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導語:阿美德格收購CAMECA SAS

[font=times]收購將增加阿美德格公司對高端元素的分析能力 賓夕法尼亞州Paoli(2007年8月14日)消息,阿美德格(紐約證交所交易號:AME)宣布其收購CAMECA SAS——高端元素分析系統(tǒng),用于先進的分析、半導體和納米技術應用。CAMECA總部位于法國巴黎,年收銷售額約6000萬歐元,被Carlyle集團領導的投資集團所購買,價值約820億歐元合1.12億美元。 阿美德格主席廉首席執(zhí)行官Frank S. Hermance說:“收購CAMECA是一個很明智的舉措,對于擴展我們的技術能力意義深遠。其全球客戶包括許多世界領先的半導體生產(chǎn)商、學術專家、政府和從事其它材料科學研究的工業(yè)生產(chǎn)廠商?!? Hermance 又補充說到,“CAMECA在他所涉及的市場中都占據(jù)領導地位。他們的產(chǎn)品包括二次離子質譜入門(SIMS)、低能耗X射線發(fā)射光譜測定法(LEXES),TAP和電子探針微量分析儀器。” 他又解釋說:“CAMECA的加入可以補充我們的SPECTRO和EDAX業(yè)務產(chǎn)品。這些業(yè)務涉及很廣泛的技術,包括用于微量分析測量解決方案的光譜儀和X射線熒光光譜儀技術,用于金屬、環(huán)境、分析研究、石化產(chǎn)品、藥品、電子和法庭科學市場?!? 阿美德格是電子儀器的全球領導制造商,2006的其電子機械設備銷售額18億美元。阿美德格的合作成長計以五個關鍵性戰(zhàn)略為基礎:優(yōu)越的操作性、戰(zhàn)略收購和聯(lián)盟、全球市場擴張和新產(chǎn)品。阿美德格的目標就是在業(yè)務循環(huán)之上每股收入實現(xiàn)兩位數(shù)增長,總資產(chǎn)達到較高回報。阿美德格的普通股是S&PMidCap 400指數(shù)和Russell 1000指數(shù)的組成部分。[/font] [FONT=times] original text [/FONT] [font=times] AMETEK Acquires CAMECA SAS [/font] [font=times][Color=#708090]Acquisition Adds to AMETEK’s High-End Elemental Analysis Capabilities Paoli, Pa., August 14, 2007 —— AMETEK, Inc. (NYSE:AME) announced that it has acquired CAMECA SAS, a manufacturer of high-end elemental analysis systems used in advanced laboratory research, semiconductor and nanotechnology applications. CAMECA, based in Paris, France, was purchased from an investment group led by the Carlyle Group for approximately €82 million ($112 million). CAMECA has estimated annual sales of € 60 million ($82 million). “CAMECA is an excellent acquisition that significantly broadens our technical capabilities in differentiated, high-end analytical instrumentation. Its global customer base includes many of the world’s leading semiconductor manufacturers and academic, government, and industrial research facilities engaged in nano-science and other materials science research,” states Frank S. Hermance, AMETEK Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. “CAMECA holds a leading position in each of its markets. Their products include secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), low-energy X-ray emission spectrometry (LEXES), tomographic atom probe (TAP), and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) instrumentation,” adds Mr. Hermance. “CAMECA complements the products and technology offered by our SPECTRO and EDAX businesses. Those businesses provide a wide range of technology, including optical emission and X-ray fluorescence spectrometers for microanalysis measurement solutions for the metals, environmental, R&D, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, electronics and forensic science markets,” he notes. AMETEK is a leading global manufacturer of electronic instruments and electromechanical devices with 2006 sales of $1.8 billion. AMETEK’s Corporate Growth Plan is based on Four Key Strategies: Operational Excellence, Strategic Acquisitions & Alliances, Global & Market Expansion and New Products. AMETEK’s objective is double-digit percentage growth in earnings per share over the business cycle and a superior return on total capital. The common stock of AMETEK is a component of the S&P MidCap 400 Index and the Russell 1000 Index.[/color][/font]








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