯鎮(zhèn)。在紐約、倫敦、芝加哥和太平洋證券市場的交易代碼為HON,為道瓊斯工業(yè)指數(shù)的30家構(gòu)成公司之一,也是“標(biāo)準(zhǔn)普爾500指數(shù)”的組成部分。2002年,霍尼韋爾的銷售額為223億美元;在全球財富500強排名榜中列第195位。 original text
Honeywell completes acquisition of Enraf
[COLOR=#708090]Phoenix, August 2, 2007 —— Honeywell (NYSE:HON) completed the acquisition of Enraf Holding B.V., a division of privately held Delft Instruments, based in Delft, Netherlands in a deal valued at approximately $260 million. “This acquisition brings tremendous upside to both Enraf and Honeywell Process customers in the energy production supply chain,” said Jack Bolick, president of Honeywell Process Solutions. “The integration of Enraf products into the Honeywell portfolio enables us to provide more comprehensive solutions that will reduce installed, operating and engineering costs and improve our customers’ performance. In addition, the acquisition brings an opportunity to grow within our existing customer base and in new sectors such as bio-fuels, LNG terminals and petrochemicals.” Enraf is a leading provider of mission-critical measurement and controls solutions for the exploration, production and transportation of energy products for land and marine applications. The Enraf line of products for measurement, inventory management, additive injection and custody transfer applications for liquids are complimentary to Honeywell’s extensive portfolio of process control, process safety, plant reliability and advanced applications for oil and gas, refining and petrochemical companies. Enraf will be part of Honeywell Process Solutions (HPS). The acquisition strengthens Honeywell’s position in the high-growth oil and gas value chain and brings proven automation and inventory management solutions for tank farms, bulk and distribution terminals and Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) industries to Honeywell’s portfolio. It also provides Honeywell entry in to the fast-growing marine transport industry. Honeywell International is a $34 billion diversified technology and manufacturing leader, serving customers worldwide with aerospace products and services; control technologies for buildings, homes and industry; automotive products; turbochargers; and specialty materials. Based in Morris Township, N.J., Honeywell‘s shares are traded on the New York, London and Chicago Stock Exchanges. It is one of the 30 stocks that make up the Dow Jones Industrial Average and is also a component of the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index. Honeywell Process Solutions is part of Honeywell’s Automation and Control Solutions group, a global leader in providing product and service solutions that improve efficiency and profitability, support regulatory compliance, and maintain safe, comfortable environments in homes, buildings and industry. [/COLOR]










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