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密爾活基(2007年10月22日)消息,羅克韋爾自動化于當(dāng)天宣布其已經(jīng)與思科合作推出用于制造業(yè)環(huán)境的基準(zhǔn)體系?;鶞?zhǔn)架構(gòu)包括:設(shè)計指南、白皮書以及教育研討會,此體系集中于制造業(yè)和IT的技術(shù)和文化需求。 這些有價值的新辦法舉例說明了怎樣在IT行業(yè)中使用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的以太網(wǎng)技術(shù)以及完整的制造業(yè),包括離散運動、過程處理、批處理、驅(qū)動和安全應(yīng)用,可以幫助制造業(yè)用戶建立更安全的信息層訪問和企業(yè)訪問。 基準(zhǔn)架構(gòu)提供了詳細的設(shè)計和最佳的執(zhí)行方法,用于廠級和整個企業(yè)。其還集合了相關(guān)的應(yīng)用、現(xiàn)代化技術(shù)和設(shè)計原理,幫助減少執(zhí)行成本并排除一些在制造業(yè)環(huán)境中關(guān)于配置技術(shù)相關(guān)的臆測工作。由羅克韋爾自動化和思科制造業(yè)客戶組成的顧問委員會,將識別基準(zhǔn)架構(gòu)作為加強產(chǎn)品操作與IT企業(yè)合作的關(guān)鍵。 羅克韋爾自動化高級副總裁Steve Eisenbrown說:“工廠擁有需要與企業(yè)業(yè)務(wù)系統(tǒng)連接用于實時生產(chǎn)優(yōu)化并能改善供應(yīng)鏈能力的關(guān)鍵數(shù)據(jù)。在那里技術(shù)以EtherNet/IP、羅克韋爾軟件解決方案的形式提供給用戶,羅克韋爾和思科致力于幫助我們共同的客戶利用技術(shù)開發(fā)最大潛能?!? 基準(zhǔn)架構(gòu)是羅克韋爾自化與思科之間正在協(xié)作創(chuàng)新的一部分。兩家公司將斷續(xù)親密合作并擴展基準(zhǔn)架構(gòu)。最新推出的設(shè)計和執(zhí)行指南結(jié)合由羅克韋爾和思科識別的其它文件將幫助用戶更恰當(dāng)?shù)嘏渲镁W(wǎng)絡(luò)。這些文件包括思科授權(quán)的安全白皮書和由ODVA會員公司授權(quán)的用于以太網(wǎng)/IP、CIP網(wǎng)絡(luò)和開關(guān)及布線推薦。基準(zhǔn)架構(gòu)資料可登http://www.ab.com/networks/architectures.html 下載。 羅克韋爾自動化和思科在四月宣布合作,在制造業(yè)領(lǐng)域使思科形成了羅克韋爾自動化解決方案合作伙伴。羅克韋爾自動化和思科還將舉行一系列教育研討會,計劃在今年晚些時候開始,幫助團體機構(gòu)理解用于制造業(yè)IT網(wǎng)絡(luò)的最優(yōu)辦法。 總部位于密爾沃基的羅克韋爾自動化公司是一家工業(yè)自動化跨國企業(yè),為制造業(yè)提供一流的動力、控制和信息技術(shù)解決方案。羅克韋爾自動化公司整合了工業(yè)自動化領(lǐng)域的知名品牌,致力于打造全方位自動化解決方案,幫助客戶提高生產(chǎn)力。這些品牌包括艾倫–布拉德利Allen-Bradley®的控制產(chǎn)品和工程服務(wù)、道奇品牌Dodge®的機械動力傳輸產(chǎn)品、瑞恩電氣Reliance Electric™制造的電機和驅(qū)動產(chǎn)品以及羅克韋爾軟件Rockwell Software®生產(chǎn)的工控軟件?,F(xiàn)有員工19000名,服務(wù)于80多個國家。 [font=times]original text [/font]
[font=times]Rockwell Automation and Cisco Release First Phase of Reference Architectures [/font]
[font=times][color=#708090]MILWAUKEE, October 22, 2007 - Rockwell Automation today announced that it has released resources for Reference Architectures for the manufacturing environment with Cisco. The Reference Architectures include design guides, white papers as well as an educational seminar series that addresses the technical and cultural convergence of manufacturing and IT. These valuable new resources illustrate how using standard Ethernet technologies in IT and integrated manufacturing, including discrete, motion, process, batch, drive and safety applications, can help manufacturing customers establish highly secure information access on the manufacturing floor and across their enterprise. The Reference Architectures offer detailed designs and best practices implementation guidance for a plant-wide or enterprise-wide architecture. They also bring together relevant applications, contemporary technologies and design principles that help decrease implementation costs and eliminate some of the guesswork related to deploying technology in manufacturing environments. An advisory council, consisting of Rockwell Automation and Cisco manufacturing customers, identified the Reference Architectures as key to facilitating better collaboration between production operations and enterprise IT. "The plant floor holds critical data that needs to be connected to enterprise business systems for real-time production optimization and improved supply chain capabilities," said Steve Eisenbrown, senior vice president, Rockwell Automation. "The technology is there in the form of EtherNet/IP and our software solutions, and Rockwell Automation and Cisco are committed to helping our joint customers use that technology to its fullest potential." The Reference Architectures are part of an ongoing collaboration initiative between Rockwell Automation and Cisco. The two companies will continue to work closely with their customers to expand the Reference Architectures. The newly released Design and Implementation Guide joins other published documents identified by Rockwell Automation and Cisco that will help end users properly deploy networks. These documents include a Cisco-authored security white paper and white papers authored by ODVA member companies on the network infrastructure for EtherNet/IP, CIP networks using standard Ethernet, and switching and routing recommendations. Reference Architecture materials can be downloaded athttp://www.ab.com/networks/architectures.html . Rockwell Automation and Cisco announced their collaboration in April, making Rockwell Automation a Cisco industry solution partner in manufacturing. Rockwell Automation and Cisco also will hold a series of educational seminars, scheduled to begin later this year, to help organizations understand best practices for manufacturing-IT network convergence. Rockwell Automation, Inc. (NYSE: ROK) is a leading global provider of industrial automation power, control and information solutions that help manufacturers achieve a competitive advantage in their businesses. The company brings together leading global brands in industrial automation which include Allen-Bradley controls and services and Rockwell Software factory management software. Headquartered in Milwaukee, Wis., the company employs about 19,000 people serving customers in more than 80 countries. [/color][/font]








  • 運動控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機器視覺
  • 機械傳動
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機柜
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