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新建成的廠預計每天將生產(chǎn)7,000桶原油。 瑞士蘇黎世2007年12月10日消息,全球領先的電氣自動化技術集團ABB,在意大利Eni SpA處獲得設計建造新離岸原油冶煉廠訂單,價值8600萬。 新廠預計于2010年建成,預計日產(chǎn)原油7,000桶,天然氣670萬立方英尺。這是大型離岸油田工程的一部分,其包括硫磺處理廠,水處理廠和一個發(fā)電廠。 ABB將負責設計、試運行、施工和啟動服務,還有全部的工程監(jiān)理工作。ABB將提供包括800xA分布式控制包,緊急停產(chǎn)和負責整個工程的自動化系統(tǒng),以及用于新電站的電氣系統(tǒng)。 ABB過程自動化部領導Veli-Matti Reinikkala說:“此重要的訂單為我們向主要的油氣工程提供所有元素的能力做出了要求。ABB在管理的傳送油氣工程方面有豐富的經(jīng)驗,結合我們深度的技術與服務,能為客戶提供執(zhí)行復雜工程所需的綜合方法?!? 關于Eni Eni是世界上最大的綜合性能源公司之一,服務于油氣、發(fā)電、石化、油田建設服務和工程領域。 關于ABB ABB是電力和自動化技術領域的全球領導廠商,致力于為工業(yè)和電力行業(yè)客戶提供解決方案,以幫助客戶提高生產(chǎn)效率,同時降低對環(huán)境的不良影響。ABB集團的業(yè)務遍布全球100多個國家,擁有大約110,000名雇員。 [FONT=times] original text [/FONT]
[font=times] ABB wins $86-million oil and gas order in Italy [/font]
[font=times][Color=#708090]The new plant will process 7,000 barrels of crude oil a day Zurich, Switzerland, Dec.10, 2007 – ABB, the leading power and automation technology group, has won a contract worth more than $86 million from Eni SpA to design and construct a new oil processing plant in an onshore oil field in Italy. The plant, scheduled for completion in 2010, will process almost 7,000 barrels of crude oil and 6.7 million cubic feet of gas per day. It is part of the larger onshore oil field development project, which includes a sulfur treatment plant, wellhead facilities and a power generation plant. ABB will provide engineering, design, commissioning, construction and startup services, as well as overall project management supervision. In addition, ABB will provide automation systems including a System 800xA distributed control package, emergency shutdown, and fire and gas systems for the whole project, as well as the electrical system for a new power station. “This important order underscores our ability to deliver all elements of major oil and gas projects,” said Veli-Matti Reinikkala, head of ABB’s Process Automation division. “ABB’s broad expertise in managing and delivering oil and gas projects, combined with our vast range of technology and services, gives customers the comprehensive approach needed to execute complex projects.” Eni is one of the biggest integrated energy companies in the world, operating in the oil and gas, power generation, petrochemicals, oilfield services construction and engineering industries. ABB (www.abb.com) is a leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve performance while lowering environmental impact. The ABB Group of companies operates in around 100 countries and employs more than 110,000 people. [/color][/font]








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