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導(dǎo)語:基金會現(xiàn)場總線在CIS和Baltics 地區(qū)建立營銷委員會

基金會現(xiàn)場總線在CIS和Baltics 地區(qū)建立營銷委員會 該組織將通過CIS & Baltics市場促進基金會現(xiàn)場總線技術(shù)的發(fā)展。 德州奧斯?。?007年8月2日)消息,基金會現(xiàn)場總線于當日宣布其在獨聯(lián)體和Baltics (CIS&B)地區(qū)建立營銷委員會。該組織成立的目的是滿足CIS&B地區(qū)對新自動化技術(shù)的需求,由主要的過程自動化公司代表組成,通過CIS&B市場推進基金會總線技術(shù)的采用。 基金會現(xiàn)場總線CIS&B營銷委員會(FF-CIS&B MC)于六月26號到29號在莫斯科國際油氣展覽會期間舉行的一個會議上正式成立的。委員會將組織大范圍的與現(xiàn)場總路線相關(guān)的活動,包括培訓(xùn)研討會,貿(mào)易展覽和終端用戶展示。
左邊Dmitri Volkov主席 右邊:Vladimir Frolov 副主席
參與委員會的公司包括:艾默生過程控制公司,霍尼韋爾,MTL/VSP,倍加福,R. Stahl和日本橫河,此外還有兩個分別來自基金會現(xiàn)場總線EMEA籌化指導(dǎo)委員會和EMEA執(zhí)行委員會的代表。EMEA EAC的目的是保證用于支持在CIS&B地區(qū)的基金會現(xiàn)場總線技術(shù)的采用。 在其就職會議上,F(xiàn)F CIS&B MC任命Dmitri Volkov (艾默生過程管理)作為主席,Vladimir Frolov (VSP/MTL)為副主席,Alexander Makhmudov (Stahl)為秘書。 基金會現(xiàn)場總線EMEA業(yè)務(wù)副總裁Marc Van Pelt,非常歡迎CIS&B委員會的成立。他說在15個州的市場彌補了CIS和Baltics地區(qū)的不足。在此地區(qū),對新工業(yè)自動化技術(shù)的需求非常強烈,基金會現(xiàn)場總線將負責推廣基金會現(xiàn)場總線技術(shù)的應(yīng)用,在最近的ARC市場調(diào)查報告中顯示,對總線技術(shù)的需求也很高。他繼續(xù)說到,此委員會和其成員將扮演一個非常重要的角色:推動基金會總線技術(shù)的發(fā)展,包括過程的完整性,業(yè)務(wù)智能化和開放性,以及通過過程制造工廠達成規(guī)?;男畔⒄?。 original text
Fieldbus Foundation Establishes Marketing Committee For CIS and Baltics Region
[COLOR=#708090]Organisation will promote adoption of FOUNDATION technology throughout the CIS & Baltics market AUSTIN, Texas, August 2, 2007 — The Fieldbus Foundation today announced the establishment of a marketing committee for the Commonwealth of Independent States and Baltics (CIS&B) region. The organisation, established in response to the accelerating demand for new automation technology within the CIS&B region, is made up of representatives of leading process automation companies and will promote the adoption of FOUNDATION fieldbus technology throughout the CIS&B market. The Fieldbus Foundation CIS&B marketing committee (FF-CIS&B MC) was formally launched at a meeting held during the recent Moscow international oil and gas exhibition (MIOGE) held from June 26-29. The committee will organise a wide range of fieldbus-related activities, including training seminars, trade show displays, and end user demonstrations. Companies participating in the committee include: Emerson Process Management, Honeywell, MTL/VSP, Pepperl+Fuchs, R. Stahl and Yokogawa, with additional direct support by two representatives of the Fieldbus Foundation EMEA Steering Committee and a member of the Fieldbus Foundation EMEA Executive Advisory Council (EAC). The EMEA EAC is committed to ensuring that resources and materials are available to support the adoption of FOUNDATION technology within the CIS&B region. At its inaugural meeting, the FF CIS&B MC named Dmitri Volkov (Emerson Process Management) as Chairman, Vladimir Frolov (VSP/MTL) as Vice-Chairman, and Alexander Makhmudov (Stahl) as Secretary. Marc Van Pelt, Vice-President of Fieldbus Foundation EMEA Operations welcomed the establishment of the CIS&B marketing committee. "The market in the fifteen states that make up the CIS and Baltics region is dynamic and emerging. The demand for new automation technology in the region is strong and the Fieldbus Foundation is responding positively to the increasing adoption of FOUNDATION technology and the high growth projections as reported in the recent ARC Advisory Group market study." He continued, "This committee and its members will play an important role in promoting the primary value propositions of FOUNDATION technology, which include process integrity, business intelligence, and open and scalable integration of information across process manufacturing plants. [/COLOR]








  • 運動控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機器視覺
  • 機械傳動
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機柜
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