百通推出BRILLIANCE® AES/EBU數(shù)字音頻電纜



導(dǎo)語(yǔ):百通推出BRILLIANCE® AES/EBU數(shù)字音頻電纜

印第安納州里蒙奇消息,百通——世界領(lǐng)先的信號(hào)有線傳輸解決方案和無(wú)線網(wǎng)絡(luò)以及無(wú)線廣播、工業(yè)、居住和安全市場(chǎng)的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者,推出其Brilliance® AES/EBU數(shù)字電纜(產(chǎn)品號(hào):1353A),一種新型單雙電纜,可應(yīng)用于高低不平的環(huán)境中,且使用靈活和安裝效率高,具備高級(jí)的數(shù)字和模擬聲音性能。 百通1353A是平衡線模擬或數(shù)字音頻永久性安裝的理想選擇。對(duì)于專業(yè)用于A/V安裝的音頻電纜這是個(gè)極好的選擇,如記錄影片、廣播和TV站。以及商業(yè)音頻用安裝,如禮堂和旅館和其它通常需要音頻電纜的地方。高性能的5e電纜(TIA/EIA-568-B.2)也非常適用于戶外音樂(lè)會(huì)的聲音設(shè)備,此電纜可在苛刻的條件下應(yīng)用。 作為附加部分,新單雙AES/EBU數(shù)字化視頻電纜可以被成功應(yīng)用在平衡線模擬應(yīng)用中。電纜內(nèi)部的電容很低,使得其模擬音頻性能非常好,甚至是很長(zhǎng)的電纜。如出現(xiàn)失衡的信號(hào),附加的balun將使電纜能支持許多coax信號(hào),如模擬音頻,S/PDIF數(shù)字音頻和專業(yè)的AES3-id數(shù)字音頻以及監(jiān)視箱。 Bonded-Pair具有耐用可靠的性能 此單對(duì)數(shù)字音頻電纜1353A另一個(gè)重要的優(yōu)勢(shì)是其能提供百通專利的Bonded-Pair設(shè)計(jì),在安裝和安裝之后能提供最大化適用性。此外,Bonded-Pair技術(shù)保證了噪音最大化的不被侵入或是來(lái)自其它音頻的頻率干擾。 百通的Bonded-Pair電纜,單獨(dú)的隔絕導(dǎo)線被附在了其很長(zhǎng)縱軸上,形成了均勻的導(dǎo)線到導(dǎo)線間的空間。此特點(diǎn)在簡(jiǎn)陋環(huán)境的現(xiàn)場(chǎng)應(yīng)用環(huán)境中非常的重要。有些環(huán)境條件有可能改變Cat 5e的尺寸和一些物理性能,這些依次退化了電纜在電氣方面的性能。Bonded-Pair電纜可以抵擋這些苛刻的條件,保證電纜電阻的一致性,使其性能處于最佳狀態(tài)。 更多關(guān)于百通Banana Peel投影儀電纜信息,請(qǐng)聯(lián)系百通,郵件地址:印第安納州,里奇蒙,1980號(hào)郵箱,郵編:47375。或是訪問(wèn)網(wǎng)站:www.belden.com.。傳真:765.983.5294 關(guān)于百通 百通是全球數(shù)據(jù)網(wǎng)絡(luò)信號(hào)傳輸解決方案的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者,包括設(shè)計(jì),生產(chǎn)和營(yíng)銷,以及運(yùn)營(yíng)大范圍的專業(yè)電纜市場(chǎng):包括娛樂(lè)、工業(yè)、樓宇管理和航空應(yīng)用。百通在北美、亞洲和歐洲都擁有制造場(chǎng)地,以及在美國(guó)、加拿大、新加坡、澳大利亞和荷蘭的分銷中心。百通大量的制造和工程都通過(guò)了國(guó)際標(biāo)準(zhǔn)組織規(guī)定。 [FONT=times] original text [/FONT] [font=times] BELDEN® BRILLIANCE® AES/EBU DIGITAL AUDIO CABLES PROVIDE OPTIMAL DIGITAL/ANALOG PERFORMANCE, INSTALLATION EASE [/font] [font=times][Color=#708090]RICHMOND, IN – Belden, a world leader in the development of signal transmission solutions for wired and wireless enterprise networks, as well as broadcast, industrial, residential and building management/security markets, announces the launch of its Brilliance® AES/EBU Digital Audio Cable (Part No. 1353A), a new single-pair cable that combines ruggedness, flexibility and installation efficiency with superior digital and analog sound performance. Belden Part No. 1353A is ideal for use in permanent installations of balanced-line analog or digital audio. It is an excellent choice for audio cabling used in professional A/V installations, such as recording studios, radio and TV stations, as well as in commercial sound installations, such as auditoriums, stadiums and hotels – and other venues where conventional shielded audio cable would be used. The top-performing Category 5e cable (TIA/EIA-568-B.2) is also well-suited for use in sound equipment for outdoor concerts and other events where the cabling may be subject to harsh environmental conditions and rough handling. As a bonus, the new single-pair AES/EBU Digital Audio cable can be used successfully in balanced-line analog applications. The cable’s inherent low capacitance results in excellent analog audio performance, even over long cable runs. In the presence of unbalanced signals, the addition of a balun will enable the cable to support many coax-based signal types, such as analog audio, S/PDIF digital audio and professional AES3-id digital audio, as well as surveillance cameras. Bonded-Pair Design Means Rugged, Reliable Performance Another important advantage of the Single-pair Digital Audio Cable 1353A is that it offers Belden’s patented Bonded-Pair design, which affords the product maximum ruggedness during installation and consistent electrical properties after installation. In addition, the Bonded-Pair technology assures the maximum rejection of noise from other cables at all frequencies from audio to RF. In Belden’s Bonded-Pair cables, the individual insulated conductors are affixed along their longitudinal axes, resulting in a uniform conductor-to-conductor spacing. This feature is especially important in field applications where rough handling and environmental conditions can alter the dimensions and physical properties of conventional Cat 5e cables, which in turn can degrade its electrical performance. Bonded-Pair cables are ruggedly built to withstand the rigors of installation, thus ensuring the cables’ consistent impedance and Return Loss characteristics. For more information about Belden Brilliance AES/EBU Single-pair Digital Audio Cables, ask for Product Bulletin #267 at Belden, P.O. Box 1980, Richmond, Indiana 47375,1.800.BELDEN.1. FAX: 765.983.5294. Or visit the Web site: www.belden.com. About Belden Belden is a leader in the design, manufacture, and marketing of signal transmission solutions for data networking and a wide range of specialty electronics markets including entertainment, industrial, building management and aerospace applications. Belden has manufacturing facilities in North America, Asia and Europe as well as distribution centers in the U.S., Canada, Singapore, Australia and The Netherlands. A majority of Belden‘s manufacturing, engineering and support functions are registered to the International Organization for Standardization. [/color][/font]










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