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導語:艾默生Micro Motion® ELITE®科里奧利流量計獲得加拿大CSA認證證書

艾默生Micro Motion® ELITE®科里奧利流量計成為第一個得到加拿大CSA雙重密封安全證書的儀表體系。 科羅拉多州博耳德(2007年11月7日)消息,艾默生過程管理公司宣布其所有的Micro Motion® ELITE®科里奧利流量計得到了CSA雙證書,保證了在處理易燃易爆的流體的雙重安全性,排除了二次密封的需要。CSA證書多用于美國和加拿大市場,標準為ANSI/ISA 12.27.01,用于要求電氣系統(tǒng)與可燃或易燃流體間的安全性。 此證書證明Micro Motion ELITE的全部儀表都符合"Dual Seal"條件也全部標有"Dual Seal"字樣。符合Dual Seal的產(chǎn)品就排除了由初次密封失敗造成的管道破裂、液體流出而需要二次密封的情況。美國國家電工標準和加拿大電工標準的新近改變將使此標準強行用于用戶,如果裝置的名牌上既不包括"Single Seal" 也不包括"Dual Seal",必須進行二次密封。 艾默生Micro Motion部門質(zhì)量副總裁Andy Kolbeck說:“這一證書闡述了我們對Micro Motion產(chǎn)品的高質(zhì)量保證,并為我們的客戶傳送更多的兼容性和靈活性。” 隨著"Dual Seal"證書的獲得,Micro Motion ELITE儀表由于排除了安置二次密封的需要,從而為用戶帶來了顯著的受益并節(jié)省了安裝時間和成本。尤其適用于精煉廠、石油生產(chǎn)和石化產(chǎn)品操作。在日常維護時沒有可運動機件之時,Micro Motion ELITE儀表還會傳遞牢固的內(nèi)部完整性。 Micro Motion是科里奧利系列在產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量、測量性能和可靠性方面的領先產(chǎn)品,也是艾默生加強PlantWeb®數(shù)字化工廠架構(gòu)中智能化數(shù)字化領域設備的一部分。進一步節(jié)省成本,提高工廠實用性,加強安全性以及減少對環(huán)境的污染。 [FONT=times] original text [/FONT] [font=times] Emerson’s Micro Motion® ELITE® Coriolis flowmeters are first to achieve CSA dual seal certification [/font] [font=times][Color=#708090]BOULDER, COLO (November 7, 2007) – Emerson Process Management announces that all Micro Motion® ELITE® Coriolis flowmeters have achieved CSA dual seal certification, ensuring dual seal safety when processing flammable or combustible process fluids, and eliminating the need for secondary seals. The CSA certification for the U.S. and Canadian markets is to ANSI/ISA 12.27.01 standard which presents requirements for Process Sealing between Electrical Systems and Flammable or Combustible Process Fluids. The certification shows that the entire range of Micro Motion ELITE meters are compliant and are eligible to be marked as "Dual Seal." The Dual Seal marking eliminates the need to install secondary seals to prevent the possibility of process fluids migrating under pressure through the electrical conduit, cable and wire systems in the event of a failure of the primary seal. Recent changes to the Canadian Electrical Code and National Electric Code make it mandatory for users to install secondary seals if the device does not include either a "Single Seal" or "Dual Seal" marking on the nameplate. "This certification illustrates our commitment to ensuring Micro Motion products are of the highest quality and broadest certification to deliver compliance and flexibility to our customers," said Andy Kolbeck, Vice President of Quality at Emerson’s Micro Motion division. By having the "Dual Seal" certification, Micro Motion ELITE meters provide significant customer benefits due to the elimination of the need to install secondary seals, thereby saving installation time and cost. Ideally suited for refineries, oil production and petrochemical operations, Micro Motion ELITE meters also deliver substantial inherent benefits as they have no moving parts resulting in no maintenance or repair, can be installed without flow conditions or straight pipe runs, are accurate over a wide flow range, and deliver direct mass and volume measurement. Micro Motion is the Coriolis leader in quality, measurement performance, and reliability, and is part of Emerson‘s broad range of intelligent, digital field devices that power the PlantWeb® digital plant architecture. Further cost savings, increased plant availability, and enhanced safety and environmental compliance are achieved when the flowmeters are integrated into the PlantWeb digital plant architecture.[/color][/font]








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