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安捷倫科技推出用于Infiniium 系列示波鏡的DDR1兼容軟件



導(dǎo)語:安捷倫科技推出用于Infiniium 系列示波鏡的DDR1兼容軟件

安捷倫是第一家為三代DDR技術(shù)提供兼容軟件的廠家 安捷倫科技有限公司(NYSE: A)宣布推出一款基于DDR1兼容測試的新示波鏡。該工具為計算機(jī)、數(shù)據(jù)存儲、電子數(shù)據(jù)處理和消費(fèi)產(chǎn)品的驗(yàn)證和利用DDR1特征的工程師來說是一個理想的選擇。 安捷倫U7233A DDR1運(yùn)行在Infiniium 8000和80000系列示波鏡,基于電子器件工程聯(lián)合會JESD79E DDR SDRAM規(guī)范之上提供DDR1兼容性測量。其涉及鐘表測試、電子和計時對數(shù)的設(shè)置。 DDR1是新存儲技術(shù)的第一代產(chǎn)品,利用DDR1數(shù)據(jù)可以被傳送到時鐘升起和降落的各邊。DDR1使以前的存儲技術(shù)提高了兩倍。 安捷倫的設(shè)計驗(yàn)證部門副總裁兼總經(jīng)理Jay Alexander說:“隨著DDR1成為越來越流行的設(shè)計選擇,我們想?yún)f(xié)助設(shè)計師們和系統(tǒng)集成商們更快更容易地進(jìn)行驗(yàn)證。我們已經(jīng)提供了DDR2和DDR3解決方案,所以我們很有信心將DDR1做得很好,為用戶提供全套的DDR解決方案組合?!? DDR1可以根據(jù)每一個測試進(jìn)行自行配置示波鏡,同時在測試完成時生成HTML信息報告。其與規(guī)范結(jié)果相比較,可以很近地顯示出設(shè)備是否通過每一項(xiàng)測試。復(fù)雜的分析在設(shè)備使用范圍內(nèi)也能夠很成功,比手動進(jìn)行分析測量要更能節(jié)省用戶的時間和精力。對于想進(jìn)行多次重復(fù)測試的用戶來說,此解決方案可以提供自動的測試而不需要操作人員在現(xiàn)場。 靈活的DDR1應(yīng)用支持Infiniium 8000系列和80000系列示波鏡。如果覺得價格不菲的話,Infiniium 8000系列提供還為您提供低成本解決方案。工程師們希望在未來能夠應(yīng)用更高層次數(shù)據(jù)的DDR技術(shù),可以進(jìn)行更新,保護(hù)他們的投資。 關(guān)于安捷倫的U7233A DDR1兼容測試應(yīng)用軟件更多信息可登錄http://www.agilent.com/find/u7233a 圖片下載:http:// www.agilent.com/find/u7233a_images [font=times]original text [/font] [font=times]Agilent Technologies Introduces DDR1 Compliance Software for Infiniium Series Oscilloscope [/font] [font=times][color=#708090]Agilent is First to Offer Compliance Software for Three Generations of DDR Technology Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) today announced a new oscilloscope-based DDR1 (double data rate 1) compliance test application. This tool is ideal for engineers who need to validate and characterize DDR1 designs for computer, data storage, electronic data processing and consumer products. With the introduction of the DDR1 test application, Agilent becomes the first company to offer compliance software for all three generations of DDR technology: DDR1, DDR2 and DDR3. The Agilent U7233A DDR1 test application, which runs on Infiniium 8000 and 80000 Series oscilloscopes, provides DDR1 compliance measurements based on the Joint Electronic Device Engineering Council (JEDEC) JESD79E DDR SDRAM specifications. It covers clock, electrical and timing parameters. DDR1 is the first generation of a new breed of memory technology where data is transferred on both the rising and falling clock edges. DDR1 doubles the performance of previous memory technologies。 "With DDR1 memory being a popular choice for designs, we want to help designers and system integrators validate their designs quickly and easily," said Jay Alexander, vice president and general manager of Agilent‘s Design Validation Division. "We already offer DDR2 and DDR3 solutions, so it makes sense for us to cover DDR1 as well, offering customers a full portfolio of DDR solutions." The DDR1 application automatically configures the oscilloscope for each test and generates an informative HTML report when the test is completed. It compares the results with the specification test limit and indicates how closely the device passes or fails each test. The complex analysis runs seamlessly within the scope, saving users‘ time and effort compared to making and analyzing measurements manually. For users who need to repeat measurements many times for full characterization, the application provides automated tests to be completed without an operator present. The flexible DDR1 application is supported on the Infiniium 8000 Series and 80000 Series oscilloscopes. For engineers who are sensitive to cost, the Infiniium 8000 Series provides a low-cost solution. Engineers who might want to work on higher-data-rate DDR technology in the future can choose an 80000 Series oscilloscope and upgrade to a higher bandwidth later, protecting their investments. Additional information about Agilent‘s U7233A DDR1 compliance test application is available at www.agilent.com/find/u7233a. High-resolution images are available at www.agilent.com/find/u7233a_images.[/color][/font]








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