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Unistar核電站(UNE)是一家由EDF和Constellation Energy組建的合資公司,阿爾斯通宣布其已經(jīng)與UNE簽訂了意向書: 阿爾斯通為UNE計劃在美國建造的具有高級設(shè)計的核電廠提供最少為四個的渦輪發(fā)電機(jī)。 UniStar核能發(fā)電公司總裁兼CEO George Vanderheyden說:“與阿爾斯通達(dá)成的意向書為我們的全球供應(yīng)鏈提供了保證,Unistar將擁有關(guān)鍵的渦輪部件用于我們前四個美國ERP計劃。我們之所以選擇阿爾斯通是因為他是世界上領(lǐng)先的,核蒸汽輪發(fā)電機(jī)的提供商,具備其Arabelle技術(shù),阿爾斯通可提供很高級且有效的技術(shù)。” Vanderheyden進(jìn)一步強(qiáng)調(diào)了還沒有被最后做出建立第一個美國EPR的決定,但在與阿爾斯通的協(xié)議中已經(jīng)寫明,UEN從明年開始訂購阿爾斯通蒸汽渦輪發(fā)電機(jī)。 此與阿爾斯通達(dá)成的意向書,是在Constellation能源公司在九月份宣布與世界上最大的核電公司EDF,形成戰(zhàn)略聯(lián)合組建UNE之后達(dá)成的。UNE是Constellation能源公司與AREVA在2005年9月宣布合伙之后的擴(kuò)展聯(lián)合公司。合資企業(yè)的首要技術(shù)是核技術(shù),公司已經(jīng)在歐洲開始建造,是AREVA的美國EPR。 阿爾斯通電力系統(tǒng)總裁兼首席執(zhí)行副總裁Philippe Joubert說,此協(xié)議加固了UNE在美國核技術(shù)復(fù)興中的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)地位。他還說阿爾斯通將對資源進(jìn)行分配,使其能夠支持UNE在2015年12月的目標(biāo):完成第一個核發(fā)電廠的建成。 Mr. Joubert說:“我們很高興能被Unistar選中為其提供重要的渦輪機(jī)技術(shù)。作為世界上最大的核渦輪機(jī)系統(tǒng)提供商,我們會在正確的時間為UniStar提供經(jīng)驗和創(chuàng)新技術(shù)?!? 阿爾斯通在70多個國家擁業(yè)務(wù),為本地市場帶來了國際上的專家技術(shù)以及廣泛的知識,作為一個完整的提供商,阿爾斯通為所有主要的能源市場提供清潔、有效的高級電力技術(shù)解決方案,包括煤、天然氣、核能、水力和風(fēng)力市場。阿爾斯通被譽(yù)為世界上渦輪系統(tǒng)最棒的提供商,在世界范圍內(nèi)阿爾斯通已經(jīng)安裝了178多個,意味著世界范圍內(nèi)30%的核發(fā)電站使用的都是阿爾斯通的設(shè)備。 [FONT=times] original text [/FONT]
[font=times] UniStar selects Alstom to supply Arabelle turbines for new U.S. nuclear plants [/font]
[font=times][Color=#708090]UniStar Nuclear Energy (UNE), a joint venture between EDF and Constellation Energy, and Alstom today announced that the companies have signed a letter of intent reflecting UNE‘s selection of Alstom to supply a minimum of four turbine generators for UNE‘s planned fleet of advanced-design nuclear plants in the United States. “This agreement with Alstom gives us certainty in the global supply chain that Unistar Nuclear Energy will have vital turbine components for our first four U.S. EPRs,” said George Vanderheyden, president and chief executive officer of UniStar Nuclear Energy. "We selected Alstom because it is the world‘s leading provider of nuclear steam turbine generators. With its Arabelle technology, Alstom offers the most advanced and efficient technology.” Vanderheyden further emphasized that a final decision to build the first U.S. EPR has yet to be made but noted the agreement with Alstom positions UNE to begin ordering steam turbine generators next year. The agreement with Alstom follows Constellation Energy‘s announcement in July that it had formed a strategic joint venture with EDF, the world‘s largest operator of nuclear plants, to create UNE to develop and deploy a fleet of new nuclear power plants in the United States. UNE is itself an expansion of the partnership between Constellation Energy and AREVA announced in September 2005. The joint venture‘s prime reactor technology, which is already under construction in Europe, is AREVA‘s U.S. Evolutionary Power Reactor (EPR). Philippe Joubert, Alstom Executive Vice President and President of Alstom Power Systems, said the agreement solidifies UniStar Nuclear Energy’s position as a leader in the U.S. nuclear renaissance. He said Alstom will allocate the resources that will enable it to support UniStar Nuclear Energy’s December 2015 target for completing its first nuclear power plant. "We are pleased to have been selected as Unistar‘s supplier of choice for essential turbine technology," said Mr. Joubert. "As the world‘s largest supplier of nuclear turbine systems, we bring both experience and a history of innovation that make us the right partner at the right time for UniStar." Alstom, with operations in 70 countries, brings international expertise and extensive knowledge of local markets as a fully integrated provider of clean, efficient and technologically advanced power generation solutions in all key energy markets (including coal, natural gas, nuclear and hydro and wind.). The world’s No. 1 supplier of nuclear turbine systems, Alstom has installed more than 178 units worldwide, meaning that more than 30 percent of the entire worldwide nuclear installed base uses Alstom equipment.[/color][/font]








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