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2007年8月15日消息,ABB機(jī)器人幫助澳大利亞一家噴漆公司將生產(chǎn)力和收益率提高到了80%,成本降低了35%。 [font=times]20年前在墨爾本從一個兩人的汽車修理店開始,D&M汽車工業(yè)噴漆公司已經(jīng)發(fā)展成了在行業(yè)領(lǐng)域內(nèi)擁有競爭優(yōu)勢的成功的企業(yè)。 D&M在1998年第一次安裝了機(jī)器人生產(chǎn)線,現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)擁有20名員工和三個ABB機(jī)器人,滿足日益增長的需求。公司為當(dāng)?shù)睾腿虻闹圃焐虃兲峁┢嚭凸I(yè)所用的噴漆部件。 問到為什么他們選擇ABB的機(jī)器人,業(yè)主Darren King和 Michael Von Dort說,其質(zhì)量、可靠性和后續(xù)服務(wù)是我們主要考慮的地方,同時其機(jī)器人生產(chǎn)線將產(chǎn)量和收益率都提高到了80%。 三個IRB5400噴漆機(jī)器人隨后將加入兩個定制的IRB5400中,安裝ABB的刀刃PCbell,與傳統(tǒng)的噴槍相比,將減少35%的油漆損耗。 減少浪費 PCbell根據(jù)準(zhǔn)確的寬度要求進(jìn)行噴漆,如汽車鈑金和引擎罩的噴漆,為油漆應(yīng)用提供大量的有顯著作用的控制。King說:“安裝這一部件后不但減少了浪費,還為我們帶來了競爭優(yōu)勢。” KING又說:“另一個D&M獲得的競爭優(yōu)勢就是靈活性?!薄拔覀兛梢栽诤芎芏虝r間內(nèi)改變工作來應(yīng)對任何應(yīng)用,適應(yīng)現(xiàn)實中的任意型號和形狀。我們對我們所能處理的部件可以靈活操作?!? 此解決方案還為D&M每一項提供了程序所記錄的生產(chǎn)期、循環(huán)時間、噴漆類型和其它關(guān)鍵性數(shù)據(jù),在最后使用之后允許對操作年限的進(jìn)行簡單復(fù)制。 ABB的機(jī)器人為Melbourne在2006年3月獲得優(yōu)秀創(chuàng)新獎做出了很重要的貢獻(xiàn)。[/font] [FONT=times] original text [/FONT] [font=times] ABB robots boost productivity and profitability [/font] [font=times][Color=#708090]2007-08-15 - ABB robots helped an Australian spray painting company boost productivity and profitability by 80 percent and reduce paint costs by 35 percent. From modest beginnings as a two-man car repair shop in a Melbourne suburb 20 years ago, D&M Auto Industrial Spray painting has grown into a highly successful business in the very competitive and specialized field of industrial spray painting. D&M installed its first robotic paint line in 1998 and now has 20 employees and three ABB robots, with two more on the way to meet growing demand. The company spray-paints automotive parts and industrial components for an impressive customer base of local and international manufacturers. Asked why they selected ABB robots, owners Darren King and Michael Von Dort say that quality, flexibility, reliability and backup service were major considerations, and that the robotic lines have boosted productivity and profitability by 80 percent. The three IRB 5400 spray paint robots will soon be joined by two customized IRB 5400s, equipped with ABB’s cutting-edge Pattern Control (PC) bell, which reduces paint consumption by as much 35 percent compared to traditional spray guns. Less waste The PC bell sprays paint according to the exact width required – narrow on a car pillar and broad for the hood, for instance – which provides outstanding control of the amount of paint applied. “This reduces waste, giving us a competitive edge,” says King. Another competitive advantage D&M have gained, says King, is flexibility. “We have the ability to have low volume runs, as well as to change jobs every few minutes to cater to any application and to suit practically any size and shape. We are extremely flexible in the type of part we can handle.” The solutions also provide D&M with a production log that records programs, cycle times, paint type and other critical data for every item handled, allowing for the simple replication of processes years after they were last used. The ABB robots have made an important contribution to winning the Melbourne Business Award for Innovation and Excellence in March 2006. [/color][/font]










  • 運動控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機(jī)器視覺
  • 機(jī)械傳動
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機(jī)界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機(jī)器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機(jī)柜
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