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安捷倫科技推出工業(yè)上第一個DisplayPort符合性特性測試解決方案. 2007年12月5日加州圣克拉拉消息,安捷倫科技有限公司(NYSE: A)于當(dāng)天宣布推出用于Infiniium DSO80000系列示波鏡DisplayPort符合性測試軟件的擴(kuò)展版1.5版. 1.5版本的軟件添加了更多符合性控制測試和附加的用于鏈接層符合性的確認(rèn)測試,為原版軟件提供了廣泛的發(fā)射器和電纜端物理鏈接層測試. 安捷倫U7232A符合性測試軟件1.5版提供嚴(yán)格的符合性測試,根據(jù)DisplayPort符合性測試規(guī)范. 軟件提供三種模式物理層測試: 1 在第一種模式中,工程師們根據(jù)CTS僅選擇設(shè)備的性能和測試的數(shù)量(一種、多種還是所有測試);測試完之后僅在結(jié)構(gòu)中運(yùn)行(預(yù)加強(qiáng)、級別、碼率、線路). 2 第二種模式可使工程師能自由增加或是減少配置. 3 第三種模式允許任何特殊構(gòu)造的特性測試,允許在這些結(jié)果之上進(jìn)行統(tǒng)計(jì)計(jì)算或是重復(fù)性分析. 1.5版本還提供附加的物理層確認(rèn)測試用于鏈接層測試. 這些測試要求高速鏈接的信號級、預(yù)加強(qiáng)或是碼率,都必須經(jīng)過測量并注明與鏈接層命令不符合的地方. 安捷倫示波鏡業(yè)務(wù)部副總裁兼總經(jīng)理Jay Alexander說:“此軟件的更新在符合發(fā)射器測試方面取得了明顯的進(jìn)步,擴(kuò)展了過程測試性能. 此軟件的推出僅是我們對DisplayPort標(biāo)準(zhǔn)持續(xù)更新的一個實(shí)例. ” 關(guān)于安捷倫U7232A DisplayPort符合性測試解決方案的附加信息請登錄:www.agilent.com/find/DisplayPort ,高清晰圖片可登錄:www.agilent.com/find/displayport_images 下載. 價(jià)格及售貨情況 安捷倫DisplayPort符合性測試解決方案1.5版現(xiàn)售價(jià):6000美元. [font=times]original text [/font] [font=times]Agilent Technologies Improves Industry‘s First DisplayPort Source Compliance, Characterization Test Solution [/font] [font=times][color=#708090]SANTA CLARA, Calif., Dec. 5, 2007 Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) today introduced an extension to its DisplayPort compliance test software for Infiniium DSO80000 Series oscilloscopes. Software version 1.5 adds more controlled compliance tests and additional validation tests for link-layer compliance testing to the extensive source and cable-end physical-layer tests provided in the original software. The addition of automated measurements for compliance and characterization testing offers a clear advancement in the speed and ease of these tests. The Agilent U7232A compliance test software version 1.5 offers strict compliance testing according to the DisplayPort Compliance Test Specification (CTS). The software offers three modes of physical-layer test: • In the first mode, engineers simply select the device capability and the number of tests (one, many or all tests); the tests then run only in the configuration (pre-emphasis, level, bit rate, lane) required by the CTS. • A second mode enables engineers to add or delete configurations. • The third mode allows characterization testing of any specific configuration and allows for statistical evaluation or repeatability analysis on these results. Version 1.5 also adds physical-layer validation for link-layer tests. These tests require that the signal level, pre-emphasis or bit rate of the high-speed link be measured and noted for change in compliance to the link-layer commands. "This software upgrade adds a significant step in compliance source testing, with expanded test process capability," said Jay Alexander, vice president and general manager of Agilent‘s oscilloscope business. "It is an example of our ongoing commitment to the DisplayPort standard. Our customers will find the new software simplifies their compliance testing and decreases their overall test time." Additional information about Agilent‘s U7232A DisplayPort compliance test solution is available at www.agilent.com/find/DisplayPort. High-resolution images are available at www.agilent.com/find/displayport_images. U.S. Pricing and Availability The Agilent DisplayPort compliance test solution version 1.5 is available now at a price of $6,000.[/color][/font]








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