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艾默生幫助改進比利時Duvel Moortgat釀酒廠的產量和效率



導語:艾默生幫助改進比利時Duvel Moortgat釀酒廠的產量和效率

艾默生幫助改進比利時Duvel Moortgat釀酒廠的產量和效率. 來自艾默生Rosemount Analytical®的pH傳感器能適用于高溫環(huán)境,能降低傳感器失敗性報警并改進可靠性. 德州奧斯汀2007年12月10日消息,來自艾默生過程管理的Rosemount Analytical Model 3300HT PERpH-X™高性能PH傳感器,能使位于比利時Puurs的Duvel Moortgat釀酒廠解決產量問題并提高效率. 先前安裝的PH傳感器,多用于監(jiān)測植物進入發(fā)酵容器,這種方法已經(jīng)變的越來越不可靠,變頻器僅能適用幾天,或使用壽命最長為一個月左右.這是由于過程中不可避免的溫度驟變引起的,需應用85-90°C的清洗液. Rosemount Analytical Model 3300HT高性能PH傳感器結合設計創(chuàng)新,可以在較困難或是溫度較高過程環(huán)境中延長傳感器使用壽命,誤差溫度高達145°C.用于3300HT的ACCUGLASS™改善了傳感器的響應速度,可使傳感器具有耐熱沖擊性能.加強的十字岔管接頭參考電極利用外部凝膠體抵抗由溫度和壓力變化引起的泵抽吸運動.為替換損失的電解液,Rosemount分析儀器會重新填滿,利用凝膠體填充注射器可以被重新填滿,擴展此部分裝置的使用壽命. 在Duvel Moortgat釀酒廠,3300HT PERpH-X傳感器的試運轉展示了其不用任何關注能執(zhí)行三個多月的性能,通過利用電解液凝膠體工具包,傳感器重新恢復到工作狀態(tài)僅需半小時. 通過在現(xiàn)場引進Rosemount 3300HT傳感器的計劃維修,Duvel Moortgat每年可以節(jié)省成本1200歐元,由于改進了可靠性,減少了傳感器的失敗性警告,進而提供了更多的受益. 隨著這一應用的成功,配有Model 1055R分析儀的Rosemount Analytical 3300HT傳感器現(xiàn)已被專用于Duvel Moortgat新擴展釀酒廠的植物發(fā)酵生產線的監(jiān)測. [font=times]original text [/font] [font=times]Emerson helps to improve production and efficiency for Duvel Moortgat brewery in Belgium [/font] [font=times][color=#708090]Rosemount Analytical® pH sensors from Emerson withstand high temperature cleaning cycles, reducing sensor failure alarms and improving reliability at brewery. AUSTIN, TEXAS (December 10, 2007) —— The advanced design and high temperature tolerance of the Rosemount Analytical Model 3300HT PERpH-X™ high performance pH sensors from Emerson Process Management have enabled the Duvel Moortgat brewery in Puurs, Belgium, to solve a production problem and improve efficiency. The previously installed pH sensors, monitoring the wort passing to the fermentation vessel, had become increasingly unreliable, at times only performing properly for a few days, with lifetime at best being a month or so. This was attributed to the temperature shocks inevitable in the process, which uses cleaning fluids at 85-90°C. The Rosemount Analytical Model 3300HT high performance pH sensors incorporate design innovations that prolong sensor life in difficult hot processes, tolerating temperatures up to 145°C. The ACCUGLASS™ bulb used in the 3300HT improves the sensor speed of response, and makes the sensor tolerant to thermal shocks. The enhanced double junction reference electrode uses an outer gel based reference that retains viscosity, to resist the pumping action produced by temperature and pressure changes. To replace lost electrolyte, a Rosemount Analytical custom refill kit is available as an accessory. Using a gel filled syringe, the outer reference can be refilled, extending the life of the unit. At the Duvel Moortgat brewery, initial trials with the 3300HT PERpH-X sensor showed it performed without any attention for over 3 months and then, by using the electrolyte gel refill kit, the sensor was returned to service within half an hour. By introducing planned maintenance to the Rosemount 3300HT sensors on the site, Duvel Moortgat expects to save direct costs of over 1200 Euros a year, with the improved reliability and lack of sensor failure alarms providing further benefits. Following this success, Rosemount Analytical 3300HT sensors with the Model 1055 analyzers are now being specified for similar wort line monitoring in a new brewery expansion project for Duvel Moortgat. [/color][/font]








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  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機界面
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  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機器人
  • 低壓電器
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